Takebe Naomi Interview from Uchusen 178
Takebe Naomi of Toei is the chief producer of "Kamen Rider Geats". What is the new world of "Kamen Rider" that this veteran producer, who has worked on many Kamen Riders and Super Sentai since the early Heisei era, is trying to depict through this show? We asked her about the process leading up to the birth of "Geats" and the deciding factors in casting.
—「仮面ライダージオウ」以来、久しぶりに担当する仮面ライダーとなりますが、まずは「ジオウ」 当時の思い出からお聞かせください。
Interviewer: This will be the first Kamen Rider you have worked on since "Kamen Rider Zi-O". First of all, please tell us about your memories of Zi-O.
「仮面ライダージオウ」はOBキャストが出演したり、レジェンドフォームが登場したりと、平成仮面ライダーシリーズの集大成のような作品でした。(チーフプロデューサーの) 白倉 (伸一郎)は、当初「安易にOBを出しても作品が成立しない」 と迷っていたので、私から「平成20作品目の記念作だから、レジェンドライダーの登場は避けて通ることはできない」と提案したんです。記念作として特殊性のある作品になったと思います。
Takebe: "Kamen Rider Zi-O" was a compilation of the Heisei Kamen Rider series, with appearances by cast members from previous series and the return of Legendary Forms. At first, (chief producer) Shirakura Shinichiro was not sure if he could make the show work if he easily introduced returning cast members, so I suggested to him that since this was a work commemorating the 20th anniversary of Heisei Rider, he could not avoid the appearance of Legendary Riders.
Interviewer: This is the first Kamen Rider work you will be in charge of in the new era of Reiwa. Were you conscious of the difference between Heisei Kamen Rider and Reiwa Kamen Rider?
Takebe: In the first place, "Heisei Kamen Rider" is a category that was started by fans before we knew it, so the creators weren’t so conscious of it. The staff did not change between "Heisei" and "Reiwa", either. However, when "Kamen Rider Zero One" was launched, I thought it presented something new and unique for the viewers of the Reiwa era.
—では本作 『仮面ライダーギーツ』についてお尋ねします。 武部さんは今年春まで「暴太郎戦隊ドンブラザーズ」を担当されていましたが、途中での異動は大変だったのではありませんか?
Interviewer: Now, I would like to ask you about this work, Kamen Rider Geats. Takebe-san, you were in charge of "Avataro Sentai DonBrothers" until this spring. Wasn't it difficult to change jobs in the middle of the season?
途中で担当作品を移るケースは初めてでしたね。「ドンブラザーズ」を引き継ぐ選択肢もあったのですが、私としては慣れている仮面ライダーに移ることにしたんです。異動が決まってからは『ドンブラ』のキャストたちとはなるべく会わないようにしました。「もう私の手から離れるのね」と思うと切なくなっちゃうので......。仮面ライダーに移ることを決めたのは自分なんですけどね (笑)。
Takebe: It was the first time that I had to change the work I was in charge of in the middle. I had the option of staying with "DonBrothers", but I decided to move on to Kamen Rider, which I was familiar with. After the transfer was decided, I tried to avoid meeting the cast of "Donbros" as much as possible. It made me sad to think, "It's out of my hands now"... Even though I was the one who decided to move to "Kamen Rider" (laughs).
Interviewer: Is there any difference between Super Sentai and Kamen Rider in terms of production?
戦隊は子供向けに、わかりやすく見やすく明るく作るように心がけています。仮面ライダーはもう少し大人向けのイメージです ね。「龍騎」や『555/ファイズ』は物語が難しく、ストーリーも重い内容ですが子供たちにもヒットして、『555』では変身ベルトなどアイテムも人気でした。『アギト』もミステリー仕立てのストーリーでしたし、仮面ライダーは内容が難しくても作品が成り立つんです。『ドンブラザーズ』は平成仮面 ライダーのように複雑な部分がありますね。
Takebe: I try to make Sentai bright and easy to understand for children. Kamen Rider has a slightly more mature image. "Ryuki" and "555/Faiz" are difficult stories and have heavy content, but they were a hit with children, and items such as transformation belts were popular for "555". "Agito" also had a mystery storyline, and Kamen Rider works even if the content is difficult to follow. "Don Brothers" has complex parts like the Heisei Kamen Riders.
Interviewer: How was the setting and plot of "Geats" cemented?
Takebe: The first thing we decided was to break away from collectible items such as medals and stamps. We discussed with Ishimori Productions and Bandai to create ideas for this. There are several types of buckles out there, but we are thinking of a different approach than the one we have used in the past, which is to sell products by having them appear in large numbers.
Interviewer: What kind of orders did you give for belts and other items?
「子供が遊ぶものなので、ベルトはできるだけ大きくしないでほしい」とお願いしたのですが、結果的にデザイアドライバーは色々な機能を重視して大きくなってしまいましたね (笑)。同じような理由で「バックルをどんどん拡張しすぎないように」とも提案しました。
Takebe: I asked them not to make the belt too big because it is for children to play with, but in the end, the Desire Driver has become larger because of its various functions (laughs). For the same reason, I also suggested, “Don't keep expanding the buckle too much”.
—キツネというモチーフはどのように決 まったのでしょうか?
Interviewer: How was the fox motif decided upon?
デザイン会議で「お面」をモチーフにすることが決まりまして、どんなお面にするかを考えていると、白倉が「わかりやすく、お面ならキツネ!」と提案したんです。白倉はだいたい主役のデザイン立ち上げまでは会議に参加するんですよ。一方、石森プロの田嶋 (秀樹) さんからは「『フォーゼ』以来、久しぶりの白いライダーをやりたい」というご提案もありました。デザインを担当するプレックスさんや造形のブレンドマスターさんの力もあって、ものすごくカッコ良いデザインになったと思います。仮面ライダーは放送前にデザインが発表されると「変なデザイン」と言われて、放送が進むうちにカッコ良く見えてくる時もあるのですが、ギーツのデザインは公開時から皆さんに「カッコ良い」と受け入れていただけましたね (笑)。
Takebe: At a design meeting, it was decided to use "masks" as a motif, and when we were thinking about what kind of masks to use, Shirakura suggested, “For a simple mask, a fox!” Shirakura usually participates in meetings until the design of the main character is completed. On the other hand, Tajima Hideki of Ishimori Productions suggested that we should do a white rider for the first time since Fourze. I think it turned out to be a very cool design, thanks to the help of Plex, who is in charge of the design, and Blendmaster, who is in charge of the sculpting. When the design of a Kamen Rider is announced before the broadcast, it is sometimes called a "strange design," but as the broadcast progresses, it begins to look cool, but Geats's design was accepted as "cool" by everyone from the beginning (laughs).
Interviewer: It is also interesting that the impression of Geats changes depending on whether the mask is viewed from the front or from the side.
Takebe: The design looks like a fox, but if you hide the outside of the ears on both ends, it is a Kamen Rider-like design, and when viewed from the side, it has a pointed nose line that is typical of foxes. In the action scenes, the design is used in many places to create close-ups of the face with a "bang". The mask can be split into an upper and lower section at the jaw, which is a different structure from previous suits, but thanks to Blendmaster's technical skill, it works well.
Interviewer: It is also rare these days to find a main Rider who mainly uses guns.
その設定も白倉が「いつも剣だから銃!」と言い残して去っていきました (笑)。今回アクション監督を務めていただいている藤田慧君や、ギーツのスーツアクターの中田裕士君がすごいアクションをやってくれて、新しさを出しています。スーツアクターを中田君に決めたのは、「彼の身体能力を活かしたい」と藤田アクション監督から推薦があったからです。中田君とは『手裏剣戦隊ニンニンジャー』のアオニンジャーでご一緒して、『RIDER TIME シノビ』、『RIDER TIME 龍騎』でも主役ライダーを担当していただいたので、安心してお任せしました。
Takebe: Shirakura said, “It's always a sword, so let's use a gun this time!” (laughs). Fujita Satoshi, the action director for this film, and Nakata Yuji, the suit actor for Geats, did amazing actions, which gave the show a new look. We chose Nakata as our suit actor because Action Director Fujita recommended him to us, saying “We want to make the most out of his physical abilities”. I had worked with Nakata on "Shuriken Sentai Ninninger" as Aoninger, and he was the lead rider in "RIDER TIME Shinobi" and "RIDER TIME Ryuki," so I felt comfortable leaving him in charge.
Interviewer: Why did you appoint Fujita Satoshi as action director?
藤田君も「ニンニンジャー」などで一緒にやっていました。本作のメイン監督の中澤 (祥次郎) 監督も藤田君のCMの仕事などを見て、彼のアクションの組み立て方や、お芝居に基づいたアプローチの仕方を評価していました。中澤監督とも『キバ』以来「ドンブラザーズ」まで何度もご一緒した方ですので、『久しぶりに仮面ライダーをガッツリやりませんか?』とお誘いしました。中澤監督の画 (え) 作りの発想やバランスの良さは、非常に見事だと思います。
Takebe: Fujita-kun has worked with me on "Ninninger" and other projects. The main director of this film, Nakazawa Shojiro, had also seen Fujita-kun's work in commercials and appreciated the way he constructed the action and his acting-based approach. I had worked with Director Nakazawa many times since "Kiva" up to "Don Brothers," so I asked him, “Would you like to work on Kamen Rider for the first time in a while?”. I think that Director Nakazawa's ideas and balance in creating pictures are very impressive.
Interviewer: The battle royale setting of this show gives the impression of being more brutal than recent works. How did you come up with this setting?
バトルロワイヤルと言っても「龍騎」のような仮面ライダー同士の戦いではなく、参加者がゴールを目指しながら次第に脱落していくゲームです。ですから、それほど殺伐した印象ではなく、今の子供たちが遊んでいるゲームに近い感覚だと思います。映画 「バトルロワイヤル」のヒットがあって「龍騎」が生まれたように、TVドラマ「イカゲーム」の影響を受けて「ギーツ」がある、ということはありますね。 ただ、生き残りゲーム作品を作っているわけではないので、「仮面ライダー」にどう味付けるかといったアプローチになります。「次の展開が気になる!」というのを大事にしたいです。
Takebe: Although it is a battle royale, it is not a battle between Kamen Riders like in "Ryuki," but a game in which participants gradually drop out as they aim for the goal. Therefore, it does not seem so cutthroat, but more like the games that children are playing today. Just as the movie "Battle Royale" was a hit and "Ryuki" was born, the TV drama "Squid Game" influenced "Geats". However, since we are not making a survival game, our main concern will be how to add flavor to "Kamen Rider". I want to keep the audience wondering what will happen next! I want to cherish that feeling.
Interviewer: How did you come to appoint Takahashi Yuya as the scriptwriter?
Takebe: I had a chance to meet Takahashi-san on another job, and at that time it was decided that I would be in charge of Kamen Rider, so I asked him, “Do you want to go back to Kamen Rider?”. While Yuya-san was considering the project, I decided on the basic plan for "Geats," and when I told him again, he agreed to write the script, saying, “Since I'm taking on the project, I want to write it all myself”. Takahashi-san is the kind of person who writes a script as soon as the plot is decided, and he wrote about 10 drafts of the first two episodes through trial and error.
Interviewer: What was the deciding factor in choosing Kan Hideyoshi for the role of Ukiyo Ace?
Takebe: It's the impact of his presence, including his appearance. When he auditioned for the Super Sentai series in the past, his face and presence were impressive and memorable. Because of Covid and the ongoing international conflicts, I thought that Ukiyo Ace needed to have a powerful presence as a charismatic figure that everyone would want to follow, so I decided on him for the role because of his strong impact.
Interviewer: Please also tell us about Sato Ryuga, who plays the role of Sakurai Keiwa.
佐藤君は、これまでは音楽活動をしていて、オーディションに参加するのも初めてだったようです。何度もオーディションに参加する役者さんが多い中で、彼のような新人が最終審査まで上がってくるというのも仮面ライダーのオーディションの面白いところですね。佐藤君の成長次第でこの作品が成功するかどうかが決まると言えるくらい比重が大きいので、彼に期待しています。桜井景和というキャラクターは、視聴者と同じ 目線で物語を見る存在なんです。英寿のようなキャラクターだけでは、物語を描くのが難しいですからね。今回は例年のような1号ライダー、2号ライダー、3号ライダー.....という呼び方を公式にはしていません。タイクーンだけは「2号」ですが、それ以外はナーゴ=「ヒロイン」、バッファ= 「ライ バル」と呼んでいます。
Takebe: Sato-kun had been active in music and this was his first time participating in an audition. While there are actors who participate in auditions many times, it is an interesting aspect of Kamen Rider that newcomers like him often make it to the final round of auditions. I have high expectations for him, as his growth will determine the success of this production. The character of Sakurai Keiwa sees the story from the same perspective as the viewer. It is difficult to depict a story with only a character like Ace. This time, we are not officially calling them "Rider No.1, Rider No.2, Rider No.3"... as we have done in previous years. Only Tycoon is "No. 2," but the rest are referred to as "Heroine" = Naago and "Rival" = Buffa.
Interviewer: How was Mokudai Kazuto chosen to play the role of Azuma Michinaga?
Takebe: Mokudai-kun, like Sato-kun, was also a musician, but he had appeared in "Love and Wolves Can't Fool You" and a few other dramas and had experience. The deciding factor for him is his presence, which is hard to believe for an 18-year-old. Michinaga was originally set to be about 2 years older than the other main characters. However, when Mokudai-kun was chosen for the role, the character was slightly modified to add a youthful and human touch.
Interviewer: What do you think of Hoshino Yuna, who plays the heroine and female Kamen Rider Kurama Neon?
彼女は既にタレントとして仕事をしているのですが、プロフィールには「夢は大女優」と書いてあってお芝居に対する意欲も感じられました。実際にすごい登録者数を持っている YouTuberなので祢音の設定にも合っていますね。令和になってからの仮面ライダーでは女性ライダーが一般的になりましたが、男まさりの「戦う女子」が多かったので、祢音はフワフワのフレアスカートで変身するような女の子ライダーにしようと思っています。そういう普通の女の子にも、ある日突然ベルトとIDコアが届けられて仮面ライダーになれるところが、「ギーツ」の面白さでもあります。
Takebe: She is already working as a talent, but her profile says "my dream is to be a great actress" and I could sense her ambition for acting. She is a YouTuber who actually has a great number of subscribers, so it fits Neon's setting. Since the Reiwa era, female riders have become more common in Kamen Rider, but most of them were "fighting girls" who acted like men, so I thought of making Neon a girl rider who transforms in a fluffy, flared skirt. The interesting thing about "Geats" is that even such an ordinary girl can suddenly receive a belt and ID core one day and become a Kamen Rider.
—ツムリ役の青島心さんは「絶狼 Interviewer: Aoshima Kokoro, who plays Tsumuri, also appeared in "Garo ZERO -DRAGON BLOOD-".
Takebe: At the time, she was younger then than she is now, but she had a strong theatrical performance. Maybe a dark character or the enemy side would suit her, but I want Tsumuri to be as bright and open-minded as possible.
Interviewer: Why was Oshinari Shugo cast in a veteran role?
ギロリはコンシェルジュという設定ですので、ホテルのコンシェルジュのイメージで忍成さんをキャスティングしました。でも、これから何かあるかもしれません (笑)。
Takebe: Girori is a concierge, so I cast Oshinari-san with the image of a hotel concierge in mind. But there may be something more to come (laughs).
—「仮面ライダーリバイス」では「家族」がテーマでしたが、 「ギーツ」で武部さんが表現したいことや、やりたいことはなんですか?
Interviewer: The theme of "Kamen Rider Revise" was "family." What do you want to express or do in "Geats"?
まずは「叶えたい願い」がテーマです。 そ れぞれバラバラの方向を向いているので、どの願いが正しいかがわかりません。でもそれが人間なんです。その上で、作品としての大きなテーマは、物語が進むごとに段々わかってくると思います。1話のサブタイトルには「黎明F」と付いています。このFは「ファイナル」という意味で、第2話以降のサブタイトルには「邂逅Ⅰ」「邂逅II」.....と続きます。「邂逅」編が終わり次に続いていくことで、物語が次第に広がっていくところも見どころですね。それから 『ギーツ』で挑戦したい要素としては「短く見ても面白い」ことです。仮面ライダーは1年間続く物語ですが、 途中の数話だけ見ても「今はこのゲームのこの段階で、このキャラクターが脱落したんだな」とわかるような構造にすることで、短くてもわかりやすくて満足できるように考えています。もちろん短くても面白くて、長く見ることで大きな物語になっていくのがテーマです。
Takebe: The first theme is "wishes to be fulfilled". Since they are all facing in different directions, it is hard to know which wish is the right one. But that is human nature. The subtitle of the first episode is "Reimei F," which means "Final", and the subtitles after the second episode are "Encounter I," "Encounter II, etc"... The highlight is that the story gradually expands as the "Encounter" arc ends and continues on to the next. Another element I want to challenge in "Geats" is to make it interesting even when viewed in short bursts. Kamen Rider is a story that lasts for a year, but even if you watch only a few episodes in the middle of the story, we are trying to create a structure that allows you to understand that "this character has now dropped out at this stage of the game," so that even if the story is short, it is easy to understand and satisfying. Of course, the theme is that it is interesting even when it is short, and the longer you look at it, the bigger the story becomes.
Interviewer: Do you already have a plan for the last part of the project?
ほぼ決まっていますが、途中で展開が変わるのも仮面ライダーの面白さですからね。まだまだわかりません。キャストのみんなにも「次の展開はどうなるかわからないから頑張ってね!」と言っています (笑)。
Takebe: It's almost decided, but it's also interesting to see how things develop during the course of a Kamen Rider. We still don't know what will happen next. I also say to the cast, "You never know what will happen next, so keep up the good work! (laughs).
Interviewer: What are some of the challenges unique to Geats?
「怪人が出てきて、倒しておしまい」ではなく、毎回ゲームの設定があるので、それを考えるのが大変です。それから、どのキャラクターが、どのバックルを持っているのかを各話の監督さんで共有するのも大変です ね。それをわかりやすくするため台本の最後のページに現在の状況を図解にして掲載しているんですよ。「鎧武/ガイム」ではライダー同士による鎧の交換はあまりやりませんでしたが、「ギーツ」ではアーマーを積極的に交換するので楽しみにしていてください。
Takebe: It's not just "a monster comes out and is defeated." There is a game set up for each episode, so it's hard to think about that. It is also difficult to share with the director which character has which buckle in each episode. In order to make it easier to understand, we have included an illustration of the current situation on the last page of the script. In "Gaim," there was not much armor exchange between the Riders, but in "Geats," armor is actively exchanged, so please look forward to it.
Interviewer: As a producer who has been involved with "Kamen Rider" for a long time, do you have any thoughts when you look back on your past works?
仮面ライダーには『アギト』から関わってきましたが、このときは3人の仮面ライダーが登場して驚かれました。ところが次の『龍騎』では13人となり、女性ライダーやライバルライダーも登場しました。最近では多人数ライダーも女性や敵のライダーも一般的になったので、今思えば『龍騎』はエポックメイキング的な作品だったと思います。また 『龍騎』で「イケメン」のキャストたちも注目されましたが、それでも当時は今のよう に芸能事務所さんも積極的ではなく、オーディションにもそれほど人が集まらなかった んですよ。オファーをしても「特撮の芝居をするとクセがつく」と何社からも断られていたんです。ところが、『電王』くらいからティーン向け雑誌の表紙に仮面ライダー出身の役者が載るようになり、今ではほとんどの雑誌がライダー出身俳優ということもありますからね。最近では事務所さんに「仮面ライダーのキャスティングで役者さんにお会いしたいです」というと、快く会わせていただけるようになりました。 本当に良い時代になりましたね (笑)。
Takebe: I have been involved with Kamen Rider since "Agito", which was a surprise to me because there were three Kamen Riders in the series. However, in the next "Ryuki", there were 13 Riders, including female riders and rival riders. Nowadays, it is common to have multiple riders, women, and enemy riders, so looking back, I think "Ryuki" was an epoch-making work. Also, "Ryuki" drew attention with its "handsome" cast, but even so, entertainment agencies were not as aggressive back then as they are now, and auditions did not attract many people. Even when I made offers, many companies turned me down, saying, "Acting in tokusatsu gives you quirks". However, from around the time of "Den-O'', actors from Kamen Rider began to appear on the covers of teen magazines, and now almost all magazines feature actors from Rider. Recently, when I ask an agency, "I would like to meet an actor for Kamen Rider casting," they are willing to meet me. It really is a good time (laughs).
Interviewer: You mentioned that the theme of "Geats" is the wishes of the characters.
先ほど話したように『龍騎』で多人数ライダーが登場し、『電王』でキャストの人気も高まりました。また『鎧武/ガイム』ではVシネクストなどのスピンオフ作品も定番化したりと、これまでも節目となる作品がありました。そのような作品のように今回の「ギーツ」でも何か新しいムーブメントを起こしたいと思っています。最近では仮面ライダーは「敵組織」「敵ライダー」「主人公側キャラの闇落ち」など徐々にパターン化してきましたが、本当は仮面ライダーは 「なんでもあり」のシリーズだったと思うんですよ。『ギーツ』では願いによって世界を変えるお話しですが、この作品によって仮面ライダーの世界を変えたいと思っています。 仮面ライダーでムーブメントを起こすことで、特撮作 品全体も変えることができると思っているので。
Takebe: As we discussed earlier, "Ryuki" introduced multiple riders and the popularity of the cast increased with "Den-O". There have also been milestone productions, such as the V-Cinext spin-offs that became a staple with "Gaim". Like such works, I would like to create a new movement with "Geats". Recently, Kamen Rider has gradually become a pattern of "enemy organizations," "enemy riders," and "characters on the hero's side falling into darkness," but I think that Kamen Rider was really a series where anything goes. In "Geats," the story is about changing the world through a wish, and I would like to change the world of Kamen Rider through this work. I believe that by creating a movement with Kamen Rider, we can change the entire tokusatsu genre.
Interviewer: Please tell the readers about the future highlights of the show.
Takebe: "Kamen Rider Geats" is a work in which the development of the story changes one after another. The world suddenly changed in the first episode, but please look forward to how the world of "Geats" will change in the future.