True Chronicle Interview 7
Gamer M’s true identity is not a human being, but a bugster who transforms into a Kamen Rider, born out of Emu’s desire to have a playmate. Kai Shouma, who played a role that is inextricably linked to that of the main character, talks about the trajectory of the battle and his thoughts on the role of Parad.

究極のstranger • パラド
Parad, the ultimate stranger
Interviewer: First of all, I would like to start by asking you how you felt when you were chosen for the role.
Kai: I was only about two months into my acting career when I auditioned, and well, I remember how nervous I was. It was about a month later that the results came out, when I heard that I got the part, I thought, "Is my life going to change?” I was still not prepared to be an actor, and I didn't really know how to work, so I was about 70% anxious and 30% excited. Still, I was very happy. First of all, I was happy to be cast in Kamen Rider, which I had loved since I was a child.
Interviewer: What were your first impressions of Parad as a character?
資料を読んでみたら、パラドは人間ではなくバグスターの参謀だと。それはいいとして、ます「ウイルス」って書いてあるところで「ちょっと待って?」やてなったんですけど、そこに添えてあったイラストが“何かの粒子”だったんですよ (笑)。さすがになんだ、これ? と思うじゃないですか。「もしかして、俺の役って声だけなの?」と思っちゃいました。
Kai: I read the material and found that Parad was not a human being but a bugster bigwig. That's all well and good, but when I read the word "virus," I thought, "Wait a second", but then I saw an illustration of a "particle of something" (laughs). I was like, what is this? I wondered if maybe my role was just voice only.
Interviewer: If they had drawn something in the shape of a person, you would’ve probably been relieved, but the particles were confusing (laughs).
Kai: Apparently, at that point, they had not yet decided what kind of character Parad would be. I was asked to act out various situations at the audition, and I found out later that I was chosen because I was able to do what I was told. Nothing was set in stone, so they were looking for a flexible actor.
—いきなりハードル高くされてた感じですね。 しかもパラドは最初のとっかかりが少なく、演じるのも大変だったかと思いますが。
Interviewer: It seems like the hurdle was suddenly set very high. And Parad had a few false starts, so it must have been difficult to perform.
Kai: He had no past like Taiga or Hiiro, so I was first concerned about how to create the character. I thought my stance would be to create everything from scratch, like a novelist or manga artist. Of course, the producer and directors gave me a lot of hints, but I struggled for a long time. There may not have been a right answer, but it was difficult for me to find something I was satisfied with. I didn't have many scenes at first, so what I could do was limited, and he was a difficult character to get to know in the beginning.
Interviewer: Even as a viewer, he seemed unidentifiable because he didn’t have a monster form like Graphite.
Kai: I had heard that he was going to transform into something, but I didn't know if it was a monster or a Rider, and I was told to give off the image of a childish character. So, it flashed in my mind that I wanted to create a scary villain because of his childlike villainy, and during the role creation stage, I looked at films that featured "crazy villains who are pure in their feelings," and used them as references.
例えば 『ダークナイト 』のジョーカーだとか、『レオン 』でゲイリー•オールドマンが演じているスタンスフィールドのような、ああいうのをイメージしていて。まあ、そこから40枚話もやってるうちに、だいぶ最初に考えていたキャラとは違うところに来ちゃいましたけどね (笑)。でも、そうやって何も決まってないキャラを作り上げていくのが楽しいなというのは、最初の頃から感じてたんです。そして、だんだんとパラドというキャラクターが出来上がっていく通程で「あぁ、役者って楽しいなぁ」って思えるようになってきましたね。
Kai: For example, I imagined a character like the Joker in "The Dark Knight" or Gary Oldman's Stansfield in "Leon: The Professional". Well, after 40 episodes, he ended up in a different place from what I had in mind at first (laughs). But from the very beginning, I felt that it was fun to create a character that had not yet been defined in such a way. And as the character of Parad gradually took shape, I began to think, “Oh, it’s fun to be an actor.”
Interviewer: When did you first hear that you would transform into Kamen Rider Para-DX?
10話になるかならないか、その辺りでしたかね? 聞いたときは「キタッ!」という嬉しさがまずあって。しかも“リバーシブル”だって言われて、「リバーシブルって何?」って、すごいワクワクしました。もともとは別々の人が変身する案だったらしいんですけど、それをひとつにしたらしくて。結果、それがすごくよかったです。話の中でパラドが黎斗に新しいガシャットを見せられて心躍らせてましたけど、あのときのパラドの喜びは、そのまんま甲斐翔真の気持ちでもありました。
Kai: It was somewhere around episode 10 or so? I was so happy when I heard about it. And when I heard that it was "reversible," I was very excited. I heard that the original idea was to have different people transform into different characters, but they decided to combine them into one. I was very happy with the result. In the story, Parad was so excited when Kuroto showed him the new gashat, and Parad's joy at that moment was exactly how I felt.
Interviewer: Also, I heard that you were told very early on that Parad was born out of Emu's personality.
大森プロデューサーから、まずマネージャーに「パラドをどういうキャラにしたいのか」をわりと細かく伝えていたそうなんです。でも、永夢はそのことを知らないので、あちらには伝えてないと。そう聞いたので、教えてしまうと芝居に支障が出てしまうんじゃないかなと僕も思って、飯島くんには秘密にしてたんです。まぁ、だんだん見過ごせない伏線だらけになってきて、絶対そうだろうってみんな気づいてきましたけど (笑)。
Kai: Producer Omori told me that he first told the manager in detail what kind of character he wanted Parad to be. But Emu didn't know about it, so they didn't tell them. Since I heard that, I also thought that if I told him, it might interfere with his acting, so I kept it a secret from Iijima-kun. Well, the story gradually became full of foreshadowing that could not be overlooked, and everyone began to realize that it must be so (laughs).
Interviewer: How did that setting affect character creation?
Kai: Since he was born from Emu, he must be similar to Emu in some ways, so I wanted to act with that kind of nuance. However, it would be boring if I made him the same as Emu, so after he learned about the setting, I consulted with Iijima-kun more than anyone else about what to do.
Interviewer: Parad is a villain, of course, but were you conscious of the fact that he is a rather cheerful character?
パラドは素直なヤツですからね。それに永夢は人間側のヒーローだけど、パラドはバグスター側のヒーローであり、ヒーローとしての“正義感”は似てるんじゃないかと。これは以前から言ってることですけど、もし視聴者がバグスターだったら、僕は永夢側の立ち位置だったということです。その紙一重な感じの「対照的だけど近い二人」というのが、“オイシイ関係”というか (笑)。本当にいい役をやらせていただけたなと思います。
Kai: Parad is a straightforward guy. And while Emu is a hero on the human side, Parad is a hero on the bugster side, and I think their "sense of justice" as heroes is similar. I have said this before, but if the viewer were a bugster, I would be on Emu's side. The two of them are so close, yet so opposite, that it's like they have a "delicious relationship"* (laughs). I am very happy to have had the opportunity to play this role.
*Kai is referencing Delicious Relationship (Oishii Kankei), a josei manga that was adapted into a drama revolving around a couple with opposite personalities.
Interviewer: Also, I thought he was an interesting character because he was both straightforward and, as his name implies, a paradox. He is not simply the bugster’s ally, he defeats Revol Bugster, and on the other hand, he is angry at Kuroto for the Burgermon Bugster incident.
Kai: That's what it looks like. But the priority is not about friends or anything like that, it's about "Bugster is a character in the game". He has this core belief, and he will not tolerate anyone who violates that belief, whether they are human or bugster. So, rather than being a “hero” of bugsters, he’s more like a “nobleman”. He has his own rules and is very strict about how to be a bugster. But that is why he didn’t mind "losing the game and scattering" as a bugster. But he’s never been in that situation, so it leads to the point that he didn’t understand the value of life.
Interviewer: In a conversation with Kuroto, he said, “Humans are inconvenient creatures”.
それがブーメランとして返ってくるんですけどね (笑)。「人間って不便な生一和だよな〜」って言ってるけど、自分も消えてしまうことでは同じだぞっていう。最初の頃は、それがよくわかってない感じが出せたのもよかったなと思います。わかってないからああいうことしちゃうんだなって。悪いことをしてるんだけど“悪意はない”のがパラドだったんですよ。無邪気で自由奔放で素直なんだけど、結果が悪だっていう。それに気がついたのが39 • 40話ですね。僕のすべてはそこにあると思ってます。
Kai: That comes back to him as a boomerang (laughs). He says, "Human lives are inconvenient, aren’t they?~" but he’s the same in that he can disappear, too. In the beginning, I think it was good that I was able to give the impression that he didn't really understand that, that’s why he did what he did. Parad does bad things, but he doesn't do them maliciously. He was innocent, free-spirited, and straightforward, but the result was evil. I realized this in episodes 39-40. I think that's where everything came together.
自分のやってきたことにやっと気がついて、取り返しのつかないことをしたんだって泣き叫ぶ...パラドはそういう“きれいな心”を最初から持ってるんです。それが出せてなかっただけで。キャラクターとしては、実は1話から最後まで変わらずに貫いてるんですけど、ただひとつ変わったのが「命の重さを知った」という、それだけなんです。それほど重いものを軽く見ていたわけですけど、その一点だけでそこまでパラドが変わるのも 『エグゼイド』の面白いところだと思います。 本当、脚本の高橋さんが書かれるセリフにひとつも無駄がなくて、序盤で言っていたことがきっちり後につながってくるのがすごいですよね。
Kai: He finally realizes what he has done and cries out that he has done something that cannot be undone... Parad has had such a "clean heart" from the beginning. It's just that he didn't show it. As a character, he has remained the same from the first episode to the last, but the only thing that has changed is that he has learned the weight of life. He was taking such a heavy thing lightly, and I think it is an interesting aspect of "Ex-Aid" that Parad can change so much just because of that one thing. It is amazing that not a single line written by Takahashi-san, the scriptwriter, is wasted, and what he says in the beginning is directly connected to what he says later on.
New Stage that makes your heart dance
Interviewer: Now I would like to ask you to look back on the filming. How were the early days?
僕の目標として、最終回まで撮り終わったときに「恥ずかしくて第1話が見られないぐらいにやってやろう」というのがあったんですけど、まぁ、その目標通りに最初のほうってあまり見たくないというのが正直な気持ちです。セリフとは逆に、まぁ心が躍ってないこと躍ってないこと (笑)。「こんな広いフィールドでゲームができたらと思うと心が誰るなぉ」というのが、のちのち「仮面ライダークロニクル」のことだとわかるんですけど、もちろんその時点では全体像を知らなくて、何も意味がわからずに言ってますからね。実はあれが 『エグゼイド』自体の最初の撮影カットだったこともあって、中津監督も探り探りだったのかもしれませんけど、 「固いね」って言われながら何回も何回もり直しました。2話の「運命ってのはパズルゲームみたいだね」のくだりも同じ日に撮ってるんですけど、まだ現場に慎れることもできないまま、いきなりビルの高いところに連れて行かれて、何か(安全装置を)巻かれたりしてるうちに1 • 2話の撮影は終わっちゃいました。
Kai: My goal was to do so well that I would be embarrassed to watch the first episode when we finished shooting the final episode, and well, I have to admit that I really don’t want to see it. Contrary to the lines, my heart wasn't really dancing (laughs). When I said, "I wish I could play games in such a large field," I later realized that I was referring to "Kamen Rider Chronicle," but of course I didn't know the whole picture at that point and didn't understand what I was talking about. In fact, that was the first cut of "Ex-Aid" itself, and I think Director Nakazawa may have been exploring the cut, but he said, "It's too hard," as he reworked it over and over again. The 2nd episode, "Fate is like a puzzle game," was also shot on the same day, but I was taken to a high place in a building and wrapped in some kind of safety gear before I could even get accustomed to the scene, and the filming of episodes 1 and 2 was over.
Interviewer: One of the most common "shadow roles" is to be led to a very high place, isn't that so?
今はもう高いところは余裕になりましたけど、さすがに最初は怖かったですね。 高所恐怖症というわけではないんですが、ビルの20数階で建物の緩に座らされるとか、普通はないですから。パラドは死の恐怖を理解するのに40話ぐらいかかってたけど、あの高さを体験したら最初でわかりますよ (笑)。
Kai: Now I can afford to be in high places, but I was indeed scared at first. It's not that I'm afraid of heights, but it's not normal to be made to sit on the loose side of the 20th or so floor of a building. It took Parad about 40 episodes to understand the fear of death, but once you experience that height, you will understand it the first time (laughs).
Interviewer: After the first episode aired, how did the people around you react?
とにかくLINEが飛び交いましたね (笑)。 1話が終わった直後に「説たよー」って、友達や親戚から。そのときに初めて「俺、『仮面ライダー』に出たんだな」っていう実感が湧いてきました。撮影してるときは、たとえば変身するシーンを見ていても、これー体どうなってるんだ? って、よくわからなかったんですよ。でも、それが完成した映像ではCGが入り、音楽もついて、ストーリーもこういう流れになるんだっていうのがやっと見えてきましたし、しかも、それをたくさんの人が観てるんだぞってことがわかったので、ようやく 『仮面ライダエグゼイド』が始まったと実感できて、グッと気持ちが入ったのはそこからかもしれないですね。
Kai: I got flooded with messages on LINE (laughs). Right after the first episode ended, I received messages from friends and relatives saying, “Hey, I saw you!”. That was the first time I really felt like I was in "Kamen Rider". When we were filming, for example, when I was watching the transformation scene, I didn't really understand what was going on with my body. But when I saw the completed episode, with CG and music added, I could finally see how the story was going to flow, and I knew that a lot of people were watching it. I finally felt that "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid" had begun, and that's probably when I really started to get into it.
Interviewer: Since you had never appeared in a drama before, it may have been even more difficult to imagine the finished product during filming.
それこそ、まさに「パズルみたい」にビースが組み合わさっていく感じでしたね。 完成形になったときに「ああ、なるほどね」って思えるような。
Kai: It was exactly like a puzzle, with the pieces slowly coming together. When it was completed, I thought, “Oh, I see now.”
Interviewer: In the beginning, you may have been busy doing what you were told, but is there anything that you suggested yourself?
だんだん現場にも慣れてきて「パラドだったらこういうことやるんじゃないかな」みたいな提案ができるようになってきたのは、グラファイトが復活したぐらいだったかな…? それぐらいの頃にはようやくキャラを掴んでさていて、たとえば23話で「ビンゴ! 消されたってこと」と言うときの手の動きは、それを「消す」という意味で今後も使おうと自分で思ってやってました。そうすると、もう手をその形にしただけで「消す」ってことだから怖いじゃないですか。 それはスーツアクターの岡田さんとも共有して、変身後も使ってもらいました。他にもパラドは手の動きで見せることが多いというのを意識するようにしていたので、「(手をキツネの形にして) 患者か、ブレイブか」って言った(第34話)のとかもありましたね。
Kai: I think it was around the time when Graphite was revived that I gradually became accustomed to the site and was able to make suggestions such as, "I think this is the kind of thing Parad would do."... By that time, I had finally caught on to the character, and for example, the hand movement he uses in episode 23 when he says “Bingo! That’s why he was erased”, I did it thinking to myself that I would continue to use it as a way of meaning "erased". That would be scary, because it already means "erasing" just by making that gesture, wouldn't it? I shared it with the suit actor, Okada-san, and asked him to use it even after the transformation. I was also conscious of the fact that Parad often talks with his hands, so there was also the gesture (in episode 34) where he said, “(Hands in the shape of a fox) The patient or Brave?”
Interviewer: I've been wondering since the broadcast, why was that a fox?
味はなーんにもないです (笑)。は手びならなんでもよかったという、それだけであの回は田村監督だったんですけど、やってみたら「いいんじゃない、いいんじゃない」って自由にやらせていただけて。のびのびと演技させてくれる監督でしたね。他の監督も、比較的そういったアイデアや閃きは採用してくれることが多かったので、僕らとしても想像力を刺激されるというか台本にあることからさらに考えて演技をする勉強になりました。
Kai: It has no meaning (laughs). Director Tamura told me I could do whatever I wanted for that scene, and when I tried it, he let me do it, saying, “It's fine, it's fine”. The director allowed us to act freely. Other directors were also relatively receptive to such ideas and sparks, which stimulated our imagination and taught us to think more about what was in the script and how to act.
Interviewer: When that happens, there is a feeling that the characters' personality will naturally come out.
ですね。手の動き以外で言うと、戦間に挑むときに両足を揃えて立つポーズが「パラド立ち」ってファンの方たちから呼ばれるようになってたんですけど、あれってもとは狙ってたわけじゃなくて、勝手にそうなってたんです。 だから、そういうポーズや動きひとつも、キャラに向き合っていると自然に出てくるようになるんだなと思いました。
Kai: That's right. Aside from the hand movements, the pose in which the character stands with both feet together when challenging a battle is called "Parad Stance" by fans, but this was not something I was aiming for. So, I realized that such poses and movements come naturally when you are embodying the characters.
Interviewer: It's exactly what we call "nurturing the character."
Kai: Yes, I really enjoyed that nurturing feeling!
Interviewer: In terms of development, I had the impression that the character started to really stand out after Graphite's exit in episode 10. I felt that he was always doing something different at Genm Corp.
あれは諸田監督に、いろいろとユニークな演出をしていただいたことが大きかったですね。黎斗と行動を共にし始めた頃はゲーム機で遊んでたのがもはや遊びならなんでもOKになって。特にハンモックでゴロゴロして、半分落ちながらみたいな体勢のままでセリフを言ったりするのは「ここまでやっちゃっていいんだ! 」つて驚いたし、のちの演技にもすごく影響したと思います。あと、楽器を演奏しまくったりしたのも楽しかったし、あの辺りはちゃんと心躍ってます (笑)。 パラドクスに変身したのも諸田監督の回ですし。
Kai: That was largely due to Director Morota's unique direction. When I started working with Kuroto, I was playing with video game consoles, but now I was allowed to do anything for fun. I was especially surprised that I could go so far as to say my lines while lying in a hammock in a half-fallen position, and I think it had a great impact on my performance later on. I also enjoyed playing all the musical instruments, and I was really excited about that part (laughs). It was also in Director Morota's episode that I transformed into Para-DX.
Interviewer: Who came up with that first henshin pose?
Kai: The action itself was casual, but I did it on my own. I was glad that Director Morota was able to capture the cool way he said, “Don't be such a killjoy”! Also, what I thought was great was that Parad is a game character, so he explains his abilities to his opponent right out of the gate. If it were a human rider, I think it would be more advantageous to fight without doing that, but I thought it showed Parad's character of "I want to fight fair and honestly by following the rules."
—強かに、ゲームのチュートリアル風でもありますよね。 すごい親切な説明で (笑)。アイテムを使いまくったり、空中からダルシムみたいな攻撃するのもゲームキャラらしさが強調されてましたね。
Interviewer: It's a bit like a game tutorial, isn't it? The explanations were very kind (laughs). The use of items and the Dhalsim-like attacks from the air also emphasized the game character.
Kai: I guess Okada-san wasn't very familiar with puzzle games, because I had to help him with the items, he asked me, “What does this mean?” So we thought together about how it should be done in terms of the game, and that kind of collaborative work was a fun experience. Also, it was good that we were able to be more creative in the dubbing, with Puzzle Gamer having a relaxed and laid back atmosphere and Fighter Gamer having a more aggressive vibe.
Interviewer: And yet, as was the case a little later when he became Perfect Knockout Gamer, Para-DX was always a powerful character.
最初なんて、レベル5とかX(テン)の相手に対してレベル50って、そりゃ勝つわと。 申し訳ないというか、騎ずかしい気もするぐらいでした (笑)。その分、後で様々な“洗礼”を受けるんですけど。
Kai: At first, I thought, of course he can win at level 50 against a level 5 or X (10) opponent. I felt sorry and even embarrassed (laughs). But he was later humbled in various ways.
—でも、次の山口監督の組 (第17・18話) でゲンムに圧勝するのもシピれました。
Interviewer: I was also impressed by the overwhelming victory over Genm in Director Yamaguchi’s group (episodes 17 and 18).
特に「お前は完全に…俺の心を漆らせた!」からのバトルは、たぶん過去イチでデカい爆発が忘れられなくて (笑)。撮影のときはけっこう離れた場所の車の中から見てたんですけど、それでも車体がビリビリって震えました。しかもあの回は、その直後が「宝生永夢ゥ!」で、“第一回黎斗劇場”が始まりますからね。それと黎斗にトドメを刺す23話は、山口監督が撮られた中でも思い出深い回です。「私は、不滅だァァァ—!」で散る、やっぱり黎斗劇場になっちゃうんですけど (笑)。
Kai: Especially the battle from "Now you’ve really made my heart boil!" was probably the biggest explosion ever, and I will never forget it (laughs). I was watching from a car at a considerable distance from the scene, but even so, I could feel the body of the car shaking. And that episode was immediately followed by the scene where Kuroto reveals Emu has game disease and the "First Kuroto Theater" began. And episode 23, the episode in which Kuroto gets the final blow, is one of the most memorable episodes that Director Yamaguchi has ever shot. Kuroto shouts “I am immortal!” and then he disappears (laughs).
とはいえ、「お疲れさん、ゲームマスター」のパラドも印象的でした。 このセリフって、10話の「ご苦労さん、グラファイト」と意図的に重ねた言い回しだと思うんですけど、ものすごく軽いのがパラドらしいですよね。
Interviewer: However, I was also impressed by Parad's “Good job, Game Master”. I think this line was intentionally superimposed on the phrase "Good work, Graphite" in episode 10, but it was very light, which is typical of Parad.
それも命の重さがまったくわかってないってことで。 グラファイトのときは、その後の関係がどうなるかわかってなかったのもありますけど、「仮面ライダークロニクル」を作る目的が第ーだったのは一貫していると思います。
Kai: It’s because he didn't understand the weight of life at all. In the case of Graphite, I didn't know what the relationship would be like afterwards, but I think in the latter he’s referring to the purpose of creating "Kamen Rider Chronicle".
—黎斗との関係も、共闘しているようで緊張感もあるのが絶妙で。 その辺りのことは岩永(徹也)さんとは相談されたんですか?
Interviewer: The relationship with Kuroto is also exquisite in that they seem to be fighting together, but there is also a sense of tension. Did you discuss this with Iwanaga-san?
「本心から仲がいいわけじゃないよね」というのは共通の認識としてあったので、わりと意識していたのは立ち位置の“距離感”ですね。わざと少し離れたところで会話したり、逆に「永夢に感謝しなきゃな、あと俺にも」(第11話) みたいな嫌味ったらしい言い方をするときは、逆に異様に近くで言ってみたり。そうやって“なんか気持ち悪い関係”の空気感は出すよう、お互い心がけてたと思います。
Kai: We shared the common understanding that they were not really close, so we were rather conscious of the "distance" of our standing positions. We intentionally talked at a bit of a distance from each other, or conversely, when we used sarcastic expressions such as "You should be thankful to Emu and me" (episode 11), we would try to say it at an unusually close distance. In this way, I think we both tried to create an atmosphere of "some kind of creepy and unpleasant relationship."

Memories at the End of the Limits
Interviewer: And so, after entering the "Kamen Rider Chronicle" arc, it felt like he was finally showing his true character.
Kai: Around the beginning of Chronicle, producer Omori told me, "Just act like an 'evil Parad' for now, because it will come into play later," so I was doing thoroughly bad things.
Interviewer: The development of Emu's possession was shocking. Or hitting Poppy at the end of episode 28.
やってるのは中に入ってるパラドなんですけど、あんな素顔の状態でヒロインを殴る仮面ライダーって、まぁ見たことないですね (笑)。その後の回の「俺、ドクター辞めるから」って言い放つのとか、あの頃の永夢の演技は見ていてメチャクチャ楽しかったです。
Kai: It’s because Parad was controlling him on the inside, but I have never seen a Kamen Rider unashamedly beat up the heroine like that (laughs). I really enjoyed watching Emu's acting in those episodes, like when he said "I'm quitting as a doctor" in the following episode.
Interviewer: Did you and Iijima-san discuss this in detail?
Kai: No, during this period, I dared not to have too many meetings with Iijima-kun in advance and often tried to do as I pleased. Since we already knew each other to some extent, I thought it would be more interesting to just go with it. Iijima-kun would sometimes confirm my ideas about Parad, but I left it up to him to decide exactly how to act.
Interviewer: It's quite an exciting relationship. And with the arrival of Cronus, Parad was in a position of being pursued.
バグスターとライダーの決戦がまるで「これ、最終回?」みたいな展開で、そこからクロノス登場の盛り上げ方が熱かったですね!ファンの方にも「早く来週になれ!」みたいな応援をたくさんいただいて、僕としてもワクワクしっぱなしでした。演技としては、“初めて死の恐怖を知るパラド”に苦労したところですけどね。パラドにとってはその感情自体が未知のものなので、 "恐怖”ではなく“恐怖的な何か”なんですよ。
Kai: The decisive battle between Bugsters and Riders had a feeling of “Could it be, is this the final episode?” and then the appearance of Cronus was a hot climax! I was thrilled to receive a lot of support from fans, who said, “Next week can’t come fast enough!” As for acting, I had a hard time with "Parad, who is learning the fear of death for the first time". For Parad, the emotion itself was unknown, so it wasn’t "fear", but more like "something to be afraid of".
Interviewer: Wow, that must’ve been tough!
その得体の知れないものに恐怖…いや、恐怖って言っちゃったら違うんですけど (笑)、「なんだ、これは?」となってしまって、その状態にさらに混乱するというか。
Kai: He was afraid of this feeling he didn’t understand… no, it’s wrong if I say afraid (laugh), it was more like a feeling of “What’s this?” and he became even more confused by that state.
—そして先ほども少し括に出ましたけど、パラドとしての集大成とも言える39 • 40的話は、特に見応えがありました。
Interviewer: And as I mentioned a little earlier, the story of episodes 39-40, which is the culmination of Parad’s arc, was particularly impressive.
Kai: As I have mentioned several times before, Director Kamihoriuchi told me to "Break out of your shell not only as Parad, but also as Kai Shouma!" and I persevered until the very last minute. The deep underwater shoot that made me really feel like I was about to die, the performance where I cried and screamed and regretted all the things I had done, and the repeated post recordings until I could pull out the best “My heart is dancing!”, it was all unforgettable. From that group, in the order of filming, the last cut is the scene where he corners Graphite against the fence and forcibly takes the bugvisor from him. So, for all intents and purposes, that was probably where I was able to express my emotions the most honestly.
Interviewer: And what about the climax of the show?
最後はバグスターとしての使命を果たすということで、これは最初の頃から考えていたことなんですけど、「パラドが散るときは笑額で最期を迎えよう」と思っていました。ストーリーとしても、それに相応しい展開になって本当によかったです。まぁ、最後の最後で「ポンッ」と出てきちゃいますけど (笑)。
Kai: At the end, he fulfills his mission as a bugster, and this was something I had been thinking about since the beginning: "When Parad scatters, let’s face the end with a smile". I’m really glad that the story turned out to be worthy of that. Even if he pops back to life at the very end (laughs).
Interviewer: You have been saying for a long time that you personally wanted to remain an enemy.
大森さんにも訴えたんですけど、『(劇場版 仮面ライダーエグゼイド)トゥルー • エンディング』を撮っちゃったからねって。まぁ、パラドがお好きな方は44話でやめちゃって (笑)...ってわけにもいかないので、最終話まで観たなら 『トゥルー • エンディング』も絶対に観るようにお願いします。
Kai: I appealed to Omori-san, but he said that he had already shot "(Kamen Rider Ex-Aid the Movie) True Ending". Well, if you like Parad, you can’t stop after 44 episodes (laugh)... If you watched the last episode, please be sure to watch "True Ending" as well.
—今後、Vシネマ (『仮面ライダーパラドクスwithポッピー』) のリリースも控えていますが。
Interviewer: You have a V-Cinema ("Kamen Rider Para-DX with Poppy") coming out in the near future.
まだ詳しいことは言えない段階ですが、見どころはアナザーパラドというもう一人の謎のパラドが登場することと、あとは名前からしてサイコパスな感じの一女医にピンヒールで踏まれること…かな (笑)。
Kai: I can't go into details yet, but the highlights are the appearance of another mysterious Parad, Another Parad, and being stepped on by a psychopathic female doctor with stiletto heels... (laughs).
えっ?それはリリースが待ち遠しすぎますね。 では、最後になりますが、『エグゼイド 』に関わった1年あまりで最も印象に残ることは?
Interviewer: What does that mean? I can’t wait for the release. Last but not least, what do you remember most from the year or so you have been involved with "Ex-Aid"?
やはりエピソードとしては39 • 40話ということになるんでしょうけど、あの撮影はギリギリまで追い詰められていた僕自身とパラドが互いにリンクして、結果的にいいものが残せたと思います。後で上堀内監督には「甲斐が悩んでる表情が、まさにパラドと重なっていてよかった」と言われて、「それ、もうちょっと早く言ってくれたら、もっと自信を持って演じられたのに」って思いましたけど (笑)。いや、でも自信を持っちゃつたらああはならなかったかもしれないので、それでよかったのかな?で、上堀内監督が最後に「楽しかったよ」って言ってくださって、それって最高の褒め言葉だなって。言葉としては短いですけど、その「楽しかったよ」と言われたことが何よりも嬉しく、ずっと忘れられません。
Kai: I think 39-40 were the best episodes, but I think I was able to leave a good impression because Parad and I, who were both cornered, were able to link with each other. Director Kamihoriuchi told me later that he was glad to see Kai's expression of distress overlapping with Parad's. I thought, "If you had told me that a little earlier, I could have acted with more confidence" (laughs). But if I had been more confident, it might not have turned out the way it did, so I guess I was happy about that. Director Kamihoriuchi said at the end, "It was fun," which I thought was the highest compliment. It was a short phrase, but I was more than happy to hear him say, "It was fun," and I will never forget it.