Interview 10 from Character Book Level.2
Hojo Emu/Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and Kujo Kiriya/Kamen Rider Lazer Turbo have a strong relationship of trust even after Kiriya is revived as a bugster, says Onozuka Hayato. However, Iijima Hiroki's perception seems to be a little different...? Where did Emu and Kiriya's feelings differ? The two actors speak in earnest.

Kiriya’s scary lies
Onozuka: The relationship between Emu and Kiriya didn't shake until the end.
Iijima: At first, I thought they would be partners that would be working together all the time, though it doesn’t change the fact that they're still close comrades. However, the relationship in Emu's mind has subtly changed.
Onozuka: For Kiriya, he's been a consistent and trustworthy companion.
Iijima: A lot has happened while Kiriya was away, and his relationship with Parad has changed.
Onozuka: It is true that the role from Emu's point of view may have changed. Emu had to work with Parad to defeat Cronus, and Kiriya had his own things to do at CR. Even after Emu and Parad became partners, Kiriya's purpose did not change. Even after he was resurrected, he still had to fulfill what only he, the medical examiner, could do. Toward the end, though, there were some difficult problems that only the bugster Kiriya could solve. In any case, the goal of saving people from game disease remains unchanged.
Iijima: Even though they fought in different ways, they had the same goal in mind.
Onozuka: That didn't change until the end.
Iijima: With that in mind, the relationship remained consistent for Kiriya.
永夢は違うんでしょ (笑)?
Onozuka: It's different for Emu, isn't it (laughs)?
Iijima: Because for a while, Kiriya was on the side of Dan Masamune.
Onozuka: He was just pretending to be. Y'know, “did I take you for a ride?”
使い方がうまい (笑)。貴利矢にブレがないのはわかってた。貴利矢の嘘にはちゃんと意味があったってことが35話でわかったから。勇人くんはたまにヘーゼンと嘘を言うけどね (笑)。
Iijima: He's good at doing that (laughs). I knew that Kiriya would never let himself be brainwashed. In episode 35, we found out that Kiriya's lies had a real meaning. Although sometimes Hayato-kun tells lies for fun (laughs).
Onozuka: (laughs)!!
でも35話で真実を知るまでは、永夢は貴利矢の言葉に傷ついてたんだよ。復活したばかりの頃はどっちの味方かわからないし、それまで貴利矢さんの遺志を継いでいる気になっていたのに、「おまえにはがっココた」なんて言われたらもう...! あの時は、部活で「おまえはこの2年間何してきたんだ!?」って怒られてる高校生の気分だったよ。
Iijima: But until he learned the truth in episode 35, Emu was hurt by Kiriya's words. When he first came back, he didn't know whose side he was on, and up until that point he felt like he was carrying on Kiriya's wishes, but then he was told, "I'm disappointed in you"...! At that time, I felt like a high school student who was being chastised in club activities, "What have you been doing for the past two years!?"
「おまえにキャプテンの座を渡したのに、こんな風になりやがって!」みたいな感じ (笑)?
Onozuka: "I handed you the captain's seat, and now the club is like this!" It felt like that? (laughs)
身近な例で言えば、そう (笑)。
Iijima: To use a familiar example, yes (laughs).
Onozuka: They're in charge of people's lives, so the responsibility is several times greater.
Iijima: Anyway, it means that Emu was hurt.
Onozuka: Even though he was playing the role to fool Dan Masamune, I was thinking, "How can he say such words out loud?"
でしょう!? なかなか言えないよあんなひどい言葉。
Iijima: Right!? It's hard to say such a terrible thing.
Onozuka: Because Kiriya was desperate, too.
Iijima: The characters of "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid" are all Spartan, aren't they?
Onozuka: Yeah, they're merciless. But that's why it can be said that the unity after knowing the truth has deepened, hasn't it?
それは言えてる。仲間を疑ったっていう事実は消せないけど (笑)。
Iijima: That's true. I can't erase the fact that I doubted my friends, though (laughs).
貴利矢は12話で、永夢なら人類を救ってくれるかもしれないと信じて、すべてを託しんだよ。貴利矢の方がずっと一途だよね。なんたって最後まで永夢以外の誰もノせなかったわけだし (得意気)!
Onozuka: In episode 12, Kiriya believed that Emu might be able to save humanity and entrusted everything to him. Kiriya is much more single-minded than I am. After all, he didn't let anyone but Emu ride him until the end! (proud)
Iijima: (laughs)!!
Onozuka: At the end Lazer himself got on the bike, though.
Iijima: That's right. What was that all about?
Onozuka: I wonder if there was a hidden button. I was so shocked when I saw it.
最初からノればよかったのに (笑)。
Iijima: He should have done it from the beginning (laughs).
Onozuka & Iijima: (laughs)!!
Bonds forged in the sea?
Onozuka: There are many memorable scenes between Emu and Kiriya.
Iijima: I like episode 7.
Onozuka: "Trust me if you want to save your patients"?
Iijima: That's right, the part where they join hands and Emu says, "Please let me believe in you this time". I think that's when he got really close to Kiriya-san, so it's still my favorite scene.
Onozuka: Kiriya was telling the truth there, but he was made a fool of by Kuroto and Parad.
Iijima: Yeah, so for a while, Emu was skeptical of Kiriya's honesty. They were at odds again.
Onozuka: That was the first time he said the line, "Did I take you for a ride?". But at that time, it had a different meaning than after the revival.
Iijima: Now that I think about it, that was a sad line.
Onozuka: That was Kiriya's way of showing his full strength. But it was because of that that the same line he said in episode 36 came alive. The latter is the line he said when the mission was successful and he was ready to reveal the truth.
Iijima: That scene was also good.
Onozuka: It connected nicely with the first half and changed the flow of the story, which gave me a great sense of accomplishment.
36話でも使われた35話ラストの海のシーンは、撮影自体が忘れられないよ。大変だったけど (断言)!
Iijima: I'll never forget the sea scene at the end of episode 35, which was also used in episode 36. It was hard!
はあのシーン、自分的には誤算だった (笑)。
Onozuka: That scene was a miscalculation on my part (laughs).
Iijima: What do you mean?
Onozuka: You know how Emu falls into the sea after being taken by surprise by Kiriya? The scene that followed didn't require me to go into the sea too, depending on how it was done.
僕はずっと海の中にいたのに (笑)。
Iijima: I was in the water the whole time (laughs).
Onozuka: Yes, that's right, but Kiriya could have just walked back along the beach and not gotten wet, which would have been fine. Before the show I decided "I'll definitely take the beach course and go home!"...
コース (笑)!
Iijima: Course (laughs)!
Onozuka: The wind was still cold in the sea in May, but the water itself was not so bad. Since Hiroki had been wet all the time and was working hard, I thought, "I'd better get myself in the water too."
Iijima: (Laughs)!!
画的にもよかったでしょ (笑)?
Onozuka: Wasn't that a good picture? (laughs)
今だから言うけど、僕も勇人くんを海に落としたくてウズウズしてた (笑)。
Iijima: I'll say this now, but I was also itching to pull Hayato-kun into the sea (laughs).
Onozuka: (Laughs)!!
Iijima: I was a little sad because we didn't have many scenes together at the end of the show.
Onozuka: Even when we were together, I think we had many comical scenes.
Iijima: Kiriya has been spending more and more time with Kuroto, so it can't be helped.
Onozuka: Remember that scene in episode 41 that unfortunately didn't get used, but an amazing miracle happened? When Kuroto was trying to add a save function to Hyper Muteki.
僕がVRゴーグルみたいなのをつけられて、ベッドに寝てた場面?黎斗が開発作業に命を削りすぎてゲームオーバーしまくってた (笑)。
Iijima: The scene where I was lying on the bed with some kind of VR goggles on? Kuroto died too much from overwork and he got a game over (laughs).
そう!あそこで黎斗と軽い言い合いをしながら紙飛行機を投げたら、それが永夢のこめかみあたりにいい感じの角度で突き刺さって (笑)。
Onozuka: Yes! I threw a paper airplane while having a light argument with Kuroto there, and it pierced Emu's temple at a nice angle (laughs).
思い出した (笑)。
Iijima: I remember (laughs).
Onozuka: I remember laughing out loud because I found it strangely amusing that Emu, who had nothing to do with it, was caught up in the sterile exchange between Kuroto and Kiriya. It was a good stimulus at a time when there were a lot of serious scenes.
NG集とかに入れてほしい (笑)。現場も楽しかったしね。僕はケーブルでつながれていて動けなかったけど、勇人くんとてっちゃんが好きに動いてるのが感じられた。
Iijima: I want it to be included in the bloopers or something (laughs). The scene was fun. I couldn't move because I was connected to cables, but I could feel that Hayato-kun and Tecchan were moving as they pleased.
Let's level up together
Onozuka: I've seen and experienced firsthand how Hiroki has grown at an incredible rate, but the quality of Emu's acting in episodes 39 and 40 was clearly different from the previous episodes.
Iijima: Really!?
Onozuka: In those two episodes alone, I was able to catch a glimpse of Emu's growth from an unreliable intern to an excellent doctor who can control himself at the last minute, and even more than that, I really liked his exquisite facial expressions.
Iijima: I think Director Kamihoriuchi brought out the best in me.
Onozuka: The range of emotions was also exquisite. Human emotions are not just the four patterns of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure, but there are also emotions in between and mixed emotions, and the quality of these subtle expressions was high.
Iijima: Was it the scene with Parad on the rooftop? Parad bared his emotions like a child, so I took on the challenge as if I were a big person watching over him. Of course I was angry, but I wanted Parad to understand the importance of life in an adult way.
Onozuka: I really liked the feeling of love and detachment. I also liked the scene where Emu dove into the water. It really showed off what Hiroki is capable of as an actor.
Iijima: I did my best! I like the expression on Hayato-kun's face in episode 35.
Onozuka: In the seaside scene?
Iijima: Yes. After Emu hit you, you had a subtle look on your face, like you were smiling but not smiling at the same time. I can't forget that indescribable expression.
Onozuka: Like he could be an enemy or an ally?
Iijima: At that point, no one but Emu could know if Kiriya was an enemy or a friend, right? When I saw his expression, I thought, "Which is it!?"
Onozuka: Emu knocked him down and I thought "He's pretty good", so I tried to give off the impression that it wasn't strange to be happy about Emu's growth even on the enemy side. The fans of "Ex-Aid" are too intuitive to be fooled by a normal performance.
Iijima: If you smirked, he'd look like a complete enemy.
Onozuka: Exactly.
Iijima: Your acting is very stable, so it's very easy to work with. Somehow, it's a good feeling to have a strong heart.
何それ (笑)。
Onozuka: What's that mean (laughs).
Iijima: You feel at ease when there is an actor like Hayato-kun on the scene.
Onozuka: Really? I think I was pretty playful behind the scenes.
Iijima: Even when you were joking around, you gave off a sense of security that was firmly rooted and would not waver. I started without a foundation, and for a long time I couldn't settle on a base, but thanks to Hayato-kun's presence, I was able to struggle with peace of mind.
Onozuka: On the contrary, I was inspired by watching Hiroki struggle like that.
Iijima: Is that so?
Onozuka: I was able to go back to the beginning as I watched Hiroki trying to come up with a positive answer to the many requests he was given by four or five directors when he still had no brand or foundation for his acting. Even though I had experience on stage, in small theaters, and on film before appearing in "Ex-Aid," I was still an actor who was just beginning to understand how to do things my own way. It's not the time to freeze up or be complacent. I was able to realize this as I came into contact with Hiroki's pure theatrical spirit, and I was able to maintain the feeling of challenging myself every time without pretending to be an experienced actor. In that sense, I think Hiroki has influenced me a lot.
Iijima: I started from the very bottom, so I tried my best not to waste the stimulation I received from everyone. "I can't afford to lose!" I think that's where I showed my competitive spirit.
Onozuka: I'm sure you were under a lot of pressure to carry the 45 year old Kamen Rider series on your back, but you did a great job.
みんなのおかげです (照)。
Iijima: It was all thanks to everyone.
Onozuka: For both Hiroki and I, "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid" will be one of the titles that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives, so I hope that we can continue to live up to that career and make our long acting careers more exciting.
Iijima: Yes!
Onozuka: I think that if you continue acting for a long time, you will get caught up in the waves, but I think it would be great if we could work together someday as we both continue acting while maintaining a strong core.
Iijima: Yeah! ...Everything I was going to say was said by Hayato-kun...
Onozuka: (Laughs)!!
Iijima: I hope we can continue to inspire each other and improve each other's skills.
Onozuka: I think it would be really fun if Hiroki (not Emu) and I (not Kiriya) could do something together!
Iijima: It could be the other way around!
Onozuka: Next time Hiroki will be wearing an aloha shirt?
それ、いいね (爆笑)!
Iijima: That's a good idea (laughs)!