Kan Hideyoshi Interview from Uchusen 178

“Kamen Rider Geats” is the fourth Kamen Rider of the Reiwa era. The hero, Ukiyo Ace, who is said to be the most enigmatic main character in the history of the series, transforms into a fox, an unusual motif for a hero. The character is played by Kan Hideyoshi, who has a close relationship with foxes. In this issue, we asked him about his enthusiasm for the series and the highlights of the future.

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Interviewer: Do you remember when you auditioned?

オーディションでは数人でお芝居をしました。今考えると台本に書いてあった中に、 英寿の台詞もあったと思うのですが、当時はそれが主人公の台詞だとは思っていなかったので、意識しないで読んでいました。むしろ、他の役を主役だと勘違いしていたくらいです。オーディションの後は、帰りの電車であまりの手応えのなさに、悔しさを感じていました。

Hideyoshi: During the audition, I performed together with several other people. Now that I think about it, I think some of the lines in the script were written for Ace, but at the time I didn’t think they were the main character’s lines, so I read them without being aware of it. In fact, I even mistakenly thought the other roles were the main characters. After the audition, I felt frustrated on the train ride home because I didn’t get much of a response.


Interviewer: Despite the positive response, how did you receive the report when you were chosen to play the lead role?

事務所に行ったら動画が回されていまして「仮面ライダーの主役に決まりました!」と報告されたんです。ドッキリかと思いました (笑)。真っ先に家族に報告したのですが、母には「調子に乗ってはいけない」とたしなめられました。「これがゴールだと思って立ち止まらずに、一歩一歩前に進みなさい」という意味だと受け止めてます。

Hideyoshi: When I went to the office, a video was being circulated and I was told, “You’ve been chosen to play the lead role in Kamen Rider!” I was surprised (laughs). I was the first to tell my family, but my mother chided me, saying, “Don’t get carried away”. I took that to mean, “Don’t stop thinking you’ve reached the goal, keep moving forward step by step”.


Interviewer: Did you watch Kamen Rider as a kid?


Hideyoshi: I loved Kamen Rider Den-O and Kiva, so I went to see the movies. I even had a transformation belt for Den-O. After I was chosen to appear in Geats, I also watched Drive and other recent shows. I was surprised at the quality of the modern CGI scenes compared to the ones in Den-O.


Interviewer: Ukiyo Ace is the mysterious protagonist of this work. How did you capture his feelings and create the role?

中澤 (祥次郎) 監督を始めとする何人かのスタッフと相談しながら、台本を読み込んで自分なりに役作りをしました。自信家で天才肌、それでいて他人に見せない優しさがある印象で、自分と重なる部分もあると思いました。ゲームに参加している他のライダーよりも余裕のある芝居を意識しています。まだしっかりと理解できていない部分もありますが、物語が進んでいく中で英寿の人物像も掴めると思うんですよ。撮影現場でも「こんな感じで台詞を言ったら英寿らしくなるな」「こうしたほうが面白くなるな」と考えて演じることが増えてきました。

Hideyoshi: I read the script and created the role in my own way while consulting with Director Nakazawa and several other staff members. I got the impression that he is confident and a genius, but also has a kindness that he does not show to others, and I thought there were some overlaps with myself. I am conscious of playing with more leeway than the other riders in the game. There are still parts that I don’t fully understand, but I think I will be able to grasp Ace’s character as the story progresses. On set, I have been thinking more and more, “If I say the dialogue like this, it will be more Ace-like,” or “It would be more interesting if I say it this way”.


Interviewer: How did you like the direction of Director Nakazawa, who shot the first two episodes?


Hideyoshi: He was very kind and his advice was precise and easy to understand. Thanks to Director Nakazawa, it was easy for me to grasp the image of Hidetoshi and to create the character. I am glad that my first job was with Director Nakazawa.


Interviewer: What was your impression of Kamen Rider Geats, the character you transform into?

台本の後ろにデザイン画が載っているのですが、実物を見た時はデザイン画の印象とは段違いにカッコいいと思いました。思っていたよりもボディーが白くて、ピカピカ光っていてカッコよかったです (笑)。

Hideyoshi: There was a design drawing in the back of the script, but when I saw the real thing, I thought it was much cooler than the design drawing. The body was whiter and shinier than I expected (laughs).


Interviewer: There’s been a lot of talk about the fact that this is a Kamen Rider with a fox motif, but do you have any feelings for foxes?

実はあるんですよ。僕は高校時代にラグビーをやっていたのですが、僕が通っていた高校の前身が京都の伏見稲荷大社に縁のある伏見工業高校で、ラグビー部のエンブレムにも稲荷大社に祭られているキツネがデザインされていたんです。すごく不思議なご縁を感じました。エンブレムは赤いキツネなんですけど (笑)。

Hideyoshi: Actually, I do. I played rugby in high school, and the predecessor of the high school I attended was Fushimi Technical High School, which is associated with the Fushimi Inari-taisha shrine in Kyoto, and the emblem of the rugby club was designed with a fox that is worshipped at the Inari-taisha shrine. I felt a very strange connection. The emblem is a red fox (laughs).


Interviewer: I feel a great connection. By the way, Geats made his debut in the movie “Kamen Rider Revice Battle Familia” prior to the TV broadcast. How was the dubbing?


Hideyoshi: It was my first experience with dubbing, so it was very difficult; it took about three hours of dubbing for a two-minute appearance scene. Even after the TV recording started, I could only think of two patterns of shouts during battle, so I have been working on more variations after that. When I was a kid, I never even imagined that the Kamen Rider I watched had such difficult dubbing.


Interviewer: I know there are a lot of things that are new to you besides dubbing, so please tell us your impressions of the filming location.

初めてのことばかりで、わからないことだらけです。監督から注意されることも多いですが、それを素直に受け入れ、勉強しつつ楽しくお芝居させていただいています。毎日現場に入っていると、集中力が途切れることもありますが、そんなときはキャストのみんなと一致団結してお互い支え合います。本当は僕が座長として、みんなを引っ張っていかなければいけないのですが、みんなは「秀吉は天然ポンコツキャラのままでいいんだよ」なんて言ってくれます (笑)。おかげで無理にリーダーシップを意識することなく芝居に集中できています。

Hideyoshi: It’s all new to me, and there are many things I don’t understand. The director often warns me about what I am doing, but I accept it and enjoy playing the role while learning from it. When you are on site every day, there are times when you lose focus, but when that happens, the cast and I work together to support each other. In fact, as the main character I should be leading everyone, but everyone tells me, “Hideyoshi can remain as a natural gap moe character” (laughs). Thanks to this, I am able to concentrate on acting without forcing myself to be conscious of my leadership role.


Interviewer: In his interview, Mokudai Kazuto-san said that his impression of you was “natural airhead”. Are you aware of this yourself?

みんなから言われますが、自覚はないんですよ(笑)。「秀吉の天然のおかげでリラックスできる」と言ってくれているので、そういう効果があるなら良いことなのかも知れないですけどね。良いことにしましょう (笑)。

Hideyoshi: People tell me that, but I am not aware of it (laughs). They say, “Thanks to Hideyoshi’s airheadedness, I can relax,” so if it has that effect, it’s probably a good thing. Let’s say it’s a good thing (laughs).


Interviewer: The cast members are all very close to each other.

僕はもともと、すごい人見知りなのですが、最近はみんなと仲良くなりすぎて、現場でハメを外して注意されることもあるくらいで。その辺りのメリハリはキチンとしなければいけない、と反省しました。共演者の皆さんは本当に仲良くしてくれて、一緒にご飯に行ったりします。皆さん同世代なので、「理想の恋愛について」 ですとか「休みの日に何をしているか」とか、そんな他愛もない話題で盛り上がれるんです。もちろんお芝居についての相談もしますよ(笑)。最近では佐藤瑠雅君と一緒にサウナに行ったのが楽しかったです。

Hideyoshi: I have always been a very shy person, but recently I have been getting along with everyone so well that I have even been warned for being out of line in the field. I have reflected on how I need to be more disciplined in this area. My co-stars are really friendly with me and we go out to dinner together. Since we are all of the same generation, we can talk about such trivial topics as our ideal love life or what we do on our days off. Of course, we also talk about our acting (laughs). Recently, I enjoyed going to the sauna with Sato Ryuga.


Interviewer: How was it filming the transformation scene?

最初の頃はバックルをカメラに向ける角度がわからなくて「もっと傾けて!」と注意されることが多かったです。変身ポーズはアクション監督の藤田(慧)さんと、ギーツのスーツアクターの中田 (裕士) さん、中澤監督との4人で話し合って決めました。ほとんどの部分は藤田さんが考えてくださったのですが、僕は手をキツネの形にするのを入れたかったんですね。藤田さんに相談したところ、「ここで入れてみようか」と取り入れてくださいました。真似しやすいポーズだと思うので、子供たちがやってくれたら嬉しいです。

Hideyoshi: In the beginning, I couldn’t find the right angle to point the buckle at the camera, so I was often warned “Tilt it more!”. The transformation pose was decided through discussions among Fujita Satoshi-san (the action director), Nakata Yuji-san (the suit actor for Geats), and Director Nakazawa, the four of us talked about it and decided on it. Most of the parts were thought up by Fujita-san, but I wanted to include the hand in the shape of a fox. When I talked to Fujita-san about it, he incorporated it, saying, “Let’s put it in here”. I think it’s an easy pose to imitate, so I’d be happy if the kids could do it.


Interviewer: At the press conference for the production announcement, you said, “The transformation sound is cool.”

英語の音声が流れて効果音が流れるところがカッコいいですね。絶対に子供たちもワクワクしてくれると思います。バックルのデザインも全てカッコよくて、撮影でブーストバックルやマグナムバックルを持つとついつい興奮してしまいます。僕が子供だったら絶対にデザイアドライバーを欲しがったと思います (笑)。

Hideyoshi: It’s cool when the English audio and the sound effects are played. I think the kids will definitely be excited about it. The buckle designs are all cool, and I’m always excited when I hold a Boost Buckle or Magnum Buckle on a shoot. If I were a kid, I would definitely want a Desire Driver (laughs).


Interviewer: What was your first impression of Kamen Rider Geats?


Hideyoshi: With a multitude of riders, it is a different style of work from the previous Kamen Riders. One of the most distinctive features is the “Desire Grand Prix,” a survival game that is central to the story. Only one Kamen Rider survives, and the others are eliminated. Even the main cast may be eliminated in the middle of the story, so I think everyone watching the show will be on edge, and we, the performers, are also nervous every time. I think that not only children but people of all ages can enjoy this show.


Interviewer: As expected, the main character, Ukiyo Ace, will not drop out of the show…

でも高橋悠也さんの脚本なら主人公が途中でリタイアする可能性もありそうですね。視聴者目線で言うなら「最強」と言われるギーツが脱落する展開は、予想外ですし、ドラマチックで面白いと思います。それでファンの皆さんに「『ギーツ』はシリー ズの中でも特に面白かった!」と語り継いでもらえるなら脱落もアリだと思います。でも、他の人がギーツに変身したらイヤです!! (笑) ギーツは英寿だけのライダーなので。

Hideyoshi: But with Takahashi Yuya’s script, there is a possibility that the main character will retire in the middle of the show. From the viewer’s perspective, the development of the “strongest” Geats dropping out is unexpected, and I think it is dramatic and interesting. I think it’s possible for him to drop out if it makes fans say “Geats is one of the most interesting shows in the series!” But I don’t want other people to transform into Geats!! (laughs) Ace is the only Rider for Geats.


Interviewer: Are there any actors you’re aiming to be like?


Hideyoshi: Definitely Oguri Shun. He is an actor who can play any role. I have watched “Jounetsu Tairiku” and “Professional Work Style” many times, and I really respect the way he behaves on set and the way he approaches acting, and I want to learn from him. I want to do my best to be as good as Oguri-san.


Interviewer: What are some of the future highlights of “Kamen Rider Geats”?

デザイアグランプリがこれからどうなっていくのか? 誰が脱落して誰が生き残るのか? それが一番の見どころだと思います。そして英寿はどんな願いを叶えようとしているのか? それらが今後明確になっていくと思うので、そこに注目して観ていただければと思います。

Hideyoshi: What is the future of the Desire Grand Prix? Who will be eliminated and who will survive? That’s the best part. And what kind of wish is Ace trying to fulfill? I think these questions will become clearer in the future, so I hope that you will pay attention to them.


Interviewer: Finally, please give a message to our readers.


Hideyoshi: Kamen Rider Geats is a really interesting work. As a viewer myself, I look forward to watching it every week. It is always a thrilling story with many Kamen Riders competing against each other, so please look forward to watching it in the future. We will do our best in filming, so please give us your support!

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