Character Book LEVEL.1 Interview 17
The relationship between Hojo Emu / Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and Parad / Kamen Rider ParaDX has been revealed.
How do Iijima Hiroki and Kai Shouma, who play the roles of Emu and Parad, think about the relationship between the two, who are inseparable from each other, and how do they plan to express it in the future? While looking back on the hints woven throughout the story, they talk about each other’s feelings!

Iijima: Compared to the beginning of the film, there are much more opportunities to shoot with Shoma.
Kai: From about episode 15. At the same time, it’s slowly revealed that Emu and Parad are the same person.
Iijima: Our heights are so different, though.
Kai: (laughs)
Iijima: I wonder where the viewers noticed the relationship between us.
最初に「あれ?」と思うのは16話だったんじゃない? 永夢の目が一瞬赤く光った直後にパラドが現れたシlン。振リ向いたら噴水の上にパラドが座っていて。
Kai: It was probably episode 16 that made you think, “Huh?”. Right after Emu’s eyes glowed red for a moment, Parad appeared. When he turned around, Parad was sitting on top of the fountain.
Iijima: There was foreshadowing in episode 19, wasn’t there? In that episode, I was Gamer M all the way to the end, but Parad didn’t show up during that time.
Kai: It’s after you return to Emu that Parad comes into play. “Welcome back, Emu,” he said. A bold hint.
Iijima: It will come out as Emu’s evil heart in episode 23. He whispered in his ear.
Kai: A scene suggesting that we erase Gemn.
Iijima: I think that’s a great hint there too. When we were shooting, I thought, “Distance, we’re too close!!” (laughs)
Kai: The scene where Parad speaks is basically his normal distance. When he talks to Graphite and Genm, he’s also very close.
Iijima: In episode 23, I saw Shoma’s face very close to mine. (laughs)
Kai: It may be close from a human point of view, but you have to remember that bugsters are not the same as humans. You can’t measure their behavior with human yardsticks.
Iijima: So that’s what that distance is! (laughs)
Kai: That’s right, lol. By the way, we became very aware of each other’s existence after the relationship between the two started to be depicted, didn’t we?
Iijima: Parad is an essential part of Emu’s life. Without Parad, there would be no Gamer M.
Kai: The opposite is also true. Without Emu, Parad could not have existed.
Iijima: We are inseparable. Emu and Parad are two sides of the same coin.
Kai: In order to bring that out, I’ve been watching Hiroki’s acting closely both on the set and on air.
Iijima: I also watch Shoma’s acting very closely. There have been a number of plays that I believe would never have been created had I not been at the mercy of Parad. In episode 23, when he defeated Gemn, he made me feel like I had to make him pay for his sins. When Emu was taken over by Parad, we talked about how to make him more Parad-like.
Kai: After 30 episodes, you have an established image of the character, so you can predict how he will act. Now it’s up to me to figure out how to play my role in it. Emu is very pure and untainted, and he throws his heart and soul into saving the patients. I think the challenge for the future is how to match that undeniable sense of justice with the justice that Parad has as a bugster. The relationship between Emu and Parad is a clash of justice and righteousness, so we need to find an answer to the other’s play through our relationship.
Iijima: I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, so I have a lot of exploring to do.
Kai: Maybe Parad will remain an enemy, or maybe he will fight together with Emu.
Iijima: But no matter how it turns out, we need to influence each other more in the future.
Kai: They are two sides of the same coin, aren’t they? Anyway, isn’t “Kamen Rider Ex-Aid” difficult? The setting is complicated!
Iijima: I feel like it’s gotten more complicated, especially with all the “reprogramming” and such coming out (lol).
Kai: If you miss the first appearance of reprogramming, you can’t keep up with the story…
Iijima: I would have panicked (laughs).
The two sides of the fight
Kai: All of the interactions between Emu and Parad are foreshadowing, and I think they’re important to follow the story, but what scenes left a strong impression on you?
Iijima: I think it was each other’s Max Dai Henshin. That was exciting.
30話だよね。 正面で向き合って、同時にマックス大変身したシーン!
Kai: Episode 30, right? The scene where they faced each other head on and did the Max Dai Henshin at the same time!
Iijima: Parad basically transforms without any major action, but when he became level 99, he was a boss similar to Emu.
Kai: Finally, the two of them are on the same level. It’s Parad who wins, though (laughs).
Iijima: That’s because Parad is the original.
パラドが入っていたからこそ、ゲーマーMが成立していたわけだからね。パラドが抜けたらただの “宝生永夢” だし。
Kai: Gamer M was only possible because Parad was in it. Without Parad, it’s just “Hojo Emu”.
Iijima: I was beaten to a pulp (crying). But the shooting was exciting. It was a lot of fun. What was your favorite scene?
Kai: The end of episode 18, I think. The scene where Parad grabs Kuroto after he reveals that Emu has game disease. That was the first time Parad showed the “anger” part of his emotions, so it left a strong impression on me.
Iijima: I remember it well because it was a very important scene for me.
Kai: It’s also a nice touch that I’m not sure if Parad is on Emu’s side or not.
Iijima: It’s nice that there’s still a mystery.
Kai: As a result, it looks like he’s taking sides, but in reality it’s “I want to take him down, so nobody mess with him”.
Iijima: Because even after that, Parad continues to enhance Emu. Like when he got the gashat to become Mighty Brothers XX, Parad is trying to agitate and play with Emu, but also trying to raise him to a higher level.
Kai: As Parad has said many times, “Emu’s power is not like this.” Parad believes that Emu can still exceed his limits, and he wants to challenge him to a decisive battle when Emu has reached his highest level.
Iijima: Simply put, it’s a confrontation between the human Emu and the bugster M.
さらに極端に言うと、 “自分対自分”。
Kai: To take it to the extreme, it’s “me versus myself.”
Iijima: The scenes where you can see the relationship between them are fun to play. I can show the various emotions of Emu.
Kai: I was confused at first, though.
Iijima: If you say “my Emu,” well, you know (laughs). He’s a doctor, so rather than wanting to defeat Parad at any cost, he wants to live in peace. He’s the type of person who doesn’t like to get into trouble.
Kai: That’s true.
Iijima: And yet, Parad is agitated, isn’t he? When Emu confronts him with the enthusiasm of wanting him to change his way of thinking, he becomes even more agitated. I mean, Shoma, your theatrics are too good!
Kai: Because Parad has to make Emu take him seriously (lol).
Iijima: It’s not a “Come on, come on, come on!” kind of thing, it’s a quiet, gradual kind of thing, right? My Gamer M play is definitely inspired by that.
Kai: To stir things up without saying it directly?
Iijima: He says it in a gentle, huffy way, but it’s the opposite that sinks into Emu’s heart. The scene in episode 23 where he said in my ear, “Can you forgive the guy who killed Lazer?” That scene was really dangerous!
Kai: Seeing Emu confused, hurt, and angry makes Parad’s heart boil. Seeing Emu in high spirits makes Parad happy. It’s truly “heart-pumping”.
Iijima: At the end of episode 30, the tension between Emu and Parad rises dramatically, and we get excited too.
Kai: Those scenes mean that the fighting spirit is rising, so they’re transforming, and there’s a lot of postrecording. Especially in episodes 29 and 30, when the tension between Emu and Parad is at its highest, most of the battle scenes are dubbed.
Iijima: Indeed. The key will be how we can continue to raise our spirits in the recording sessions.
Kai: It’s going to be more difficult to record.
Iijima: I’ll have to give it my all.
Beyond different beliefs…
Kai: When Hiroki gets into the role, his eyes suddenly shine. When you see his eyes light up, he’s already in the role of Emu. Sometimes I think it’s like a switch.
Iijima: Is that so?
逆に言うと、役に入っていない時は目に光がない (笑)。
Kai: Conversely, when he’s not in the role, there’s no light in his eyes (laughs).
よく言われる。SNSに自撮り写真を載せても、「目がうつろです」ってコメントをいただいたリ (笑)。自覚はあるよ (笑)。
Iijima: When I post selfies on social media, I often get comments like, “Your eyes are so blank.” (laughs). I’m aware of it (laughs).
(爆笑)! よく言えば切り替え上手。目に光がなくたって、根暗なわけじゃないしね。
Kai: (Laughs)! Speaking well, switching is good. The lack of light in your eyes doesn’t mean it’s dark.
Iijima: Is that a compliment?
Kai: Anyway…… is that what you call a moody person?
Iijima: I’ll admit it. When I want to be quiet, I’ll be quiet, and when I want to make noise, I’ll make noise, because I’m type B.
僕もB型だから、わかる気が (笑)。
Kai: I’m also a B type, so I feel like I understand (laughs).
Iijima: In fact, most of the cast of Ex-Aid is B type.
Kai: Toshiki, Ukyo-kun, and Reina-chan are all B-type.
Iijima: And Hanamaru Hakata, who plays the role of Haima!
濃い集団だね (爆笑)?
Kai: A dense group, huh?
客観的に見るとカオスだよ。話が噛み合ってないことも多いし (笑)。
Iijima: From an objective point of view, it’s chaos. There are a lot of things we don’t talk about (laughs).
Kai: Everyone is moody, so they don’t care if they don’t mesh. That’s the way it is. That’s what makes us comfortable. In the beginning, Parad had a lot of solo scenes, so I didn’t have time to spend with everyone, so I couldn’t be part of the cast. Recently, I’ve been spending more time with everyone, and every day is fun.
最近ではうるさいくらいだもん。若いからバイタリティがすごいし (笑)。
Iijima: It’s so noisy nowadays. You’re young, so you have great vitality (laughs).
Kai: We’re only a year apart!
Iijima: The freshness is different. Shoma has a freshness that only a teenager can have. Sometimes he looks childish, and other times he looks surprisingly mature. I think it’s great that the range of age is alive in Parad’s role.
Kai: He can become an adult or a child on a whim.
その振り幅も、時々作裂する鋭いツッコミも、最強 (笑)!
Iijima: His range and his occasional tsukkomi are the strongest (lol)!
Kai: I’ve always considered myself more of a tsukkomi than a boke, but am I that sharp?
Iijima: It sticks straight to the heart.
よく一発が重いって言われる (笑)。
Kai: People often say that one shot is too heavy (laughs).
そんな感じ (爆笑)。でもまあ、僕も思いついたことはパッパッと言うようにしているから、イヤな感じはまったくない!
Iijima: Something like that (laughs). But I try to say what comes to my mind quickly, so I don’t feel bad at all!
Kai: There are no walls between us.
Iijima: I’d start singing on a whim.
気づけばみんなで大合唱 (笑)!!
Kai: The next thing you know, we’re all singing in chorus (lol)!
その日、一番テンションが高い人が指揮を執って (笑)。
Iijima: The person who was the most excited that day took the lead (laughs).
Kai: I feel like I have more opportunities to lead now.
Iijima: (laughs)
Kai: I think it’s a great set. Once the shooting starts, Hiroki, Toshiki, and the others get into the roles quickly, so we can keep a good sense of tension.
Iijima: Everyone is good at switching sides, aren’t they? By the way, what do you think the relationship between Emu and Parad will be like in the future?
Kai: There’s a character called Gemdeus who is the strongest character in the bugster. And the only one who can defeat him is Kamen Rider Kronos. Until we find out if we’re going to team up with him or remain enemies with him, it’s hard to say.
Iijima: There are a lot of unexpected twists and turns, so it’s like we’re just exploring.
Kai: Kamen Rider Paradox’s design is more heroic, so I think it’s not surprising that he’s on Emu’s side. But my wish is for Parad to remain an enemy of Emu until the end! If you think of Parad as a hero of the Bugster, that design makes sense!
Iijima: I thought it would be fun if Emu and Parad could work together, and if I called out, “Parad!” I could instantly transfer or split, it would play out like in an anime. It would also be interesting to keep the tension between the two enemies.
Kai: Humans have human feelings, and bugsters have bugster feelings. If those different beliefs can be merged somewhere, I think it would be fun to be on the same side.
Iijima: Whether we are fighting as enemies or working together to confront strong enemies, I hope we can continue to move forward, both bumping into and receiving inspiration from each other. I’m going to try to eat up Parad, and I hope Parad will try to eat up Emu.
負けないよ (笑)! 今後、永夢とパラドは今まで以上に絡んでいくはずだから、切後球磨しながら頑張ろうね。
Kai: I’m not going to lose (laughs)! In the future, Emu and Parad will be more intertwined than ever, so let’s work hard while doing our best.
Iijima: Please take care of me until the end!!