Interview 1 from Ex-Aid Character Book LEVEL.1
The range of Hojo Emu/Kamen Rider Ex-Aid's character continues to expand as his surprising relationship with Dan Kuroto and Parad is revealed one after another. How did Iijima Hiroki, who plays the role, nurture and develop the extremely different duality of Emu, the intern, and M, the gamer? Let's take a closer look at each personality and explore their turning points.
As Gamer M appears more and his past and truths are revealed, the character's range has expanded. However, I don't think much has changed in terms of the fundamental nature of Hojo Emu. As a doctor, he wants to save his patients. He wants to make them feel better, not only physically but also mentally! The doctor's desire to make people smile is one of Emu's strong points and the core of his character, so I try to keep that core in mind when expressing any emotion.
Emu is the kind of person who wants to make not only his patients but also his enemies smile. He believes that there is goodness even in bad people, so even when he's facing an enemy, he tries to bring out the good in them. In Kuroto's final scene in episode 23, he suggested, "Why don't you repent and make amends?". On the other hand, there are times when this earnestness becomes a disadvantage. Because he is too serious, he takes his opponents' provocations too seriously. When he takes Parad's taunts too seriously, he gets worked up. He's also stubborn and doesn't bend his mind, so he causes trouble for Hiiro-san and the others.
僕の中にも、永夢に共通する部分がたくさんあります。特に気持ち的には、似ているなと思う点が多くて (笑)。僕ももともと人を笑顔にする仕事に就きたかったから、心身両面から患者さんの力になりたいと思う永夢の気持ちはよくわかります。だからそういう面では演じやすいですね。相手の芝居を役と自分とで受け取って、永夢の返答を素で返せることもあるくらい。もちろん、わかりやすく、永夢なりの返し方は心がけているのですが。
I have a lot in common with Emu. Especially in terms of feelings, I think we are very similar (laughs). I originally wanted to work in a job where I could make people smile, so I know exactly how Emu feels when he wants to help patients both physically and mentally. So it's easy for me to play the role in that aspect. There are times when I can take in the other person's performance both in the role and myself, and respond to Emu's answers without hesitation. Of course, I try to reply in a way that is easy to understand and in Emu's own way.
頑固な面も共通しているかもしれません。 も一度思ったら曲げないタイプですから。 もっとも、僕には永夢にはない適当な部分もあって、その適当さと真面目に貫く部分を使い分けているんだと思います。 面倒だと思ったらパッとやって適当に終わらせてしまう一方で、これがしたいと思ったらとことん貫く! 勉強はそれなりでしたが (笑)、スポーツでは自分を追い込んでひたすら真面目に取り組んでいて、バスケットボールをしていた頃は、どうしたらドリブルで抜けるか、どのフォームがシュートをキメやすいか、といった具合に、自分の武器をひたすら探していました。 芝居に対してもスポーツと同様、とことん貫きたいですね。
We may also share the same stubborn side. I'm the type of person who doesn't bend once I've made up my mind. However, I also have a lazy side that Emu doesn't have, and I think I use that lazy side and the stubborn side differently. If I think it's too much trouble, I'll just do it and get it over with, but if I want to do something, I'll go all out! I was not that great at studying (laughs), but in sports I pushed myself and worked very hard. When I was playing basketball, I was always looking for ways to dribble, which form would make it easier to shoot, and so on. I want to be as dedicated to acting as I was to sports.
似ているなと感じる分、自分の内面と向き合う機会は、クランクイン前に比べて格段に増えました。 永夢ならこうするんだろうけど、飯島寛騎ならこっちの策を選ぶだから今回は、間を取ってこっちでやってみようか…とか。 とはいえ、僕は器用なタイプではないので、努力8割、直感2割くらいの時が一番うまくいくような気がしています。 右も左もわからなかったスタート当初に比べると、発想も日々広がって、ずっとやりやすくなりました。
Because I feel that I am similar to him, I have much more opportunities to face my inner self than before I started shooting. If I were Emu, I would have done this, but Iijima Hiroki would have chosen this option, so I decided to take a pause and try this one. However, I'm not the dexterous type, so I think I work best when I'm about 80% effort and 20% intuition. Compared to when I first started, when I didn't know what I was doing, I have more ideas every day and it's much easier to do things.
The first time I felt that I was able to use my intuition was in episode 7, when I was cooperating with Kiriya. He had betrayed me once before, but I decided to trust him again and we shook hands, and that's when I experienced a different feeling. That's when Emu's character started to expand in my mind.
表情で見せる芝居には今も課題が山積ですが、最近では顔で演じるのが楽しみになりました。 たとえば19話のゲーマーMだったら「ちょろいちょろい!」と、ちょっとした余裕感を顔で出してみたり。22話のゲンムとの対決シーンでは、表情で相手を倒すくらいの勢いで挑みました。表情にこだわればこだわるほど、永夢の人間的なおもしろみが際立ってくるんです。 何でも真に受ける永夢は、心模様がコロコロ変わる表情豊かな人。 今後はそういった部分にもこだわって、キャラクターの深みを出していきたいですね。
I still have a lot of work to do in the area of acting with facial expressions, but recently I've come to enjoy acting with my face. For example, as Gamer M in episode 19, I conveyed a sense of laidbackness in his face. In the confrontation scene with Genm in episode 22, I tried to beat him with my facial expressions. The more I focused on the facial expressions, the more interesting Emu's humanity became. Emu, who takes everything seriously, is an expressive person whose mind changes rapidly. In the future, I would like to pay more attention to these aspects to bring out the depth of his character.
I also gradually learned how to phrase my lines. One day, I suddenly realized that I could add intensity to the emotions just by changing the inflection and punctuation. I don't know if I'm using the right analogy, but I realized that even in the line "I'm a Kamen Rider" I could create a subtle nuance by changing the place where the lines were separated, "I'm a, Kamen Rider".
If I'm too conscious, my facial expressions may become stiff, but recently I've been able to unconsciously smile and inflect my lines, so I'd like to skillfully use both preparation and intuition as I approach the final stages of the show.
Smiling is the key to playing Emu
今後も一筋縄ではいかない気がするのですが、永夢の成長はしっかり見せていきたいですね。 仮面ライダーとしてはもちろん、医者としての成長も。 医療の現場での永夢は、小児科、外科、内科と各研修先で経験を積むうち、飛彩さんや大我さんからもシしずつ認められるようになりました。 医者としての可能性にも注目してもらいたいですし、仮面ライダーとして戦う姿を通じて人間としての成長も残したいと思います。 もう少し頼れるドクターになりたい…ですね (笑)。 パラドがどう絡んでくるかで、永夢の未来も変わってきそうですけど。
I have a feeling that things won't be straightforward in the future, but I want to make sure to show Emu's growth. Not only as a Kamen Rider, but also as a doctor. In the medical field, as Emu gained experience in pediatrics, surgery, and internal medicine, he was gradually recognized by Hiiro-san and Taiga-san. I want people to pay attention to his potential as a doctor, and I also want to leave behind his growth as a human being through the way he fights as a Kamen Rider. I want him to become a more reliable doctor... (laughs). Emu's future may change depending on how Parad is involved.
実は僕、バッドエンドでもいいと思っているんですよ。 闇落ちして終わるのはつらいですが、みんなを守って散るというエンディングでもいいのかなって。 人を守って散るって、永夢らしくないですかず永夢は笑顔の人だから、みんなに泣いてもらいながら、笑って最期を迎えるんです。 回想シーンで永夢の笑顔がいっぱい映し出されたら最高ですね。 主人公がゲームオーバーするという時点で子ども向け番組から離れてしまうかもしれませんが、僕の好きな終わり方ではあります。
Actually, I think a bad ending is fine. It would be painful to end up in the dark, but I think it would be okay to have an ending where he protects everyone and dies. Isn't it like Emu to protect others and then disappear? Emu is a smiling person, so he would smile in his final moments while everyone cries. It would be great if the reminiscence scenes were filled with Emu's smiling face. It may be a departure from children's TV shows if the main character gets a game over, but it'd be my favorite way to end.
成長を見せる上で、こだわりたいのは感情表現です。なかでも笑顔は、永夢を演じる上での重要な要素だと思います。人を笑顔にするため、永夢自身も笑顔を見せる機会が多いのですが、同じ笑顔でも、相手によって見せ方が違ってくるんですよ。たとえば患者さんや子どもに対しては 、微笑ましいという感じで演じているし、飛彩さんに対しては、力の抜けた笑顔を見せます。ニコちゃんと絡んでいる大我を見ていたり、ポッピーはおバカさんだな、と思っているシーンでは、自目然に笑顔が出ちゃいますね。なかでも特別なのは、貴利矢さんに対する笑顔です。貴利矢さんは、永夢が初めて信頼してもらってコンビを組んだ大切な人。だから、うれしい気持ちや信頼の感情を笑顔に込めて演じていました。
In order to show his growth, I want to focus on emotional expression. I think that smiling is one of the most important elements in playing the role of Emu. In order to make people smile, Emu himself has many opportunities to smile, but even with the same smile, the way he shows it differs depending on the person he is smiling at. For example, he gives a playful smile to patients and children, and he shows a relaxed smile to Hiiro-san. In the scenes where he's watching Taiga-san arguing with Nico-chan, or thinking that Poppy is silly, he smiles naturally. One of the most special things is the smile he has for Kiriya-san. Kiriya-san was the first person who trusted Emu and became an important partner to him. That's why I put his feelings of happiness and trust into my smile when I played the role.
笑顔をつくるのが得意ではありません。だから笑顔のシーンは難しいと思うし、意識しすぎると顔が強張ってしまうこともある。今はとにかく自然な笑みがつくれるよう勉強中です。僕自身は飛彩さんに見せるような自然な笑みが好きなので、そこは極めていきたいです。というか、飛彩の笑顔はズルくないですか!? 不意に見せるあの笑顔...あれは本当に反則です (笑)。飛彩の笑顔はなんというか、顔のどこにも力が入っていない自然な笑顔なんですよね。もし僕が女性だったらキュンキュンしてしまいそうだし、男性から見てもすごくいい笑顔だと思います。僕も利樹が見せる飛彩みたいに自然に笑えるようになりたいです。そして、視聴者の皆さんをキュンキュンさせてみたい (笑)。
I'm not good at making smiles. That's why I find it difficult to smile in some scenes, and if I'm too conscious of it, my face can become stiff. I'm currently studying to make my smile more natural. I personally like Hiiro-san's natural smile, so I want to master that. I mean, isn't Hiiro's smile unfair!? That smile that he shows unexpectedly... It's really foul play (laughs). Hiiro's smile is kind of a natural smile with no effort put into any part of his face. If I were a woman, I would be squealing with excitement, and I think it's also a great smile for men to see. I would like to be able to smile naturally, just like Toshiki does with Hiiro. I also want to make the audience swoon (laughs).
笑顔ももちろんですが、残りの回では、感情を段階的に見せていきたいです。 短いカットでも、ただ笑うのではなく、真顔から笑顔になるまでの過程を大事にしたい。何かに気づいて驚いて、その後に落ち込むようなシーンでは、表情の変化を自然に、そして滑らかに表現できればいいですね。 何でも真に受けてしまう永夢は、驚きの表情も多いんです。 でもこれがかなり難しくて。
Of course, I want to smile, but the rest of the time, I want to show emotions in stages. Even in short cuts, I want to emphasize the process of going from a straight face to a smile, rather than just smiling. In scenes where he is surprised by something and then depressed, I hope I can express the changes in his expression naturally and smoothly. Emu, who takes everything so seriously, often has surprised expressions. But this is quite difficult.
本当にびっくりした驚きと、「やった!!」という驚きと、ショックを受けた時の驚き...驚きにもいろいろあって、それを演じ分けるのに苦労しています。 一番記憶に残っているのは、18話の黎斗にゲーム病だと知らされたシーン。 あの時は、驚きの中に笑いを入れたんですよ。「冗談でしょう?」みたいに。 でもみんなの顔が真剣だから、「う、嘘だ…」とショックの表情に切り替えて。テンションを一度上げてダーンと落とす芝居は、山口監督にもほめていただけて。あの時の達成感を忘れずに、驚きの表情も突き詰めていきたいと思います。
The surprise of being really surprised, the "I did it!" surprise, and shocked surprise... There are many kinds of surprise, and I have a hard time acting them out. The most memorable scene was in episode 18, when Kuroto told him that he had game disease. At that time, I put laughter in the surprise. Like, "You're kidding, right?". But everyone's faces were serious, so I switched to a look of shock and said, "It must be a lie...". The director, Yamaguchi Kyohei, complimented me on the way I raised the tension once and then dropped it. I'd like to keep that sense of accomplishment in mind as I work on the expressions of surprise.

The catalyst for growth is someone else's game over
My favorite scenes are the ones where someone has a game over. The scene where Kiriya-san disappears in episode 12 and the end of Burgmon's life in episode 17 also left a strong impression on me. In the scene where Kuroto disappeared in episode 23, I was able to express Emu's feelings of "I really wanted to save him" amidst his sadness.
永夢は貴利矢さんの消滅をすごく重く考えていましたが、それを通じて成長できたことは間違いないと思うんです。あの哀しみを乗り越えて変わったというか。黎斗の消滅も同じで、永夢はどこかで自分の失敗だと感じていましたが、そこから何かを学び、たくさんのことに気づいたと思うんです。そうやってつまずきながらも成長していく永夢を演じながら、僕自身も一緒に階段を登って成長していると感じることもありますし…そう思いたいという願望もありますね (笑)。
Emu took the loss of Kiriya-san very seriously, but I am sure that he grew through it. I think he has changed by overcoming that sorrow. The same goes for Kuroto's disappearance. Somehow, Emu felt that it was his failure, but I think he learned something from it and realized many things. As I play the role of Emu, who stumbles and grows, I sometimes feel that I am also climbing the stairs and growing with him... I would like to think that way (laughs).
My favorite part, in terms of most fun to play, is the interaction when he becomes Double Action Gamer. I get excited when I record the dubbing. Then there's the fun of being Gamer M and goading the people around me! When I'm Gamer M, I can do things that I normally can't experience and that Emu won't do, so it feels really good to play the role.
うまくできたという意味で言うと、28話でポッピーが我に返ってバグスターサイドから戻ってきたところもお気に入りです。強めのロ調でのかけ合いがあったあと、永夢が「やろうぜ。みんなで一緒に (ゲームを)」と言うのですが、その時不意に笑顔を見せるんです。本当に自然に出てきた笑顔なので、改めて見ていただきたいです。
In terms of how well it was done, my favorite part was when Poppy came back to herself and returned from the bugster side in episode 28. After a strong exchange of words, Emu says "Let's do it. Let's play together" and then he suddenly smiles. It's a really natural smile, so I'd like you to see it again.
After about 30 episodes, "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid" has reached a point of rapid development that has surprised even the cast and I, and I think it will continue to grow. There are a lot of characters in this work, and they all need to influence each other to make it work, so I have to do my best. If possible, I want to give more weight to Emu's words than before! At the beginning, he was unreliable and unconvincing, but towards the end, I would like to convey words with weight that will be accepted by his friends and that will resonate with the viewers.
スタートから約8ヵ月間、視聴者の方からSNSやお手紙でいただいたメッセージを励みにがんばってきました。 これからもたくさんの反応をいただけるよう全力で撮影に挑みますので、楽しみながら、あたたかく見守っていただけたらうれしいです。
I have been working hard for about eight months since the start of the show, encouraged by the messages I have received from viewers through social media and letters. I will continue to do my best to get as many responses as possible, so I hope you will enjoy the show and watch it with warmth.