Interview 3 (Takahashi) from Kamen Rider Para-DX with Poppy Official Mook ~ SELECT ▶ HEARTS ~
Following on from the first film "Kamen Rider Brave & Snipe," which depicted a "love story," Takahashi Yuya says that the second work "Kamen Rider Para-DX with Poppy" was created through a process of trial and error. What is the story of "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid" that Takahashi-san entrusted to Parad and Poppy Pipopapo, who were "bugsters" and "game characters" from beginning to end?

Because they're game characters
Vシネマの2本目を「パラドクスwithポッピー」にするまでには時間を要しました。1本目の 「ブレイブ&スナイプ」は、テレビ本編から続けてきた鏡飛彩と花家大我の因縁の物語があったので、すぐに決まったのですが。女性の仮面ライダーをVシネマのメインキャラクターに据えたうえでの実績がなかったこともあり、『パラドクスwithエグゼイド 』という案も出たりしまして。ただエグゼイドは本編の主役として一つの結末を描いたので、せっかくのVシネマということで、ポッピー(ピポパポ)も含めた全仮面ライダーにスボットを当てたいと思い、このふたりに決めたんです。
It took me a while to decide on "Para-DX with Poppy" as the second V-Cinema film, although the first one, "Brave & Snipe," was decided immediately because of the story about the connection between Kagami Hiiro and Hanaya Taiga, which had been continued from the main TV series. We had no experience with female Kamen Riders as main characters in V-Cinema, so we came up with the idea of "Para-DX with Ex-Aid". However, since Ex-Aid was the main character in the show and he had a certain ending, we decided that since it was a V-Cinema film, we wanted to focus on all the other Kamen Riders, including Poppy, so we decided on these two.
パラドとポッピーは人間と共存する純正バグスターであり、ゲームキャラクター。ふたりをメインに描くことで、改めて“ゲーム”に特化した話が描けます。1本目を“哀しいハッピーエンド”のラブストーリーにしたので、この 「パラドクスwithポッピー」ではゲームをいろいろと扱い、バラエティ豊かで遊びのあるストーリーにしたいと考えました。結果的にはハードな展開になりましたけど (笑)、序盤では遊びを入れることもできています。本編ではバトルでゲーム性を描いてきましたが、ゲームそのものや、キャラクターたちがプレイする姿はそこまで描けていないと感じていまして。パラドとポッピーこそ、そこを強化できるのではと時たんです。
Parad and Poppy are genuine bugsters who coexist with humans, and they are also game characters. By focusing on the two of them, I can once again create a story that focuses on "games". Since the first one was a love story with a sad happy ending, I wanted to make "Para-DX with Poppy" a story with a variety of games and a lot of fun. As a result, the story took a hard turn (laughs), but we were able to add some fun in the beginning. In the main story, the gameplay was depicted through battles, but I felt that games themselves and the characters playing them were not depicted that well. I felt that Parad and Poppy were the ones who could enhance that.
個人的には小星作が考案した「ボーズ・オブ・テラ」が具現化して、パラドと宝生永夢がプレイしてくれたのがうれしかったです。実は「トゥルー • エンディング」で、作が社長になった幻夢コーポレーションの社長室に「ボーズ・オブ・テラ」のポスターが貼ってあったので、いつか活かせたらと思って (笑)。木魚を叩いてゾンビを倒すというゲームですが、僕から鈴村監督にお願いしたのは、「ゲーマーの永夢は激しく叩きそうですが、このゲームは速く叩くのではなく、一定のリズムで叩くことが肝心なんです。念仏を唱えるんですから」という点。飯島くんは「はあっ!!」とモニターに数珠をかざしたりして、入り込んでくれていましたね (笑)。
Personally, I was happy that the "Monk of Terra" game invented by Koboshi Tsukuru was materialized and played by Parad and Hojo Emu. In fact, in "True Ending", there was a "Monk of Terra" poster in the president's office of Genm Corporation, where Tsukuru became the president, so I was hoping to make use of it someday (laughs). The game is about hitting a mokugyo to defeat zombies, and what I asked Director Suzumura to do was to say, "Gamer Emu seems to beat the mokugyo hard, but in this game, it's important to beat the mokugyo in a steady rhythm, not fast. It's like chanting a Buddhist prayer". Iijima-kun held his prayer beads over the monitor saying "Hah!!", and he seemed to get really into it (laughs).
さらにグラファイトが、 『ドラゴナイトハンターZ』のゲームキャラクターとして登場しますが…。彼は本編の41話で飛彩と大我と戦って、潔く散ったじゃないですか。愛されたキャラクターであり、スタッフ間でも「出したい」という声はあったものの、無闇に復活させたくはなかったんです。そこで、あくまでゲームキャラクターとして再登場させました。『ドラゴナイトハンターZ』とはどんなゲームなのかを、改めて考えたんですが…。本編で仮面ライダーたちが4人同時プレイでグラファイトを倒したように、ハンターが龍を倒すゲームであることまでは想定していました。けれどグラファイトが完全体として人間の姿を得ている点は「あの姿は何だ?」となりまして (笑)。結論としては、村の勇者グラファイトが龍を退治しに行ったら、自らが龍になってラスボスになってしまった。それを成仏させる二代目が、町井くんが演じるグラファイトである、という勝手な裏ストーリーを考えてみました。そして町井くんには、気合の入った甲胃を着込んでもらって、不思議な撮影をしていただきました。
In addition, Graphite appears as a game character in "Draco Knight Hunter Z"... He fought Hiiro and Taiga in episode 41 of the main story and lost gracefully. He was a beloved character, and the staff wanted to bring him back, but we didn't want to do it carelessly. So we decided to reintroduce him as a game character. I thought again about what kind of game "Draco Knight Hunter Z" is... I had assumed that it would be a game where hunters defeat dragons, just as the Kamen Riders defeated Graphite in the original game with four players playing simultaneously. However, the fact that Graphite has taken on human form as a complete being made me ask myself, "What is that form?" (laughs). In conclusion, when Graphite, the village hero, went to exterminate the dragon, he turned into a dragon himself and became the last boss. I came up with a self-serving backstory in which the second person to make the dragon go away is Graphite, played by Machii-kun. And Machii-kun was asked to wear a spirited costume for a magical photoshoot.
ゲーム好きの僕が脚本家として物語のなかでゲームを創れるというのは、うれしい経験でした。僕が考えたのは「仮面ライダークロニクル」と「ボーズ・オブ・テラ」などです。後者はなぜあんなゲームになったのか…。大我に「ゾンビ(仮面ライダーゲンム)を倒せるものを」と依頼されてつくられたゲームで、「ゾンビを倒せるのは誰?」という発想から、「成仏させる……それなら坊主にしよう」「大我とニコに却下されるゲームにしよう」となったんでした (笑)。ちなみに「テラ」は“寺”とイタリア語やラテン語の“テラ(地球)”をかけています。壮大なようで、そうでもないような……。あとは 『仮面ライダーゴースト』の御成が愛されていたこともあったので、ファン心理に一石を投じさせていただきました (笑)。
As a game lover, it was a great experience for me to be able to create a game within a story as a scriptwriter. I came up with "Kamen Rider Chronicle" and "Monk of Terra". I wonder how the latter became such a game… Tsukuru was asked by Taiga to create a game that would allow him to defeat a zombie (Kamen Rider Genm), and I thought "Who can defeat a zombie?" Then I came up with the idea, "Let's make him a Buddha... then let's make him become a monk," and "Let's make a game that will be rejected by Taiga and Nico" (laughs). By the way, the word "terra" is a combination of "temple" and the Italian or Latin word "terra" (earth). It may seem grand, but it's not… Also, since Onari from "Kamen Rider Ghost" was loved by many, I was able to throw a stone into the fan's mind (laughs).
作中でメインとなるゲーム 『バグスターをつくるぜ!!』は、有名な某育成ゲームに近いものです。パラドとポッピーに“人間ゲージ”なる測定器をつけて人間化させる……というシュール感は、「エグゼイド」のVシネマならではですけど。3作目の「ゲンムVSレーザー」の結末につなげるためにやるべきこととして、本編最終話の会見で言及した「消滅したゲーム病患者が復元するのかどうか」という疑問に、ひとつの可能性を提示したかったんです。これは奇跡的なマッチングでもあったんですが、ポッピーは檀黎斗の母である檀模子を宿主としていて、パラドは世界初のバグスターウイルスの感染者である永夢が宿主。この2点が“ブラックパラード”というもうひとりのパラドを生む要因に一ない、ポピーとともにゲームで育てることによって、黎斗と八乙女紗衣子の企みに利用されるかたちになります。
The main game in the story, "Let's make a bugster!" is similar to a famous training game. The surrealism of Parad and Poppy being humanized by attaching a "human gauge" to them is unique to the "Ex-Aid" V-Cinema, though. As something to do in order to connect to the conclusion of the third film, "Genm vs. Lazer," I wanted to present one possibility to the question I mentioned at the press conference for the final episode of the main series, "Whether or not game disease patients who have disappeared can be restored". This was also a miraculous match, but Poppy's host was Dan Sakurako, the mother of Dan Kuroto, and Parad's host was Emu, the first person in the world infected with the bugster virus. These two points are one of the reasons why another Parad called "Black Parad" is born, and by raising him in the game together with Poppy, he will be used in the schemes of Kuroto and Yaotome Saiko.
This is an absurd game of medicine, but in the near future, it may be possible to restore damaged organs through genetic medicine. It may still be science fiction at the moment, but I think I was able to present one way of thinking in medicine. I didn't think that the existence of Parad and Poppy would lead to a story about genetic medicine when I set up the setting in the main story where the host's memories are in the bugster. However, as it turned out, the mechanism of having memories, i.e., having a piece of the host's genes in the body, was connected and could be utilized in this work.
Because they're bugsters
In "Para-DX with Poppy," we were able to create a story that could only be done with "Ex-Aid" because all the settings fit together and the combination of games and medical treatment was portrayed in a strong way. The same goes for the presence of Saiko; when we decided to have a guest for the V-Cinema, we decided to have a female doctor, which was not possible in the main story. And when we decided to depict genetic therapy, we connected to a certain setting in the past, "Speaking of genetic medicine," and decided on Saiko's genealogy. Her beliefs in medicine could also be strongly related to that genealogy. Saiko's inner life is played by Yanagi-san, who has many faces.
本編の放送中に、黎斗の喚きや辛練な言葉に反響が大きかったので、Vシネマでは女医の紗衣子にそれをさせたいと思ったんですよ。パラドを罵倒したり、ビンタやヒールで足蹴にする狂気的な面を出したいなと。“サイコ”という名は、そんな内面から付けました (笑)。可愛らしい容姿の柳さんが演じると、より怖さが出ていますね。
During the broadcast of the main story, there was a great response to Kuroto's ranting and harsh words, so I wanted to have Saiko, the female doctor, do that in the V-Cinema. I wanted to bring out the crazy side of her, cursing Parad, slapping him and kicking him with her heels. That's how I came up with the name "Psycho" (laughs). Yanagi-san's cute appearance makes her role even scarier, doesn't it?
Saiko throws the word "virus" at Parad. The word "virus" is a shocking one to Parad, who was created by humans on their own, and even though he once annihilated humans in "Kamen Rider Chronicle," he didn't have any malicious intentions, and now coexists with humans. However, when you put yourself in the human's shoes, the meaning changes 180 degrees. In fact, bugsters are born by taking the lives of humans, and someone has lost someone dear to them. This is one of the absurdities highlighted in "Para-DX with Poppy".
そもそも根絶したいウイルスであるはずのバグスターと共存する世界こそが、不条理と言えるでしょう。それでも僕は、彼らに*未来、を残してあげたいと思ってきました。 「エグゼイド」ならではのオリジナル設定として生み出した存在だけに愛着が強いから....といった個人的な理由もあります。けれどそれだけではなく、現代医療がウイルスなくして成り立たたないからでもあるんです。ワクチンはウイルスから精製し、人体に微量に投与することで抗体をつくり出すものですよね。バグスターも同様で、生まれてしまったものは仕方がなく、今後の医療に役立つ存在でもあるのだ、という在り方を描きたい。本編で消滅まで描きましたが、その上で「こういう存在が生き続けてもいいのではないか」と、ひとつの可能性を提示したいんです。
The world in which we coexist with bugsters, which should be a virus that we want to eradicate, is an absurdity. Even so, I've always wanted to leave them a future. I have a strong attachment to them because I created them as an original setting unique to "Ex-Aid"... I have my own personal reasons. But it's also because modern medicine wouldn't be possible without viruses. Vaccines are purified from viruses and administered in small doses to the human body to produce antibodies. In the same way, I want to portray the existence of bugsters as something that can't be helped but can be useful for future medical treatment. In the main story, I depicted their disappearance, but I also wanted to present the possibility that it would be okay for such beings to continue to live.
The final stage show depicted that the game disease can be cured by a vaccine in the future without the need for the Kamen Riders to perform game operations. The reason for this was that Emu and the other doctors were able to communicate with the bugsters and cooperate with them. In the game, they play happily with the humans all the time, but on the medical side, they sabotage the game to cure game disease. I hope that Parad and Poppy can get such a place.
Complaining and resenting the pathogens of contagious diseases such as influenza will not cure the disease, nor will it make any progress apart from modern medicine. Emu was the first to realize this, and in episodes 39 and 40, he accepted the existence of Parad as his "personality" and decided to live with him. It was also a message for people with chronic illnesses to find a way to live with their illnesses. In "Ex-Aid", Emu, Hiiro, Taiga, Kiriya, Parad and Poppy worked together to become the strongest medical team, and there are various experts in modern medicine.
A shift from comedy
This time, it is also a story of Parad's growth. He grows with what he has learned in the main story from Emu, with whom he shares his heart. Until he reaches that point, he has to fight against his past self. Black Parad is similar to the Parad of episode 25, when he activated Kamen Rider Chronicle and hurt people without malice, because he didn't know the value of life. I had the impression that Kai had turned over a new leaf after his performance in episodes 39 and 40, but this time he seemed to have settled down as the lead. It's because Kai-kun was unwavering in his belief in the righteousness of the Parad raised by Emu that he was able to play both Parads separately.
永夢と精神世界で交信する描写も書きましたが、「平成ジェネレーションズFINAL」でも、 『仮面ライダービルド』の世界に行ったパラドと「エグゼイド」の世界にいる永夢が、フルボトルを使って交信できていました。永夢がパラドの存在を受け入れたことで、ふたりのつながりの強さが、このVシネマで深掘りできています。実際は、Vシネマの台本の方を先に書いていたんですけど (笑)。
In "Heisei Generations Final", Parad, who went to the world of "Kamen Rider Build", and Emu, who was in the world of "Ex-Aid", were able to communicate with each other using a Full Bottle. Since Emu accepted Parad's existence, the V-Cinema was able to explore the strength of the connection between the two. Actually, I wrote the script for the V-Cinema first (laughs).
ポッピーについては、パラドよりも早く人間との信頼関係が疑いのないものになっていましたよね。しかし彼女が、模子の命と引き換えに生まれたという業を背負っていることに変わりはないので、遺伝子医療を描くにあたって、もう一歩踏み込んで描きたいと思っていました。彼女の宿主とは、黎斗の母とはどんな人間だったのか。紗衣子がポッピーをウイルスとして蔑む過程を通して、それを掘り下げました。女性同士の対立は、松田さんと柳さんという美しく魅力的なおふたりだけに、とても印象深いものになりました。紗衣子がポッピーの口にさくらんぼを押し込むシーンは、個人的にお気に入りです (笑)。
As for Poppy, her relationship of trust with humans was unquestionable earlier than Parad. But the fact remains that she bears the karma of being born in exchange for the life of her host, so I wanted to go one step further in depicting her genetic therapy. What kind of person was her host, and what kind of person was Kuroto's mother? I delved into that through the process of Saiko's disdain for Poppy as a virus. The confrontation between the two women was very memorable only because of the beautiful and charming Matsuda-san and Yanagi-san. The scene where Saiko shoves a cherry into Poppy's mouth is my personal favorite (laughs).
ポッピーには紗衣子との“着せ替えゲーム”で、いるいるなコスチュームチェンジもしてもらいました。何を着せるかで議論した結果、鈴村監督のお好みが色濃く反映されています (笑)。あんなにチェンジする予定ではなかったのに、監督が「予告にも使えるし」とおっしゃって、数が増えたという経緯が…。ポッピーが本編でコスチュームチェンジするキャラクターであっただけではなく、松田さんが反応もノリもいい役者さんだからこそ実現したんですけどね。劇中で“ニチアサ”と言っているのは一新鮮すぎました (笑)。
In the "dress-up game" with Saiko, we had Poppy change into a variety of costumes. We had a lot of discussion about what to have her wear, and the result is a reflection of director Suzumura's preference (laughs). We hadn't planned to do that many costume changes, but the director said, "We can use them for the trailer," so we ended up doing more... Not only because Poppy is a character who changes costumes in the show, but also because Matsuda-san is an actor who reacts well and has a good sense of humor. It was refreshing to hear her say "Sunday morning" in the movie (laughs).
Even though the Trilogy is divided into three films, I thought that not many people would buy just one of them. I knew that people would love all the characters in "Ex-Aid". However, I wanted each of them to be worth watching as a single work. The second film, which is the center of the three, has to build up the tension of everyone who was gathered in the first film and connect it to the third film, so it was difficult to plan. At first, I had an idea to focus on comedy and give it as a "gift" to those who have seen the "Ex-Aid" series. However, as I thought about it more and more, I came to the conclusion that I could incorporate genetic medicine into the story, so I decided to keep everyday life and fun to a minimum and focus on the unique themes of "Ex-Aid": games, medicine, and life. In the end, I'm glad I did that. I believe that the uniqueness of "Ex-Aid" is what will make the work enjoyable for everyone who has seen it so far.
2作目をご覧になると、3作目がより気になる作品になっています。予告にある黎斗の裸も含め… (笑)。あれは22話で、永夢たちに本性を現した黎斗が上半身裸になったことがあったので、本気モードの彼は一肌脱ぐのだろうと思いまして。ただ僕は台本に「裸体の黎斗」とは書きましたが、「全裸」とは書いてないんですよ (笑)。それはさておき、1作目、2作目をご覧になった方々には、3作目の「ゲンムVSレーザー」までをご覧になっていただいて、「エグゼイド」をコンプリートしていただきたいです。よろしくお願いします。
The more you see the second one, the more you will be interested in the third one. Including the naked Kuroto in the preview... (laughs). That's because in episode 22, when Kuroto revealed his true nature to Emu and the others, he was naked from the waist up, so I thought he would take off his clothes in serious mode. I wrote "naked Kuroto" in the script, but I didn't write "completely naked" (laughs). Aside from that, I would like those who have seen the first and second movies to watch the third one, "Genm VS Lazer", to complete the "Ex-Aid" series. Thank you all in advance.