Interview 3 (Takahashi) from Kamen Rider Brave & Snipe Official Mook ~ SELECT ▶ DOCTORS ~
Takahashi Yuya first got involved in writing a script for the Kamen Rider series with "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid", and has written all the episodes of the main TV series, the movie version, and even spin-offs. This spring, he also wrote the screenplays for three V-Cinema "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Trilogy Another Ending". The first of these, "Kamen Rider Brave & Snipe," will reveal the structure of the story that only Takahashi-san can draw.

Inevitable love story
Vシネマの第1弾が「ブレイブ&スナイプ」だと決まった時点で、鏡飛彩と花家大我には"ラブストーリー"の要素が強いと思ったんです。飛彩には百瀬小姫、大我には西馬ニコがいましたから。それを"哀しいハッピーエンド"にしようと、すぐに決まりました。そして天ヶ崎恋/ラヴリカは、本編でのインバクトが強烈なキャラクターでしたし (笑)、恋愛ゲーム「ときめきクライシス」のバグスターでもありますから、ふたりの戦う相手にふさわしいだろうと思いました。
When it was decided that the first V-Cinema film would be "Brave & Snipe," I thought that Kagami Hiiro and Hanaya Taiga had a strong "love story" element to them. Hiiro had Momose Saki, and Taiga had Saiba Nico. I decided to make it a "sad happy ending" right away. And since Amagasaki Ren/Lovelica was a character with a strong impact in the main story (laughs), and also a bugster in the romance game "Tokimeki Crisis", I thought he would be a good opponent for the two of them.
仮面ライダーのVシネマは、新フォームの登場でお祭り感を出すことが前提のようになってきましたが、予算も限られていますからね (笑)。 『ブレイブ&スナイィプ』には新フォームを出さないことになり、その点では不安もありました。大我が仮面ライダークロノスになることはひとつのイベントではありますが...。ただ完成映像を見て、人間ドラマとラブストーリーの軸で楽しんでいただけるものになっていたので、不安は払拭されました。
Kamen Rider's V-Cinemas have come to be based on the premise of creating a festive atmosphere with the appearance of new forms, but we have a limited budget (laughs). We decided not to show any new forms in "Brave & Snipe," and I was worried about that. The fact that Taiga will become Kamen Rider Cronus is one event, but... However, after watching the completed video, my worries were dispelled as it was something that I could enjoy on the axis of human drama and love story.
Among the "love stories," there were two that I wanted to portray with Kamen Rider Brave and Kamen Rider Snipe. The first is the story of Hiiro's salvation after losing his girlfriend, Saki, to game disease. Originally, I had no intention of bringing her back to life, but I did want Hiiro to communicate with her in the main story and depict the point where Hiiro's heart is saved. However, as I continued to write the story, I began to think that, as a medical drama, I shouldn't give Hiiro that "reward" at all.
Once a life is gone, it cannot be revived. Sometimes innocent lives are treated absurdly. That's why I wanted to stick to the idea that life must be cherished. I had heard that a V-Cinema was going to be made for a long time, so I decided to write it in the V-Cinema.
Another thing is the end of the relationship between Taiga and Nico. It seems that some viewers and fans saw them as lovers, but until the end, they were "doctor" and "patient". That's what I wanted to portray.
In episode 38, Hiiro gave up on resurrecting Saki and operated on Taiga, so his story was settled and he himself seemed to be convinced that it was okay. However, I had another thought in my mind at that point. In the last episode, Emu held a press conference and concluded his thoughts as a doctor, saying that those who disappeared due to the game disease are only in an apparent state of death, and that he, as a doctor, will not give up on their revival as medical science progresses... Hiiro heard that, and his feelings for Saki, which he had once given up on, were saved, or rather, he came to have hope for her revival again. That's the story line that I followed in the V-Cinema.
Vシネマでは、ニコを追ってきたルークキッドマンがラヴリカのゲーム病になり、飛彩がゲームオペをしようとするというくだりもありますが。今作における飛彩で紡いだのは、ドクターではなく、小姫に対するただの男の物語です。逆に大我は、ドクターとしての物語を紡いでいます。ゼロデイの頃に小姫を救えなかった負い目がありましたから、あくまでドクターとして彼女を復活させたいという想いがあるんです。38話で「俺の望みは果たされた」と言った飛彩に大我は「そうか……」としか答えませんでした。あそこの(松本)享恭くんは、含みのあるいい芝居をしてくれましたよね。つまり飛彩が小姫をあきらめたのだという事実が、大我にとっては心残りだったでしょう。けれど瞬時に触れてはいけないことだと気づいて、想いを呑み込むシーンでしたからね。あの時に残したふたりの想いを、 『ブレイブ&スナイプ』で思いっきり決着させました。
In the V-Cinema, Luke Kidman, who has been chasing Nico, gets Lovelica's game disease, and Hiiro tries to do a game operation. What I've spun with Hiiro in this film is not a story about a doctor, but a simple man's story about Saki. On the other hand, Taiga's story revolves around him as a doctor. He felt guilty for not being able to save Saki back in Zero Day, so he only wanted to revive her as a doctor. In episode 38, when Hiiro said, “My wish has been fulfilled,” Taiga only replied, “Is that so…” Ukyo-kun did a good job playing with the implications there. In other words, the fact that Hiiro had given up on Saki must have been a regret for Taiga. But it was a scene where he instantly realized that he shouldn't touch the subject and swallowed his feelings. In "Brave & Snipe," I've settled the feelings between the two of them that were leftover at that time.
I was planning to include a setting in the main story where Saki's data, which was supposed to have been completely deleted, can be restored. However, that would mean that the drama would have to be expanded to include Hiiro's feelings, which he had given up on, and the end would be messy. The characters are aware of this fact, but I didn't dare to depict it. I thought that the viewers would be aware of this fact, too. With that in mind, I tried not to leave out any of the stories about Hiiro and Taiga in this V-Cinema.
"飛彩" と "大我" の体現
The embodiment of Hiiro and Taiga
本編最終話や「トゥルー • エンディング」、「平成ジェネレーションズFINAL」を経てみんなが医療チームとしてカッチリとまとまりましたよね。阿吽の呼吸でゲームオペを行ったりして。それでもなお飛彩と大は"ケンカ"ができるあたり、粋な関係のふたりだなと思いました。ふたりが言い合っている内容って、「自己犠牲をするのは俺だ!」「俺だ!」ということですよね (笑)。不器用だけど粋で素敵な関係です。いい意味で、キャラクターが勝手に育ってくれた部分です。
After the last episode of the main series, "True Ending", and "Heisei Generations Final", everyone has come together as a medical team. They even performed game operations with perfect harmony. I thought it was a cool relationship between Hiiro and Taiga that they were still able to "fight" with each other. What they are saying to each other is, “I'm the one who sacrifices himself!” “No, I am!” (laughs). It's a wonderful relationship, clumsy but chic. In a good way, it's a part of the characters that grew on its own.
大我なんて「エグゼイド」シリーズの序盤では一番悪態をついていたはずすが、最終的に一番優しくて良い人になりましたし (笑)。いろいろなものを背負わせすぎたかもしれませんね。今回もクロノスの力カを手に入れようと、2年も隠れてガシャットを使って、自分の身体を痛めつけていますから……。本編で檀正宗が「クロノスの力なら小姫を復元できる」と公言し、大我が一度限りのクロノスになった経緯がありましたよね。あの時点ではVシネマのことまで想定してはいませんでしたが、大我ならばこうするだろうという状況と合致したので、それならばいう考えに至りました。
In the beginning of the "Ex-Aid", Taiga was probably the worst person in the series, but in the end he became the nicest and best person (laughs). I may have put too many things on his shoulders. This time as well, he's been hiding for two years and using gashats to hurt his body in an attempt to get Cronus's power… In the main story, Dan Masamune said publicly that he could restore Saki with the power of Cronus, and that's how Taiga became a one-time Cronus, right? At that point, I didn't have the V-Cinema in mind, but it matched the situation that Taiga would do this, so I came up with the idea.
When we first started planning the trilogy, we had a lot of discussions about which Kamen Riders we should pair up with each other. But the combination of Brave and Snipe was the only one that was instantly decided upon. It was partly because they were close to each other as Riders No. 2 and No. 3, but I also think that the drama of their "fate" as they cared for each other tickled the hearts of both men and women. This was also true of our staff.
完成した映像には、鈴村監督の味でもある演出が、要所で効いていますよね。小姫の初登場シーンは、少々恐ろしい雰囲気になっていますし…… (笑)。復活するはずのない人が現れるということで、"脅し"の意味もあるのでしょうが。飛彩のビジョンでもあって、亜組として見えたのか、実態として見えたのかというニュアンスを、演出してくださっています。演じる中川さんも、あそこは不気味さを感じる芝居をしてくれていますしね。そう、小姫は本編が「世界で一番のドクターになって」の繰り返しで終了だったので、今回はたくさん話してもらおう、中川さんには芝居の場をつくりたいという想いもありました。飛彩と小姫の出達いが気になっている方も、多くいらっしゃると思いましたしね。
In the finished film, director Suzumura's tasteful direction is effective in many places, isn't it? The scene of Saki's first appearance has a somewhat frightening atmosphere… (laughs). I guess it's also meant to scare us, since the person who is not supposed to be resurrected appears. It's also Hiiro's vision, and he is directing the nuance of whether we see her as an illusion or as reality. Nakagawa-san, who plays the role, also gives an eerie performance in that part. As for Saki, the main story ended with a repetition of "become the best doctor in the world", so I wanted to have her talk a lot this time and create a place for her to act. I also thought there would be a lot of people who were curious about Hiiro and Saki's first meeting.
The encounter scene was depicted more slowly than expected, and the extravagant use of V-Cinema's characteristic length was utilized in Hiiro's past, which strengthened the elements of the love story and deepened Hiiro's feelings. In the 30-minute main story, I felt that the director of each story was struggling with the distribution of psychological depictions. Hiiro and Taiga are not very articulate by nature. I wanted to see more of their facial expressions, so this time it was more challenging to write. On the other hand, there are scenes where the two of them violently exchange words. Taiga's signature line, “Give me the gashat,” was replaced by “I'll take care of the gashat”. While linking to the main story, it also depicts the passage of time for the characters.
The last scene between Hiiro and Saki was also challenging to write. I aimed for a happy ending for both of them, though I'm sure the audience will have many thoughts about it. I thought that if they could tell each other what was stuck in their minds and communicate their feelings of regret, then "Brave & Snipe" would be over. I think Saki's words are also an answer to what you've been wondering about. She was a little bit of a "greedy" girl, if you will. For example, she wanted to eat cream puffs with Hiiro. It may seem like a trivial thing to others, but to her, it was very important.
A love where you can trust each other would be the ideal, but I think that's not how real love works more often than not. There are lovers who break up because of this, like when Saki said, “You should at least look me in the eye when we're together” and “What's the point of me being here?” Through her, I portrayed a realistic image of women.
大我とニコの関係については、ニコが言う「私が風邪を引いたら30分で飛んで来てね」に尽きます。序盤に「夕飯は宅配ピザにしよう」という会話をして、前振りをしているんですけどね (笑)。言葉遊びをしているようで、本音を含ませている。ふたりはいつまでもそんな関係です。黒崎さんがしっとり感と爽やかさをミックスさせたお芝居で、魅力的なニコを見せてくれています。
As for the relationship between Taiga and Nico, it all comes down to what Nico says: “If I catch a cold, fly over in half an hour”. The conversation about “Let's have pizza delivery for dinner” in the beginning is a prelude to this (laughs). It's like they're playing with words, but they're including their true feelings. That's the kind of relationship they'll always have. Kurosaki-san's acting is a mix of moist and refreshing, and she shows us a charming Nico.
I felt that Seto-kun and Ukyo-kun's acting was very mature after playing the same character for more than a year. They had always said that they liked the relationship between Hiiro and Taiga. I can feel that they are playing the final roles of Hiiro and Taiga with a lot of passion, and they are raising the tension between each other. I felt that they have become actors who can show us more than just acting.
"鏡飛彩" の名を "ヒーローの鑑" という意味で名付けたというお話は、これまでもさせていただきましたが。彼は本編からVシネマまでを通して、根本は変らなかった男です。ずっと小姫の遺言だった「世界で一番のドクターになる」を貫いていました。ただし、今作で呪縛の言葉から自分の意志に変えることで、より強い男でありドクターになれましたけれどね。また"大我"は、自分の哲学、信念、男気を通し続ける人、という意味を込めてつけた名前でした。つまり「大」いなる我」をもつ男なのでそのままのネーミングなんですが (笑)、響きがカッコいいなと思って。「ガシャットを寄こせ」の意味が飛彩や小姫のためであったり、患者のために命を懸けてきた。彼はまさに"我"を貫いたと言える。名は体を表すという言葉がありますが、そんな名をもつふたりを、瀬戸くんと享恭くんが芝居で体現してくれました。
I've already said that I named him "Kagami Hiiro" meaning "paragon of a hero". He is a man who has remained fundamentally the same from the main story to the V-Cinema. He has always stuck to Saki's words, "I will be the best doctor in the world". In this film, however, he has become a stronger man and doctor by changing her words from a curse to his own will. Also, the name "Taiga" was given to him as a person who continues to follow his philosophy, beliefs, and manliness. In other words, he is a man with a "big" self, so I named him as such (laughs), but I thought it sounded cool. When he said, “Give me the gashat,” he meant that it was for Hiiro and Saki, and he risked his life for his patients. He did exactly what he said he would do. There is a saying that the name represents the body, and Seto-kun and Ukyo-kun embodied the two people with such a name in their performance.
In this way, "Brave & Snipe" has become a wonderful human drama and love story. I am convinced that it was a good decision to have this work spearhead the trilogy. Be sure to check it out before the upcoming "Kamen Rider Para-DX with Poppy" and "Kamen Rider Genm VS Laser".