Interview 1 from Ex-Aid Character Book Level.0
Hojo Emu is a child-friendly trainee doctor and a confident genius gamer. In order to save his patients, he chooses to fight as Kamen Rider Ex-Aid. Iijima Hiroki, who plays the role, feels it is difficult to switch between the two sides, and is doing his best to play the role of the straightforward and slightly clumsy Emu. What are the joys and difficulties of being on set for the first time?

「仮面ライダーエグゼイド」のオーディションに合格して出演が決まった一ときは、自分が置かれている状況が理解できず、「ああ、本当に合格したんだー (棒読み)」という感じでした。うれしすぎて実感がわかないってこういうことか、ということを実感したといいますか (笑)。制作発表が終わった後、地元の友人たちが喜んでくれて、連絡一がたくさんありまして。家族は「おめでとう」とは言ってくれましたが、そこまで大喜びというわけではありませんでした。たぶん僕と同じで、実感がわかなかったんだと思います (笑)。
When I passed the audition for "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid" and was chosen to appear in the show, I couldn't understand the situation I was in and felt like, "Oh, I really passed the audition (in a monotone voice)". I realized that this is what it means to be too happy to feel (laughs). After the announcement of the production, my friends in my hometown were very happy, and I received a lot of calls. My family said, "Congratulations," but they weren't that overjoyed. I guess they were like me and didn't really feel it (laughs).
I played several roles in the audition, but the character's personality setting was almost the same as now. When I heard about the character of Hojo Emu again after I was chosen to play the role, I found out that he was a "intern doctor at a hospital" with a "strong work ethic" and a "gamer when he's not working". In addition, he is "hard working," "straightforward," and "never gives up". He also has "a strong desire to protect his patients".
16 years ago, when he was 8 years old, a doctor saved his life, and he decided that he wanted to become a person who could save others, and he followed his will and became an intern. There are glimpses of what happened 16 years ago, but when I try to imagine what kind of child he was from then until he became the Emu we know today... I'm sure he studied hard and diligently.
The most difficult part of playing Emu is to distinguish between his two different sides. When he plays a game, he goes into "gamer mode" and his strong and confident side comes out, but the other day I was told to "play it more relaxed". It's still difficult for me to switch. Basically, Emu switches to gamer mode when he transforms into Kamen Rider Ex-Aid.
When he transforms into Ex-Aid and fights, he has a sense of freedom and a competitive spirit that says 'I can clear this'. He always has the desire to help others, and he's half hardworking and half relaxed. It's difficult for me not to become the exact opposite of my character. And the fact that he's transforming means that I'm acting in postrecording. It's my first time to do it, so it's even more difficult.
地声が低いので、永夢のときは少し高く出して、ゲーマーのときは素に近く、けれどテンションは高めで演技するようにしています。最初のアフレコのとき、ノリノリで演じていたら、「ガラが悪い」と注意されたんですけど (苦笑)。自信があるところを強調しすぎて“オラオラ系”にならないように気をつけないと。子どもたちが持つヒーローのイメージを裏切りたくはありませんから。
My natural voice is low, so I try to make it a little higher when I'm playing Emu, and when I'm playing gamer mode, I try to act as if I'm playing myself, but with more tension. During the first recording session, when I was playing the role with a lot of enthusiasm, I was warned not to become too ill-mannered (bitter smile). I have to be careful not to overemphasize my confidence and become an "ora ora" type. I don't want to betray the image of a hero that children have.
Falling down is part of the action
永夢の研修医としての日常、診察しているシーンも描かれます。小児科動務なので、患者である子どもたちに優しく対応しています。子どもにとってお医者さんは怖いイメージがあるでしょうし、白衣を見るだけで怖がる子もいますよね。だから永夢は「怖くないよ」という気持ちが周りに伝わるように振る舞っています。ただ永夢は白衣の下に派手なTシャツを着ていますが、これは注意されないんですかね?付き添いの親御さんたちに、バッと見て医者だと思ってもらえるのかな… (笑)。
It also depicts Emu's daily life as a trainee doctor, and scenes of him examining patients. Since he works in pediatrics, he treats his patients, the children, gently. For children, doctors can have a scary image, and just the sight of a white coat can scare some of them. That's why Emu behaves so that the feeling of "I'm not scary" is conveyed to the people around him. However, Emu wears a flashy t-shirt under his lab coat, but isn't this something to be careful about? I wonder if the parents accompanying him will think he's a doctor when they see him... (laughs).
永夢は研修医になれたわけですから、学業では優秀なはずですよね。その反面、やたらと転んだり、ドジっ子っぽいところがあるんです(笑)。“転ぶキャラクター”だと聞かされたときは、「そうなんですか」くらいの感想でしたけど、思っていたより転ぶシーンが多くて、「こんなに?」と思っています (笑)。
Since Emu was able to become an intern, he should have excelled in his studies, right? On the other hand, he tends to fall down a lot and he looks like a dojikko (laughs). When I was told that I was going to be a character who falls down, I was just like, "Really?" But there are more scenes where I fall down than I expected, and I'm thinking, "So many?" (laughs).
同じ転ぶのでも、痛いときとそうでないときがあるんですよ。転ぶ演技は好きですし、苦にはならないですけど。いや、決して痛いのが好きというわけではありませんが (笑)!転び方について細かい指導はないので、自分なりに考えてやっています。どうすれば自然に見えるのか、逆に派手に見えるのかとか、工夫しがいがありますね。体を動かすのは好きですし、ある程度の自信もあります。アクションは積極的に学んで、挑戦したい。
There are times when it hurts and times when it doesn't, even if it's the same fall. I like falling down, and it doesn't bother me. No, it's not that I like the pain (laughs)! I don't have any detailed instructions on how to fall, so I do it in my own way. It's fun to think about how to make it look natural, or conversely, how to make it look flashy. I like to move my body, and I have a certain amount of confidence. I want to actively learn and challenge myself in action.
I believe that even falling down is part of the action. Other than that, there's a lot of running and dodging, but I believe I'm getting there. In particular, the director of episodes 3 and 4, Sakamoto Koichi, is someone who shoots a lot of action scenes, and I enjoyed responding to his detailed requests like "do it more like this". I have some things to reflect on that I should have done better, but I would like to continue to learn by responding to instructions and devising my own ways.
As the filming progressed, I was able to grasp the Emu's character little by little. Well, maybe grasped is not the right word. I can't really describe it, but it's getting easier to play. At first, I was groping for how to express myself, but now I can understand how Emu would think and how he would express himself. I don't know if I've gotten closer to Emu or if Emu has gotten closer to me... I can't say that we've become one yet. If I were to compare it to a role-playing game, I think my level has risen to the point where I can beat the weakest monsters in the beginning, but I don't feel like I'm getting stronger because new enemies keep popping up.
Ideally, you shouldn't worry about the level, and as you learn through shooting, you will realize, "I was able to beat this strong monster!". There are many issues that need to be cleared in order to achieve this. What I feel most often at present is "connection". We don't always shoot scenes in the same order as the story, and sometimes we shoot a scene halfway through and then shoot the rest the next day. If you don't think about the connection between your feelings and your performance, it will become unnatural.
A lot to learn from the people around you
仮面ライダーといえば、変身ポーズが大事ですよね!もともと提案していただいたポーズがあったんですが、どうしてもしっくりこない部分がありまして…。生意気ながら意見を出させていただき、自分なりにアレンジさせていただいた結果、今のものに決まりました。まずエグゼイドレベル1になるわけですが、初めて「これが、君の変身する仮面ライダーだよ」とレベル1のデザインを見せていただいたときは、かなりの衝撃でした。正直言うと「“ゆるキャラ”?」と思い… (笑)。
Speaking of Kamen Rider, the transformation pose is very important! There was a pose that was originally proposed to me, but something about it didn't quite fit… Although I was a bit cheeky, I was able to express my opinions, and after arranging it in my own way, I decided on the current one. First of all, there was Ex-Aid Level 1, and when I was first shown the design of Level 1 and told, "This is the Kamen Rider you will transform into," I was quite shocked. To be honest, I thought "A mascot character?"... (laughs).
But when I saw it in action for the first time on site, all I could say was, "It's so cute!". The sight of a Level 1 character facing off against a tough enemy is a bit surreal and leaves a lasting impression. But when they become Level 2, they change completely and become cool. You'll especially love the profile!
I often talk with the suit actors on set. With Takaiwa-san, who is playing the role of Ex-Aid Level 2, I will check various things, like how he feels when he untransforms, and how to express the degree of exhaustion.
I'm also being taught how to run and stop in a cool way. I know I'm stating the obvious, but everyone's moves are truly amazing! Everything is a learning experience.
I get along well with all the cast members, discussing acting with them. All of them are doing things that I can't do, and I learn a lot from them even when I'm acting in the same scene with them or watching from the outside. In particular, Matsuda-san is amazing at switching between acting as Asuna and Poppy Pipopapo. There are two sides to Emu as well, so I'm learning a lot from her.
撮影は楽しいですけど、夏場は暑さとの闘いなんですね。衣裳の白衣が風を通さないので、暑さを増してくれちゃうんです (苦笑)。ただでさえ僕、すごい汗っかきなんですよ。集中力を落とさないためにも汗を何とかしたいんですが、止められないですし… (泣)。涼しくなるのを待って、今は我慢のときですね!と言いながら、秋や冬には寒さという問題も出てくるんでしょうけど… (苦笑)。
Filming is fun, but in the summer it's a battle against the heat. The white coats don't allow any wind to pass through, so they make it even hotter (bitter smile). I sweat a lot. I want to do something about it so that I don't lose my concentration, but I can't stop myself from sweating... (cries). Now is the time to be patient and wait for the weather to cool down! But I'm sure the problem of coldness will come up in autumn and winter... (bitter smile).
「仮面ライダーエグゼイド」は、人間が仮面ライダーに変身するだけではなく、仮面ライダーもまた変身します。姿かたちも含めて、いろいろなものがゲームのようにレベルアップしていく作品であるところが見どころだと思っています。永夢については、負けない気持ちやまっすぐな性格でもって、戦いを経て成長やレベルアップしていく姿を見守っていただきたいです。1年後にはきっと“ラスボス”を倒せるレベルになっているはずです。最終的に倒すべき相手が誰なのかは、現時点ではまったくわかりませんけど (笑)。演じる僕も、1年を通して永夢と一緒に成長していきたいです。応援、よろしくお願いします!
In "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid," not only do humans transform into Kamen Riders, but Kamen Riders also transform. I think the highlight of this show is that many things, including the form, are upgraded like in a game. As for Emu, I hope that you will watch him grow and improve through battles with his unyielding spirit and straightforward personality. I'm sure that in a year's time, I'll be at a level where I can defeat the "last boss". I have no idea at this point who the final opponent will be, though (laughs). I'd also like to grow together with Emu throughout this year. Thank you for your support!