Isomura Hayato interview from TOEI HERO MAX 53
At last, Alain has entered a new phase as the third Kamen Rider, Necrom. Isomura, who says that transforming into a Kamen Rider was his "long-cherished wish," looks back on the past and speaks passionately about his feelings!


強い覚悟をもって臨んだ「ゴースト」 オーディション
I went to the audition for "Ghost" with a strong determination
—「仮面ライダーゴースト」 レギュラーキャストに選ばれたときの心境は?
Interviewer: How did you feel when you were selected to be a regular cast member of "Kamen Rider Ghost"?
オーディションでは明確なキャスティングが決まってなかったんですけど、すべてが終わった後、マネージャーさんから「ちょっと話がある」と呼ばれて。僕はこのオーディションにすごい想いをかけて臨んでいて、 絶対合格したいと思ってたので、マネージャーさんの低いトーンにドキドキしながら向かったのを覚えています。そしたら「出演が決まったよ。謎の男の役らしいけど」と言われました。 「謎の男......って?」という疑問はあったものの、まずは出られることが嬉しかったです。
Isomura: There wasn’t a clear casting decision at the audition, but after everything was over, my manager called me and said, “I need to talk to you.” I had put a lot of thought into this audition, and I was determined to pass, so I remember being nervous when I heard the low tone of the manager as I headed to the meeting. Then he told me, “You’ve been cast. I heard you will play the role of a mysterious man.” I was happy to be able to appear, even though I had some doubts.
Interviewer: You went into the audition with a strong sense of determination.
Isomura: I had been watching "Kamen Rider" since I was a child, and I knew that I wanted to be a part of the "Kamen Rider" series, even though it is not a man's dream. So, by being given the role of Alain, I was able to achieve one of my goals.
Interviewer: So, "one" means you have other goals?
……やっぱり「変身」ですよね (笑)。「仮面ライダードライブ」も3号 (仮面ライダーチェイサー) までいたんだから、ゴースト、スペクターに続く3人目のライダーとして出させてほしいな......と。
Isomura: …I want to transform (laughs). "Kamen Rider Drive" also had a 3rd Rider (Kamen Rider Chaser), so I hope they will let me be the 3rd Rider after Ghost and Specter...
Interviewer: Were there any announcements about Alain's character beforehand?
クランクインするまで、まったく敵味方関係なく「あなたは謎の若者です」としか伝えられませんでした。「アラン」という名前も決まってなかったんですよ。最初のうちはずっと「若者」としか呼ばれてなくて、“謎”という言葉だけがヒントになってる状態で、あとは森下 (能幸) さんが演じる西園寺主税と一緒に行動しているということだけです。だから、インするまでは妄想でしか役作りできなかったし、それならばいっそ役作りせずに臨んでみようと考えて。なるべくフラットに、何を考えてるのかわからない不気味さを出していくように演じてみました。
Isomura: Until we started filming, all they would tell me was, "You are a mysterious young man," regardless of whether I was supposed to be friend or foe. The name “Alain” hadn’t even been decided. In the beginning, I was only called "young man" and the word "mystery" was the only hint that I was working with Chikara Saionji, played by Morishita-san. I could only play the role in my imagination until I got in, so I decided to play the role without making up a character. I tried to play the role as flatly as possible, giving the character an eerie feeling, as if I didn't know what he was thinking.
For what purpose did Alain come from the Ganma World?
Interviewer: The episode aired at the end of last year depicted how Kamen Rider Specter/Fukami Makoto rekindled his friendship with Kamen Rider Ghost/Tenkuuji Takeru. On the other hand, the veil of mystery is about to be lifted, albeit gradually, as Alain begins to make suspicious moves.
毎回台本をいただくたびに「アランってそういうやつだったのか!」と驚かされることが多いです (笑)。「兄上」と呼ばれる人がいて、父上がいて、ジャベルという部下がいる。で、マコトとも友人関係がある......台本から得られる情報に基づいて徐々にでき上がってきた感じですね。ゲームでいえば、装備なしで始まったのが、鎧や武器を手に入れていくみたいに少しずつ形を整えていくイメージで、ここまでのアラン像を作ってきました。正直「もう少し教えてよ!」と思ったりもしましたが、演じていくうちに何も知らないでやっていくのも本当の人生みたいで、先が見えなくても面白いなと思い始めて。そこからは毎日心から「楽しい!」と思ってます。やり甲斐がありますね。
Isomura: Every time I receive a script, I am often surprised, like “So Alain is that kind of guy!” (laughs). He has an older brother, a father, and a subordinate called Javert. And he has a friendship with Makoto… It was a gradual process based on the information received from the script. In game terms, I have created the image of Alain up to this point, starting with no equipment and gradually building up his character, just like acquiring armor and weapons. To be honest, there were times when I thought, “Tell me more!”, but as I played the role, I began to think that it would be like real life to do it without knowing anything, and that it would be interesting even if I couldn't see what would happen next. From that point on, I began having fun everyday from the bottom of my heart. It's worthwhile.
Interviewer: Now that Saionji has disappeared in episode 11 and Javert has been defeated, Alain is now acting alone more.
年末の段階で絡んだ相手は西園寺、ジャベルとマコトの3人ですからね。森下さんは僕が一方的に以前から知ってた俳優さんで、今回共演できるのが本当に楽しみでした。ミステリアスな印象で、怖い方なのかなとも思ったんですが、素顔はとてもにこやかな方でした。作品のことに関しても、その日にやるシーンについてディスカッションする時間を作っていただけて、すごく親身になってくださるんです。見てるだけでジワッとくることが多く、芝居のことでたくさん学ばせていただきました。ジャベル役の聡太郎さんは、身長も高いし、あのヒゲと強い目力で、最初お会いした瞬間に「うわ、すごい人が幹部で来ちゃったよ......ぜったい俺 (アラン) より強いじゃん!」って (笑)。でも、話したらすごく穏やかな方で、そのギャップにも驚かされました。包容力のある語り方で、アクションもキレがあって、いっぺんで好きになっちゃいましたね。アランの周辺は、人数こそ少ないですけど、とても恵まれてる気がします。
Isomura: The three people I was involved with at the end of the year were Saionji, Javert and Makoto. Morishita-san is an actor I have known for a long time, and I was really looking forward to working with him this time. He gave me a mysterious impression and I thought he might be scary, but his true face was very friendly. He was very accommodating and made time for us to discuss the scenes we would be working on that day. I learned a lot about acting just by watching him. Sotaro-san, who plays Javert, is tall, and with that beard and strong eyes, the moment I first met him, I thought, "Uwah, an amazing person has arrived from the top brass... He is definitely stronger than me (Alain)!” (laughs). But when I talked to him, he was very calm, and I was surprised at the gap between him and his character. He has a tolerant way of speaking and his actions are sharp, so I fell in love with him at once. There are only a few people around Alain, but I feel very fortunate.
Interviewer: You haven’t co-starred yet, but what about Takeru and the rest of the Daitenku Temple team?
アランの計画をことごとく潰してくれちゃううえに、マコトまで連れて行ってしまうなんてヒドいもんですよ (笑)。アラン自身は、明確な敵と認識してるのってタケルぐらいしかいなくて、一切絡んだことのないアカリや御成 (おなり) といった仲間たちは眼中にないかもしれません。僕自身としては、早く大天空寺とかで一緒のシーンを演じてみたいです! あの御成との絡みがどういった化学変化を起こすのか? 今から楽しみでしょうがありません。......でも、ホントにそんなシーンあるのかなぁ (笑)。
Isomura: It's terrible that he crushed all of Alain's plans and even took Makoto along with him (laughs). Alain only recognizes Takeru as a clear enemy, and he may not be concerned about his friends such as Akari and Onari, with whom he has never been involved in any way. As for myself, I can't wait to play a scene with them at Daitenku Temple or something! What kind of chemical changes will occur when Alain gets involved with Onari? I can't wait to find out. ...I wonder if there will really be such a scene though (laughs).
Interviewer: The year 2016 has dawned. Alain, like Takeru and Makoto, seems to be heading into a new phase of his life.
まずは、アランの家系に目を向けると、「兄上」と呼ばれる存在との間にどうやら目的のズレが現われ始めたようです。アランは野心家なところがあって、だけど「兄上」がそれを抑え込んでる状態で、そこの対立関係であったり......まだしっかり出てはいないんですけど、目的を語るシーンで二人の対立関係をにおわせる描写が出てきます。どうやらジャベルも兄上の指示によって動いてる部分があって、何度も「勝手に動くな」と言ってるにもかかわらず勝手な行動を取る。一回生き返らせたというのに......「英雄眼魂」の秘密も「お教えできない」と断られるし。アランだけどうもハブられてる感があるんですよね (苦笑)。第12話にも出てくるんですけど、兄上から上しか知らない情報をジャベルが知ってるので。まだまだ詳しい立ち位置はわかりませんが、アランはどうも眼魔の世界においても一匹狼のようです。
Isomura: First, looking at Alain's family history, it seems that a misalignment of purpose has begun to emerge between him and his older brother. Alain is ambitious, but his "older brother" is holding him back, and that's where the conflict lies... The scene in which they talk about their goals hints at their rivalry, though it has not yet been fully revealed. Apparently, Javert is also acting on his brother's instructions, and despite repeatedly telling him not to act on his own, he does what he wants. Even though he brought him back to life once... He refuses to tell him the secret of the Heroic Eyecons. Alain is the only one who seems to be left out of the loop (bitter smile). It comes up in episode 12, because Javert knows information that only his older brother and above know. We don't know his position in detail yet, but Alain seems to be a loner even in the Ganma World.
Interviewer: Does this mean that Alain also has his own agenda within the family?
アランは、たとえば人類を滅ぼすために眼魔の世界からやって来たわけではないのかもしれません。自分とは逆の考え方であろう兄上たちとの大きな違いはそこなのかな? いわゆる“正義”とは違うんでしょうけど、そこにアラン自身の強い想いがあるんだと思います。
Isomura: Alain, for example, may not have come from the Ganma World to destroy humanity. Is that the main difference between Alain and his older brother who may have opposite views? It may not be what is called "justice," but I think that is where Alain's own strong feelings lie.


Farewell to a beloved friend, and the birth of "Necrom"!!
Interviewer: Episode 12 also depicts Alain's farewell to Makoto, who was his only close friend.
Isomura: Makoto is probably the biggest presence in Alain's life. He is the only person that the lonely Alain can trust. He was a close friend who understood him, so he felt that Tenkuuji Takeru "stole" him from him, and this, combined with feelings of jealousy, led him to become angry at Takeru rather than at Makoto. The line that encapsulates this is “Tenkuuji Takeru has changed him... I will never forgive him”.
—そして、いよいよ待望の “3人目”、仮面ライダーネクロムの登場となります。
Interviewer: And finally, the long-awaited "third person", Kamen Rider Necrom, will make his appearance.
......ついに念願が叶いました!! 本当に興奮しましたね。もう話をうかがった瞬間から気もそぞろで (笑)、「いつ変身できるのかな~?」って心待ちにしてました。いずれゴーストたちの仲間になるのか、それとも敵対するのか? ネクロムの立ち位置がどうなるのかまったくわかりませんが、物語の展開次第では意識も変わってくるかもしれません。ただ、仮面ライダーになれる力を手に入れたということで、何から強くなったという気持ち......自信みたいなものは芽生えたんじゃないかと思います。メガウルオウダー (変身ブレスレット) を使った変身シーンも撮影しましたけど、ゴーストドライバーが「カイガン」で、こっちは「テンガン」ときたか!って驚きました (笑)。スーツアクターはほぼ1年ぶりのライダー役を担当される永徳さんです。アランがなぜネクロムになったのか、その目的はこれから徐々に明かされていくと思いますが、「この世界を支配するために、この絶対的な力を持ってきた」と、ネクロムゴースト眼魂を携えてきます。まずはスペクターを自分の手に取り戻そうとするのか? それとも憎きゴーストを討ち取るのか? きっと面白い展開になると思いますので、ネクロムの動向にはぜひとも注目していただきたいですね。
Isomura: ...Finally my wish came true!! I'm really excited. I was already distracted from the moment I heard about it (laugh) and eagerly awaited “When can I transform~?” Will he eventually join Ghost or turn against him? I have no idea what Necrom's position will be, but depending on how the story unfolds, he may change his mind. However, I think that having acquired the power to become a Kamen Rider made me feel stronger... I think that something like self-confidence has sprouted. I also filmed a transformation scene using the Mega Ulorder (transformation bracelet), and I was surprised that the Ghost Driver called out "Kaigan" and this one said "Tengan"! (laughs). The suit actor is Eitoku-san, who is playing the role of Rider for the first time in almost a year. The purpose of why Alain became Necrom will be revealed gradually, but he will bring with him the Necrom Eyecon, saying, “I have brought this absolute power to rule this world.” Will he first try to take Specter back into his own hands? Or will he take down the Ghost he hates? I am sure that this will be an interesting development, so please keep an eye on Necrom.
Interviewer: At this point, how do you feel about the early stages of "Ghost"?
撮影が始まって半年ぐらいになりますが、早かったという印象ですね。まだ、折り返し点に差しかかろうとしているとこなのに、すでに切ない気持ちになってます (笑)。
Isomura: It has been about half a year since filming began, and I have the impression that it went very fast. We are just about to reach the halfway point, and I am already feeling sad (laughs).
—もう、何終わりが来ることを考えちゃいましたか (笑)。
Interviewer: It seems you’re already thinking about what the end will be like (laughs).
Isomura: Yeah. I have such a strong feeling for the set, and the cast gets along so well with each other that I consider us to be a great team, so I think it makes me feel even more sad that it will end sooner or later. There are many things you experience for the first time on set, and there is a lot to absorb, so it must be tough, but you can only learn so much throughout the year with "Rider" and a few limited scenes. I'm happy to have been involved in this work, every day is happy, and I have nothing but gratitude. From now on, I want to put all my heart and soul into acting as a Kamen Rider, which has been my dream since I was little!