Interview 1 from Kamen Rider Para-DX with Poppy Official Mook ~ SELECT ▶ HEARTS ~
Parad/Kamen Rider Para-DX was born as a bugster and chose to live with humans. For Kai Shouma, this work, "Para-DX with Poppy," including the challenge of playing two roles with the addition of "Black Parad," seems to have been an exciting culmination.

Two Parads
『パラドクスwithポッピー』の完成映像を見て、純粋におもしろいと思いました。最後に黎斗が目立ってノイズが入った気もしますが (笑)、そもそも3部作全体の根底にいるのは黎斗ですからね。しかし改めて振り返ると、「仮面ライダーエグゼイド」のストーコーは全部あの人から始まっていますよね。ポッピー(松田るかさん)が歌う主題歌「Real Heart」が「どうして戦うのか」という歌詞で、ゲームキャラクターやバグスターの気持ちを歌っているようで切なくて大好きなんです。でも、だいたいが黎斗のせいだと思うと、複雑です (苦笑)。
When I saw the finished video of "Para-DX with Poppy", I thought it was genuinely interesting. At the end of the film, Kuroto stands out and makes some noise (laughs), but he is the one who is at the root of the whole trilogy. However, looking back again, the entire story of "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid" started with that person, didn't it? I love the theme song "Real Heart" sung by Poppy (Matsuda Ruka-san) with the lyrics "Why do we fight?" It's sad and sings about the feelings of the game characters and the bugsters. But it's complicated when I think that it's mostly Kuroto's fault (wry smile).
台本をいただいた時、登場人物欄の最初に僕の名前と役名があるのを見て、「そうか、主役なんだ」とは思いましたが、すぐに意識しなくなりました。 特別何かをしなければいけないとも思いませんでしたし。 世界観が「エグゼイド」である以上、主役はあくまでも宝生永夢。 今回はそのなかで起こった出来事を、パラドを中心に切り取っただけだと思って演じていました。 試写の時にエンドロールを見て、「あ、主役だった」と思い出したくらいです。
When I received the script and saw my name and role at the beginning of the character section, I thought, "Well, I'm playing the main role," but I soon stopped thinking about it. I didn't feel like I had to do anything special. As long as the worldview is "Ex-Aid", the main character is just Hojo Emu. This time, I was playing the role as if I was just capturing the events that took place in that world, with Parad at the center. When I saw the credits roll at the preview, I remembered, "Oh, I was the leading role."
The biggest thing for me in this work was to play the two different roles of Parad and Black Parad. When I first read the script, I was worried about how to differentiate between the two, because the script and the phrasing had not changed. Moreover, since Black Parad hides his true identity from Emu until the middle of the story, I didn't want him to feel "different" to the point that it was uncomfortable. That's why I decided to change the tone of voice a little, but not to make it too much. If I were to use an analogy, it would be like Parad in the early days of the TV series. The first Parad was inorganic.
He was an unsympathetic character who had an interest in and longing for humans, but his priority was to enjoy the game, and for that he would take human lives without hesitation. He didn't understand the heart or life, so it's not surprising. He is different from Parad, but not the opposite. He may be a villain in his position, but he is not malicious. The concept of good and evil is determined by humans, and as a game character, he is living for the purpose of the game. I played the role thinking that it would be good if he looked evil by human standards.
Black Parad, depending on how you look at it, may feel like Parad after having gone through a different route in the middle of the main story. In the main story, he got the power to transform into Kamen Rider Para-DX Perfect Knockout Gamer Level 99 and once defeated Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, but he was interrupted by the resurrected Kamen Rider Genm and was unable to finish him off. If he had completely defeated Ex-Aid there, he would have continued Kamen Rider Chronicle and become a ruthless being who erases people who become players. Characters who went in different directions at a fork in the road fight each other. It is truly like a game.
ブラックパラドが変身した仮面ライダーアナザーパラドクスは、カッコいいですね。攻撃もバグヴァイザーのチェーンソーを使って、ウィーンとうならせたり。初変身のはずなのに、腰の周りの布が破れているのが気になったんですが……すでに他のゲームで戦った後だったんでしょうか (笑)?そのアナザーパラドクスとの戦闘シーンでパラドクスが告げる言葉が好きなんです。「俺は俺の心で、俺の運命を変える」という言葉。心を持って、人間と寄り添って生きていくバグスターであることの表れです。パラドは本当に変わったな、と実感しました。
The Kamen Rider Another Para-DX that Black Parad transforms into is cool. His attacks include using the bugvisor chainsaw and making it whine. It was supposed to be his first henshin, but I noticed that the cloth around his waist was torn. ...Was it after he had already fought in another game (laughs)? I like the words that Parad says in the battle scene with Another Para-DX "I'm going to change my fate with my own heart." This is a sign that he is a bugster who has a heart and lives close to humans. I realized that Parad has really changed.
今回の時間軸は「トゥルー・エンディング」の2年後ですがパラドは何をしていたんですかね。冒頭で聖都大学附属病院の屋上に寝転がって退屈そうにしていましたが、普段は宝生家にお世話になっているのかな...? 永夢は時間があればゲームで遊んでくれるでしょうけど小児科医の仕事が忙しいから1日中は無理。たとえば永夢が食事をしていたら、パラドも興味をもって一緒に食べたとしても、生きるために必要な行為ではない。やっぱり暇をもてあまします。それでも、人間社会に溶け込んだのは確かでしょうね。
The timeline of this episode is two years after "True Ending", but what was Parad doing? In the beginning, he was lying on the rooftop of the Seito University Hospital, looking bored, but is he usually staying with the Hojo family...? Emu would probably play games with him if he had the time, but he's too busy working as a pediatrician to do so all day long. For example, if Emu was eating, Parad would be interested in eating with him, but it's not an act necessary for survival. He still has a lot of free time. Nevertheless, I'm sure he has blended into human society.
紗衣子に「仕事ならある」と話しかけられた時も、「俺は何をすればいいんだ?」と普通に会話をしていましたから。あそこは極力、 "人間っぽい" お芝居を心がけました。日常ののほほんとした空気感を出したかったので。本編は怒決の展開で、そういう空気を出せませんでしたからね。パラドのシーンで初めてコメディチックなBGMが流れたので、「やっとだ」と思いました (笑)。
When Saiko talked to him and said she had a job for him, I said, "What do you want me to do?" I tried to act as human as possible. I wanted to create a sense of the relaxed atmosphere of everyday life. I couldn't create that kind of atmosphere in the main story because it was so fast-paced. When the comedic background music was played for the first time in a Parad scene, I thought, "Finally" (laughs).
Parad and Kai Shouma's growth
今回は永夢との絆が描かれるストーリーでもありながら、パラドと永夢は直接会って話をしていません。精神世界で交信をしていて、言葉は必要ないのだとわかりますが。一方でブラックパラドは永夢と一緒にゲームをしたかと思えばその永夢を攻撃します。パラドを演じていたブラックパラドが牙をむく瞬間なので、あのシーンはこだわりました。 並んで歩いていたブラックパラドが立ち止まり、永夢が振り向いた時に「もうお前には負けない」「お前に育ててもらうことは何もない」とげて、容赦なくバグヴァイザーⅡで撃ちます。 鈴村監督からは止まったままセリフを言うようにという提素がありましたが、僕から動きを入れたいとご相談しました。 永夢の肩を叩いて優しさや穏やかさを感じさせつつ、永夢に「お前、本当にパラドか」と疑われた瞬間に本性を現します。匂わせたり切り替えたりするお芝居は楽しくもあり、難しさもありました。パラドを演じているブラックパラドを、パラド役の僕が演じるわけで…ややこしいことになっていまして (苦笑)。
Although this story is also about the bond between Parad and Emu, Parad and Emu don't meet and talk in person. You can see that they are communicating spiritually and words are not necessary. On the other hand, Black Parad plays a game with Emu and then attacks him. I was very particular about that scene because it was the moment when Black Parad, who was pretending to be Parad, bared his fangs. When Black Parad, who was walking side by side with him, stops and Emu turns around, he says, “I won't lose to you anymore” and “I have nothing else to learn from you,” and shoots him mercilessly with the Bugvisor II. Director Suzumura suggested that he should say his lines while standing still, but I asked him if I could add some movement. He taps Emu on the shoulder to make him feel calm and secure, but reveals his true nature the moment Emu suspects, “Are you really Parad?” The act of baiting and switching between the two was both fun and difficult. The Black Parad, who is playing the role of Parad, is played by me, who is playing the role of Parad… it was a complicated situation (strained smile).
At times like that, I was reassured by the presence of Director Suzumura. He accepted my consultations and suggestions and said, "OK," and I was able to do what I wanted. For the scene where Parad tells Black Parad to "disappear," I was very particular about the way he moved his hands and posed. It's not the bad guy's terrifying "disappear," but the righteous "disappear." It was very satisfying to play the role, and when I saw the finished video, I thought, "Wow."
負傷した永夢も遠くから「成長したな」と言ってくれましたしね。永夢とは別々に行動したからこそ、彼に頼りすぎずにパラドがひとりで頑張るストーリーになりました。縛られて力が使えずにピンチになったけれど、魂の力で逆境を跳ね除けて、変身して、戦う。ヒーロー作品の熱い展開を押さえているところは、演じていて燃えました。それを人間ではないパラドが貫くのが、また熱いですよね。本編で培った "心" があるからこそだと思うと、感概深いです。高い所に上って、ゲームをしながら人間たちを観察していたパラドが、ヒーローとして、敵に正義の「消えろ」を言い放つわけですから。あまり感情の起伏がないキャラクターからスタートしたパラドが、今回は感情をむき出しにするシーンも多かった。パラドがストーリーのなかでいろいろな感情を身につけたことと、僕自身の成長を一緒に見せることができればいいと思って演じました。
And even the injured Emu said to him from afar, "You've grown up." Because he acted separately from Emu, the story became one in which Parad worked hard on his own without relying too much on him. He was in a pinch because he was tied up and couldn't use his powers, but he used the power of his soul to overcome the adversity, transform, and fight. I was very excited to play the role of the hero, because I was able to keep the passionate development of a heroic work. The fact that Parad, who is not a human, carries it out is also very exciting. I was deeply moved when I realized that it was because of the "heart" he cultivated in the main story. Parad, who used to climb up on high places and observe humans while playing games, is now a hero who tells his enemies to "disappear." Parad started out as a character who didn't have many emotional ups and downs, but this time he had many scenes where he showed his emotions. I played the role with the hope that I could show Parad's acquisition of various emotions in the story as well as my own growth.
そんなパラドを引き出してくださった鈴村監督とは、仲よくさせていただいています。僕が勝手に思っているだけかもしれませんが、相性がいい気がしていて。ずっとサングラースをかけていらっしゃるから、最初の印象は「怖い?」だったんですけど (笑)。気になって「夜は見えにくくありませんか?」と聞いたら、「そこはツッコまなくていいの」と返されました (笑)。何よりお芝居をかなり任せてくださったことがうれしくて。役に関しては、1年間演じてきた役者こそが正解を知っているというか、僕たちが自分で正解をつくり出すもの。そんなスタンスで、 『エグゼイド』のスピンオフを撮ってくださっていたそうです。ぜひまた一緒にお仕事をさせていただきたいです。たとえばもう1作、Vシネマで。タイトルは「パラドの一日」なんていかがでしょう。その場合、主題歌も挿入歌も僕に歌わせてください (笑)。そもそも3部作のクランクイン前に、どれか1作はコメディタッチになると聞いたんです。それならば僕たちの2作目かと思っていたんですが、結果的にコメディにはならなかった……。なので鈴村監督に、パラドの1日を終始コメディで撮っていただきたいんです。就職して、社会人になったパラドが、「心が躍らないなあ」とゴロゴロしていると、 明日那に注意される。今回の冒頭のシーンから、コメディを貫いてみたいです (笑)。
I've become good friends with Director Suzumura, who has brought out the best in Parad. Maybe it's just my own opinion, but I feel like we have good chemistry. My first impression of him was "scary" because he always wears sunglasses (laughs). I was curious, so I asked him, “Isn't it hard to see at night?”, but he replied, “You don't have to worry about that” (laughs). More than anything, I was happy that they entrusted me with my own performance. As for the roles, the actors who have been playing them for a year know the correct answers, or rather, we create the correct answers ourselves. I heard that he filmed the spin-off of "Ex-Aid" with such a stance. I'd love to work with him again. For example, in another V-Cinema film. How about the title "A Day in the Life of Parad"? In that case, please let me sing the theme song and insert song (laughs). Before we started the trilogy, I was told that one of the films would be a comedy. I thought it would be our second film then, but as it turned out, it was not a comedy... So I'd like Director Suzumura to film a day in the life of Parad as a comedy from beginning to end. When Parad gets a job and becomes a member of society, he is scolded by Asuna when he is moping around saying, “I'm not excited at all”. From the very beginning of the story, I want to make a comedy out of it (laughs).
もう1作のVシネマを……と言いましたけど、パラドを演じ足りないと思っているわけではないんです。彼の場合は描かれていない過去がたくさんあるわけではないし、本編を通して大きく変わった今、さらに劇的な変化はなく、ある意味で到達点にたどり着いたキャラクターだと思うので。ただ、39、40話で永夢に消される恐怖を味わわされて、命の大切さを学び、永夢と一緒に人間の命を救うために戦うことを決めた後は、ストーリーが大詰めでしたから。パラドに限らず、キャラフクターひとりひとりが息抜きをするシーンもほしかったな、という欲張りな想いです。今回、ブラックパラドと永夢とでゲームをプレイするシーンはおもしろかったですが。「ボーズ・オブ・テラ」は……専用コントローラーが木魚ですからね。(小星) 作さんは「我ながらいいゲーム」と自画自賛していましたけど、鈴村監督と「このゲームはやばい(笑)」と話していました (笑)。他がシリアスだからこそ、あのシーンは遊び心を感じられました。
I mentioned wanting to do another V-Cinema, but it's not that I think I haven't played Parad enough. He doesn't have a lot of past that hasn't been portrayed, and now that he has changed a lot throughout the show, I think he is a character that has reached a certain point without further dramatic changes. However, in episodes 39 and 40, after experiencing the fear of being erased by Emu, he learns the importance of life and decides to fight with Emu to save human lives, and that was the end of the story. I wanted to have a scene where each of the character actors, not just Parad, could take a break. This time, though, the scene where Black Parad and Emu play a game together was interesting. In "Priest of Temple" the controller is... a mokugyo. Tsukuru-san said to himself, “I'm proud to say it's a good game,” but Director Suzumura and I were talking about how bad this game was (laughs). Because the rest of the story was so serious, I felt that scene was very playful.

"いい感じ" にするために
To make it look good
ふと思うのは、パラドの "ゴール" はどこなのかということです。永夢たち人間と生きていくことは決めたけれど、年を取らないわけですもんね。周りが年老いていっても、パラドは今のまま変わらない姿でいる。永夢が老いていく姿を見るのは複雑な気分でしょうね……。医療や科学が進めば、いつかバグスターも寿命を手に入れるでしょうか。そうなった時、またパラドの命のとらえ方が変わる気がします。今以上に強く執着することは間違いない。
I'm wondering where Parad's "goal" is. He has decided to live with Emu and the others, but he will never grow old, right? Even though everyone around him is getting older, Parad will remain the same. It must be a complicated feeling to see Emu grow old... With the advancement of medicine and science, will bugsters one day have a lifespan? I have a feeling that when that happens, the way Parad views life will change again. I have no doubt that he will cling to it even more strongly than he does now.
成長して心を手に入れたパラドに対して、生まれながらに人間であるはずの紗衣子が、命を軽んじるような辛錬な言葉を言い放つシーンがあります。パラドはそれに対して「命に優先順位なんてない」と反論する。あのセリフにはパラドの成長が詰まっているし、僕が役者として学んだものを詰めなくてはいけないと思いました。そしてバグスターのパラドとポッピーが紗衣子に対して、かつて永夢がパラドにかけたものと同じ言葉を伝えるんですが……。本編に対して、人間とバグスターが逆説的な立ち位置になっていることに気づきました。まさに "パラドクス"。全部を見越して名付けられた名のように思えます。
There is a scene in which Saiko, who is supposed to be a human being by birth, speaks harshly to Parad, who has grown up and gained a heart, as if to belittle life. Parad responds by saying, “No life has more priority than others.” That line is filled with Parad's growth, and I felt I had to fill it with what I've learned as an actor. Then the bugsters Parad and Poppy tell Saiko the same words that Emu once said to Parad... I noticed the paradoxical position of the human and the bugster in relation to the main story. A true "paradox". It seems to me that the name was given in anticipation of the whole thing.
その紗衣子には、3発も殴られ、ピンヒールで踏みつけられるシーンがありましたけど、実際に当たっているので痛かった (苦笑)。ヒールが食い込むのを避けるために、衣裳の下にクッションになるものを入れてはいましたけどね。あのシーンの撮影はクランクインの日で、柳 (ゆり菜) さんとは初対面でした。初対面の方に僕は何をされているのかと思いましたし、柳さんも同じように思ったようです (笑)。柳さんの演じ分けがすごくて、直前まで穏やかに話をしていたのに、急にスイッチが入って鬼気迫る雰囲気になるんです。素直に「怖い」と感じました。1年以上携わった「エグゼイド」で、今またVシネマのゲストキャラクターと新たなお芝居ができて、とてもいい経験です。
There was a scene where Saiko hit me three times and stomped on me with her pinwheels, but it hurt because she actually hit me (laughs). I had to put something under my costume to cushion the heels to prevent them from digging in, though. It was the day we started shooting the scene, and it was the first time I met Yanagi Yurina-san. I wondered what I was doing with someone I had never met before, and I think Yanagi-san felt the same way (laughs). Yanagi-san's acting style was very different. She would be talking calmly just before, and then suddenly turn on a switch and become very intense. After working on "Ex-Aid" for over a year, it was a great experience to be able to act with a guest character from a V-Cinema.
When I saw the finished video, I thought that the scene was even better than I had imagined, and that was the final battle scene. Parad and Poppy conveyed a lot of heartfelt words, and I thought it was a great scene to watch myself. I also like the scene where they escape from their bound state. I also like the scene where he escapes from being tied up, murmuring, “My heart is trembling,” and tearing off the cable as his heart communicates with Emu. The strength of Parad's will is expressed in this scene. I'm really happy to be able to show you how Parad has grown in every way.
What I think about when I act is "making it feel right". It's difficult to explain because there's nuance, and I don't have any set rules on how to achieve it. Sometimes I realize after I'm on the set that I should do something like this, and other times it comes to me after the camera is rolling. It's not something that can be done by repeatedly testing and refining, and there are many times when you think something looks good in the test, but it doesn't look so good in the actual production because the atmosphere has changed... It's a really remote thing, isn't it? The atmosphere on the set can change with the slightest thing, so even if I were to go in there all prepared, I wouldn't be able to handle it. When I'm reading the script beforehand, I'm reading it as Kai Shouma, who is trying to play the role, not the character living in the story, so it's different from what I actually want to play. There is a certain atmosphere that you can only feel when you become the character in the show. You can't experience that just by reading the script, and sometimes the things you've prepared yourself don't match the atmosphere on the set. Sometimes it's hard to get rid of those differences. Preparation is important, but too much preparation or too much work is not good either.
"It's difficult," I said, but now that I can think about it, I enjoy acting even more. I was genuinely happy when Producer Omori, who saw the preview, told me, “Your acting was good”. Of course it's nice to receive praise from the audience, but if I can't make the staff in front of me enjoy the film, I can't make the people on the other side of the screen happy. I believe that being praised and recognized by the staff is the way to be sought after by many people.
"おもしろい" 役者さんは現場もおもしろくして、スタッフさんのことも楽しませていると思うんですよ。身近な役者さんでいえば、(小野塚)勇人くんは現場を明るくしてくれるし、ひとつひとつのシーンもリアクションやアドリブで濃くしています。今回も永夢がケガをして寝ているのに、ベッドのリクライニングを勝手に上げたりして (笑)。細かいお芝居が参考になる役者さんで、もっと一緒にお芝居がしたかったです。今回も絡むシーンがありませんでしたし。いつか他の作品でも共演できるといいですね。それでいうと町井(祥真)くんとも絡みがありませんでしたが、グラファイトの出番はピンポイントでしたからね……。ゲームのキャラクターとして出るというから、映像がチラリと流れる感じかと思っていたら、想像していたよりも出ていましたけど。いかつい衣裳を着て、ぜいたくなシーンですよね (笑)。
I think actors who are "interesting" make the scene interesting and also entertain the staff. Speaking of familiar actors, (Onozuka) Hayato-kun makes the scene cheerful, and he makes each scene more intense with his reactions and ad-libs. This time, too, he raised the recliner of the bed without permission even though Emu was injured and sleeping (laughs). He is an actor whose detailed acting is very helpful to me, and I wish I could have acted with him more. We didn't have any scenes involving him this time either. I hope we can work together again in another film someday. That said, I didn't get involved with Machii-kun either, but I was able to pinpoint Graphite's cue… I was expecting to see a glimpse of him as a character in the game, but it turned out to be more than I expected. It's a very extravagant scene, with all the cool costumes (laughs).
鈴村監督は提案を取り入れてくださいましたけど、制止された場面もありました。ブラックパラドがパラドに厳しい一言を放つシーンで、僕は遠藤憲一さんのように迫力を込めて演じようと思っていたんですが「怖くなりすぎている」と言われて変えたんです。そうやって改めて教えていただくこともありながら、全身全霊をかけて "いい感じ" のパラドを演じた作品です。ぜひ何度もご覧になってください。細かいお芝居や新しく気づくことがあるはずです。最初に言ったように、僕自身が純粋におもしろいと思えた作品なので、自信をもってお届けします。
Director Suzumura took my suggestions into consideration, but there were times when he stopped me. In the scene where Black Parad gives Parad a stern talking-to, I was going to play it with power like Endo Kenichi, but I was told that it was getting too scary, so I changed it. I learned something new from him, and I put all my energy into playing Parad in a "good" way. I hope you will watch it again and again. I'm sure you'll notice new details in the film. As I said at the beginning, this is a work that I myself found genuinely interesting, so I present it to you with confidence.