Kai Shouma Interview from Hyper Hobby
I want people to see the fearsomeness that comes from not being human, and the ruthlessness of Parad.
The mysterious villain Parad, who is becoming a key player in "Ex-Aid," is played by 19-year-old Kai Shouma, who is making his first appearance in a TV drama. He has already been interviewed by various media outlets, but this is the first time he has been interviewed as "Parad who transforms into Kamen Rider Para-DX". His accurate interview answers and future-focused thinking already give him a sense of being a big-time Kamen Rider actor!?
A time when you have to build a foundation as an actor
Interviewer: When you were cast as Parad, did you know that you would transform into Kamen Rider Para-DX?
変身するとは言われていて、でもそれが怪人なのかライダーなのかはわからなかったんです。仮面ライダーになれると聞いたときはうれしかったです。子どもたちの憧れですよね。仮面ライダーになれるってどれだけの確率なんだろうと思いながら、夢をみさせていただいています (笑)。
Kai: I was told that I would transform, but I didn't know if it would be as a monster or a rider. When I heard that I could become a Kamen Rider, I was so happy. It's something that every child dreams of, isn't it? I wonder what the odds are that I was able to become a Kamen Rider, I feel like I'm still dreaming (laughs).
Interviewer: Parad's smile and Kai-san's normal smile are completely different.
Kai: There's a difference. Jared Leto, who played the Joker in "Suicide Squad" (2016 movie), spent months on the street studying the kind of smile that people find uncomfortable. He found that the smile from here up (the upper half of the face) was not smiling, but the smile below was. Since I am on the enemy's side, I want to show that kind of scary side. In episode 15, when I first transformed into Para-DX, I was most particular about my facial expression in the last scene. He laughs and says, "Entertain me next time, M," and when he leaves, he has a cold, serious face. I think it worked well.
Interviewer: You had no intention of becoming an actor until he was scouted, but you are very dedicated to your research.
Kai: It's fun, isn't it? Of course, there are times when I am troubled, but I don't go as far as to say, "I don't want to think about the role". If you are an actor for a long time, there will be times like that, but I think such times are necessary. Don't be afraid of that. I think you will have problems no matter what path you take. I'm only 19 years old, and I still have many decades ahead of me.
Interviewer: You have such solid ideas that I can't believe you are 19 years old.
今が楽しければいいっていうのは、僕は違うと思っています。結局、今は今しかないわけだから、今のこの一瞬も後に続くわけですよね。その後を無駄にすることも楽しくすることもできる。だったら楽しくしたい、楽しくするには今はまだハジけちゃいけない、俳優としての土台を作らないといけない時期なんだと考えています…ちょっと恥ずかしいですね (笑)。
Kai: I don't think it's enough to just enjoy the moment. After all, now is the only time we have, and this moment now will continue later, right? After that, you can either waste it or make it fun. If that's the case, I want to make it fun, and in order to make it fun, I think now is the time when I have to build my foundation as an actor.
I want to thank those who support me
Interviewer: You were scouted when you were in the first year of high school, and you started performing after graduation. Did you have any preparations or plans for the future during those high school years?
がむしゃらに高校サッカーを楽しんでいました。それだけですね。正直、その3年間で俳優ってどういうものなんだろうってまだフワフワしていたんですよね。俳優っていうものが自分の中でわかったのは映画 (『写真甲子園0•5秒の夏』※2017年冬公開予定)の撮影に入ったときです。
Kai: I was enjoying high school soccer to my heart's content. That was it. To be honest, during those three years, I was still in a bit of a daze, wondering what it meant to be an actor. It wasn't until I started working on a movie ("Shashin Koshien: 0.5 Seconds of Summer" *Released in the winter 2017) that I began to understand what it meant to be an actor.
Interviewer: So that's when you knew acting was for you?
Kai: I don't know yet. I can't be sure if I'm right for it until I see the results. Just because I enjoy it doesn't mean I'm suited for it. When they see me on TV, my acquaintances and family members say, "That's amazing," but I wonder what third parties who don't know me at all think about it, and whether I'll have more fans... I'm sure that as the number of fans increases, I'll be able to find the answer, or rather, I'll be able to think, "Is it okay for me to be an actor?" That's what I'm working hard for.
Interviewer: Do you feel that the number of fans is increasing?
Kai: I received letters from people at the event, and they came to the Budokan for the Thanksgiving Festival from Iwate Prefecture and other places, which made me realize that I'm really an actor. The show is broadcasted almost nationwide, from Hokkaido to Okinawa, and I realized how many people are watching the show by receiving those kinds of messages. I really appreciate it.
Interviewer: Has your daily life changed in any way since you became an actor?
Kai: For the time being, it has changed the way I watch dramas. Of course I'm interested in the story, but I also look at the actors' performances. If I think something looks good, I might try to steal it or something like that. I watch people on the train or in my daily life to see if there is anything I can incorporate into my acting.
Interviewer: On the other hand, do people in town ever notice that you're "Kai Shouma" or "Parad"?
撮影終わりだと髪型がそのままだったりするので、たまにありますね。声をかけてもらっても、どうしたらいいかわからないんですけれど... (笑)。
Kai: It happens sometimes because my hair is still the same after shooting, but I don't know what to do when someone calls out to me... (laughs).
Interviewer: But you want to have a birthday event, don't you?
やりたいですね (笑)。ぜひやりたい。自分を応援してくださる方に感謝を伝えたいんです。
Kai: I'd love to do it (laughs). I really want to do it. I want to express my gratitude to the people who support me.

The playing field is not yet level enough to set goals
Interviewer: Do you have any goals for the kind of actor you want to be by the time you turn 20?
Kai: I think it's not time for me to not set any goals yet and just keep working to improve my skills. I'm still in my first year, so rather than setting goals that I don't really understand, I'll just focus on what's right in front of me, absorb what I can learn, and grow. Once I've grown to a certain degree, I can start thinking about what I want to be. I don't have the field to set goals yet, so when I do, I think I'll start thinking about what I want to do.
Interviewer: Now that you have been playing Parad for the past six months and have become a Kamen Rider named Para-DX, how do you feel "Ex-Aid"?
Kai: When I was in high school, I had the idea that it would be nice to be someone's dream, and although I didn't have a specific dream at the time, I wanted to be someone's goal. I think "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid" made that dream come true for me.
Interviewer: What are the future highlights of Parad and Kamen Rider Para-DX?
Kai: He looks like he's having fun, but what he's doing is quite scary, and I want people to feel that fear. Parad is faithfully following the rules of the game with the loser's ending. It's scary because he's playing the human world as if it were a game, and he takes the stance that rules are rules. I want people to see the fearsomeness that comes from not being human, and the ruthlessness of Parad.
Interviewer: I don't think we'll be able to see that honest smile for a while.
そうですね (笑)。たぶん最後まで見られないんじゃないかな。
Kai: That's right (laughs). You might not be able to see it until the end.