Interview 1 from Ex-Aid Character Book LEVEL.2
Iijima Hiroki, who made his first drama appearance, experienced an unknown territory called "being the main character of a story that lasts for a year". Looking back over the past year, he says that it was exciting every day and that he felt the growth of Hojo Emu/Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, the character he played. Now that the filming and broadcast of the show have been completed, we asked him to tell us about the scenes where he felt he grew the most and what he learned from them.

僕のクランクアップは、44話の屋上のシーンでした。ポッピーがパンデミックを止めるために、自分の身体にドクターマイティXXのガシャットを挿して散っていくのを見て、永夢がパラドと一緒に戦う決意をする場面です。撮影を終えて利樹に花束をもらいましたけど、その時は「終一わったんだ」と思ったくらいで、涙も出ませんでした。というのも、すぐにVシネマの撮影があることを知らされていましたから。クランクアップの朝にスタッフさんから「今日頑張ってね」と声をかけられて、同時に「はい、これ」とVシネマの台本をいただいていたんですよ (苦笑)。「撮影が終わってからの方がよかった?」と言われましたけど、「今で大丈夫です」と受け取ったのは、僕自身なんですけどね。そんな感じで、クランクアップの時には「仮面ライダーエグゼイド」という作品が、終わった感覚がまるでなかったんです。
My last scene was the rooftop scene in episode 44. It's the scene where Emu decides to fight with Parad after seeing Poppy put the Doctor Mighty XX gashat into her body and scatter to stop the pandemic. After the shooting, Toshiki gave me a bouquet of flowers, but at that time I just thought, "It's over," and I didn't even cry. This was because I was informed that I would soon be shooting for a V-Cinema film. On the morning of the crank-up, the staff told me, "Good luck today," and at the same time, they gave me a V-Cinema script, saying, "Here you go." I was told, "Would it have been better off after the shooting was over?" But I was the one who said, "It's okay now." That's why I didn't feel like I had finished "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid" when I finished shooting.
As for the ending, I was thinking that a bad ending would be interesting. Emu, the world's first person infected with the bugster virus, could become the final boss. Even if that's not the case, I thought it would be nice to have a bittersweet ending where Emu disappears to protect everyone, and the battle is over and peace is restored... but without the main character. But now that I've finished playing the role, I'm glad that I chose the final story that Takahashi-san wrote for me.
Even after defeating the last boss, Gemdeus Cronus, the patients who fell victim to the game disease did not come back. Still, it made me feel that there was a possibility of bringing them back, because Emu declared that he would never forget his aspirations as a doctor and would continue to fight the disease. It was also depicted that he would work as a CR doctor while aiming to become a pediatrician. It was an ending with a lot of hope. I think Emu's aspirations will influence the doctors in the world, and Emu will continue to be inspired by them to fulfill his mission as a doctor.
In the last episode, Emu told Kyotaro-sensei "There's something I have to do," and he held a press conference. There was no need for an intern to take on that much responsibility, but he did it because he thought it was necessary. "Emu's sense of duty is solid." "That's cool." I was impressed even from a viewer's perspective.
Emu, who had fallen down like a dojikko after angering a nurse in the scene where he appeared in episode 1, was speaking to the people behind the camera on behalf of the CR doctors. He even called out the names of the people who disappeared due to "Kamen Rider Chronicle" and game disease one by one. When I read in the script that he would not look at any documents and would just say their names from memory, I thought, "This is typical of Emu, who has been close to his patients." I heard that Takahashi-san insisted on including the names. Director Nakazawa was also very particular about the direction. It was tough because there were a lot of lines, but I was able to put my feelings into it, and I feel that the scene turned out to be very moving.
Hojo Emu's growth, Iijima Hiroki's growth
"Ex-Aid" is the first drama I've appeared in, so I started from a place where I couldn't do a single thing. With the guidance of the directors of each episode, I became absorbed in the filming, and by the time I reached the halfway point, I finally felt like I was getting used to it… When we all gathered for the dubbing, Director Yamaguchi told us, "You need to start making up for lost time." He said, "It's not enough, you guys can do it." I remember that time very well. I think that Director Yamaguchi drew a line, or rather, there was a level that we had to reach by the midway point. We weren't doing enough. I thought I had done my best in my own way, but I was reminded that I needed to think about it more deeply and take it seriously.
Looking back on the shooting, what comes to mind is the difficulty of creating a front. For Emu, who wanted to make people smile, I felt that his own smile was the most important element, so I was conscious of how to act differently. I think I've been able to express more or less the difference between different situations, such as when I'm cheering up a patient or when I'm having a conversation in CR. I still have a long way to go, though… As the story became more and more serious after the middle stage, there were more scenes where Emu had a serious expression on his face that he didn't show to his patients. In fact, I had the impression that it was easier for me to act this way, like when he told Parad in episode 39, "I'm not worried about you, it's the patients that I'm worried about." I guess it was easier for me to act that way because I usually tend to have that kind of expression.
ボーっとしていると「“無”の顔になってる!」と指摘されるんです (苦笑)。それから中盤以降は、不敵な笑いで、怖さを感じさせようと意識していました。パラドが永夢の身体の中にいたから、ゲーマーMというもうひとつの人格が生まれた。でもゲーマーMの要素が抜けても、永夢には優しさもあれば怖さもある。個人の人格の中に二面性がある。それを表現したかったし、笑顔のバリエーションを増やしたかったのもあって、怖さを意識したんです。それがハマったのか、お子さんに怖がられたことがありました (苦笑)。大人のファンの方からも、そういう声を聞きました。
When I'm in a daze, people point out that I have a vacant face (bitter smile). From the middle of the story onward, I tried to make the character look scary with a fearless smile. Because Parad was in Emu's body, another personality, Gamer M, was born. But even if the Gamer M element is removed, Emu still has both kindness and fearsomeness. There are two sides to an individual's personality. I wanted to express that, and I also wanted to increase the variation of his smile, so I was conscious of his fearsomeness. Maybe I got too into it, because there were times when I scared children (bitter smile). I've heard that from adult fans as well.
After the broadcast of episode 39, people were especially scared. I knew what was going to happen, but it would have been unnatural if I had been conscious of the fact that Emu was just pretending, so I didn't think anything unnecessary and I acted as if I were really trying to destroy him. In fact, I think Emu was really fighting him seriously. To teach Parad the fear of losing his life, it is easy to explain in words, but difficult to make him feel it. You can't teach it with half-hearted determination.
That's why the movements of Takaiwa-san (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid's suit actor) in that scene were also scary. I'm sure there were people who got emotionally involved with Parad and cried "Stop it." He beat him up one-sidedly, and even when Parad tried to escape by turning into data, he caught him and tried to finish him off. It was a very unheroic way to fight, wasn't it? That's why when I played him before he transformed and when I voiced Takaiwa-san's movements, I put in a strong feeling of "No mercy!"
Throughout the year, there have been many memorable episodes and scenes, but it's hard to pick one in particular. There were times when other characters had close-up scenes that left a strong impression on me, but since Emu was involved with each character and always had a part to play, it's difficult to pick a particular scene. However, since there were no episodes that dramatically changed my impression of him, I think the character that I could look back on in total from the first episode to the last episode and say, "He's grown the most" or "He's become more reliable" is Emu. In the beginning, he had the skills as a gamer, but he was inexperienced as a doctor. But in the last episode, he proudly expressed his pride and ambition as a doctor. He has grown up wonderfully.
It's not that he has forgiven Kuroto, but it's because he's grown up that he accepted his cooperation, or that he was moved by Kiriya's words in episode 35 and consequently lied to Poppy and Kuroto. It's because he's grown up that he has gained a broader perspective, or rather, he's become more mature and can think with more room to maneuver. In the beginning, when he was just burning with ideals, he would have just said, "I can't cooperate with Kuroto, who took a person's life," or "I don't want to lie because it's not good". However, I was able to swallow a lot of things in order to achieve the big goal of saving patients' lives. Witnessing the disappearance of Kiriya, Kuroto, and the Chronicle Ride Players was a big part of it.
I think it was through experiences like that that he was able to think more deeply about life and realize once again how irreplaceable it is. After being dragged down by Kiriya's disappearance for a while, Hiiro said to him, "Your circumstances have nothing to do with the bad guys. Don't let yourself be dragged into this." When Hiiro turned against him, he declared, "I will cut you down the way you taught me." That also showed his growth. These words came from the fact that she had learned from Hiiro and his "friends" and had overcome many difficulties. For me, this year was the year when I was able to feel Emu's growth more closely than anyone else.
What I learned from Emu and what I want to tell him
学んで、成長していった永夢から僕自身が学んだことは、ひとつの信念を貫くことの大切さです。僕には、永夢ほどの真面目さや熱心さ、信念の固さはない。だから永夢を演じていると、僕はまだまだだなと感じます。でも、僕の人生はこれからですものね。僕は21歳で (2017年9月現在)、永夢とは4歳くらいの差がある。永夢はたくさんのことを経験して成長した。僕も何にでも挑戦して経験することで、永夢に近づきたいです。
What I myself learned from Emu, as he learned and grew, is the importance of sticking to a single belief. I am not as serious, enthusiastic, or firm in my beliefs as Emu. So, when I play the role of Emu, I feel that I have a long way to go. But my life is just beginning, isn't it? I'm 21 years old (as of September 2017), and there's about a four-year age difference between me and Emu. Emu has experienced a lot and has grown up. I want to get closer to him by challenging myself and experiencing many things.
永夢という人物のバックボーンを想像したことがあります。ひとりで家にいて、ゲームをしていたみたいですけど、「友達いたのかな」という疑問があって (笑)。あの頃の永夢に、「寂しくなかったの?」と聞いてみたいパラドが言っていましたよね、「遊ぶ相手がぼしくて、その願望から俺が生まれた」って。そう考えると、闇が深い人間の気もします。永夢に学ぶべきことは多いけど、「もっと気楽に生きればいいのに」と言いたくなることもある。6年前に「医者になる」と決意して、研修医になった。
I have tried to imagine Emu's backstory. It seems that he was home alone, playing games, and I wonder if he had any friends (laughs). I would like to ask Emu, "Didn't you ever feel lonely?" because Parad said to him, "You wanted to have someone to play with, and I was born from that desire". When I think about it, I feel like he's a person with a deep darkness. I have a lot to learn from Emu, but there are times when I want to tell him, "Why don't you take it easy?" Six years ago, you decided to become a doctor and started your residency.
その努力はすごいし、優秀さに感心しますけど、人のことにまで常に気を張っていたら、肉体的にもメンタル的にも消耗してしまう。張り詰めた糸は切れやすいですから。何度も試練に直面して、すべて乗り越えましたけど、途中で切れていてもおかしくなかった。だから僕から永夢にアドバイスするなら、「力を抜く時は抜いた方がいいよ」と言いたい。僕はストレスがたまり過ぎないように、力を抜けるタイブです。この1年で、その方法をより身につけることができました。抜を過ぎて表情がなくなるから、「“無”になっている」と言われるんでしょうけど (笑)。
I'm impressed with your efforts, and I admire your excellence, but if you're constantly worrying about other people, you'll wear yourself out physically and mentally. Taut strings are easy to break. You faced many trials and overcame them all, but you could have snapped in the middle. So, if I were to give advice to Emu, I would say, "When you need to relax, you should relax." I'm the type of person who can relax and not get too stressed out. In the past year, I've learned how to do that better. I guess people would say that I have become "blank" because I lose my expression when I relax too much (laughs).
永夢も休日はゆるいかもしれないですけどね。 そんな姿は、17話の冒頭でチラっと描かれただけでした。機会があるなら、とことんゆるんでいる永夢を演じてみたい。あとは休日に、貴利矢と探偵の真似事をしてみるとか。永夢はカンが鋭いので、それを活かせる謎解きストーリーはおもしろくなるかな、と。描くべきドラマが多くて、本編ではゆるいお話が入る余地がなかったですからね。そうそう、休日を描くなら、彼女とデートする場面があってもいいと思います (笑)!ドクターや仮面ライダーとしては、飛彩やポッピーという仲間がいますけど、私生活で彼女がいてもいいはず!
Emu might be loose on holidays, though. This was only glimpsed in the beginning of episode 17. If I have the chance, I'd like to play an Emu who is completely loose. I'd also like to play a detective with Kiriya on my days off. Emu has a keen sense of humor, so I think it would be interesting to tell a story about solving a mystery that makes use of that. There was so much drama to be portrayed that there was no room for a loose story in the main story. Ah yes, if you're going to depict a holiday, it would be nice to have a scene where he goes on a date with his girlfriend (laughs)! As a doctor and a Kamen Rider, he has friends like Hiiro and Poppy, but it would be nice if he had a girlfriend in his personal life!
と言いつつ、医者になると決めてからはひたすら勉強の毎日だっただろうし、これからもゲーム病と向き合っていくので、私生活は二の次でしょうね…。そもそも時間が空いたらゲームをしてるでしょうし (笑)。
However, since he decided to become a doctor, he's been studying every day and will continue to face game disease, so I guess his personal life is secondary.... In the first place, I'm sure he plays games whenever he has free time (laughs).
Emu is serious and straightforward in both games and medicine. That's why I would like to say to him, "It's okay to take a break once in a while." That's all I have to say to Emu, who has been with me for a year.