Hoshino Yuna interview from Uchusen 179

Kurama Neon, a young lady and influencer in a modern setting, transforms into Kamen Rider Naago.

Hoshino Yuna, who plays the role, is also a popular YouTuber herself.

She talked about the filming of some episodes.

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Interviewer: Do you remember your audition?

オーディション自体を受けたことが少なかったのでとても緊張していましたが、素の自分を見ていただくため、ありのままの自分で演技しました。「お嬢様感を強く出してほしい」と言われた場面では、私だけ床に寝転がって台詞を言ったんですよ。その場では「お嬢様なのに床に寝転ぶのね……!」と言われてしまったんですけど、結果的にそれが印象に残って選んでいただいたのかもしれません (笑)。

Yuna: I was very nervous because I hadn’t had many auditions before, but I acted as I was so that people could see me as I was. In the scene where they asked me to "give a strong sense of a young lady," I was the only one lying on the floor to say the lines. At that time, I was told, “You’re lying on the floor even though you are a young lady...!” But in the end, that may have left an impression on them and they chose me (laughs).


Interviewer: Did you do any characters other than Neon during the audition?

オーディション用の台本には「お嬢様」と「ナビゲーター」らしきキャラクターがあって、私も司会者っぽく「ゲームが始まりますよ~!」みたいな台詞を言ったのを覚えています。(青島) 心ちゃんはその時からナビゲーター役に馴染んでいましたね。

Yuna: The audition script had characters that seemed like a "lady" and a "navigator," and I remember saying something like, “The game is about to begin~!”. Kokoro-chan was already comfortable in the role of navigator at that time.


Interviewer: Have you ever watched the Kamen Rider series before?

子供の頃はプリキュアの方が好きでしたが、私はお兄ちゃんが2人いるので、仮面ライダーも兄たちと一緒に見ていました。一緒に仮面ライダーごっこもやりましたし、逆に私のプリキュアごっこに付き合ってもらったり (笑)。家には変身ベルトや、武器の玩具がありましたし、フィギュアもたくさんありました。だから仮面ライダー役が決まった時は家族全員がすごく喜んでくれました。

Yuna: When I was a kid, I liked PreCure more, but I have two older brothers, so I used to watch Kamen Rider with them. We would play Kamen Rider together, and they would even play PreCure with me (laughs). We had transformation belts, weapon toys, and many figures at home. So when I was chosen to play the role of Kamen Rider, my whole family was very happy.


Interviewer: What kind of impression did you receive from this work "Kamen Rider Geats"?


Yuna: I haven’t seen all Kamen Riders, but from what I have learned from others around me and from my own research, it seems in this show there are many firsts for Kamen Rider, such as "the heroine transforms from the beginning" and "many riders appear from the first episode". I am happy to have been able to participate in a work that is full of firsts even for a series with such a long history.


Interviewer: How did you feel about the game setting of saving the world?


Yuna: I like battle royale type games and shooting games, so I was immediately comfortable with the game-like setting. But it is interesting to see a young lady fight in that world.


Interviewer: In an interview in the previous issue, producer Takebe Naomi said, "I wanted Neon to be a female rider who fights in a fluffy flared skirt."


Yuna: Until now, there have been many female riders who are all cool from the outside. Neon-chan is cute in her transformation poses and the clothes she wears, and she changes her hair and makeup every time. When such a girl became a Kamen Rider, her self-centered personality became able to see the world around her. I myself am inspired seeing a young lady fighting with such enthusiasm.


Interviewer: I heard that you were told at the audition that you weren’t very lady-like. How did you create the role of a young lady?

第1、2話のホン読みのときに、中澤 (祥次郎)監督たちと設定のすり合わせをしましたが、どうすればお嬢様らしくなるかがわからなかったんですよ。祢音ちゃんのように「お嬢様で、有名インフルエンサー」という存在は身近にいないし、参考になりそうなキャラクターも見たことがありませんでしたから、自分なりの想像で、第1話ではファンの方に声をかけられた時に、ちゃんと目を見て話し、呼ばれた時にきちんと返事をするような、ちょっとした仕草で「礼儀正しく育てられた」ことを表現したんです。今では役に馴染んで「祢音ちゃんだったらこうする」と、だんだんわかるようになってきました。

Yuna: During the preliminary reading of the first and second episodes, I had a meeting with Director Nakazawa and his team to discuss the setting, but I couldn't figure out how to make her more ladylike. I don’t know anyone like Neon, who is "a young lady and a famous influencer," and I had never seen a character I could use as a reference. I used little gestures to show that she had been raised to be polite. Now that I am more familiar with the role, I’ve gradually started to think “Neon would do this”.


Interviewer: Hoshino-san, you’re a streamer yourself and have many subscribers.

でもファンが一千万人以上いる祢音ちゃんとはレベルが違いすぎますよ! (笑) 私はインドア派なので、配信でも外に出ることがないですし。だから外でファンサ (ファンサービス) をしながら撮影する経験もなくて。「祢音ちゃんみたいに外で撮影をしたらファンの人たちと交流できるかも」 なんて考えました (笑)。

Yuna: But Neon-chan, who has over 10 million fans, is on a completely different level! (laughs) I’m an indoor person, so I don't go outside even when I’m streaming. So I have no experience in filming outside while doing fanservice. I thought, “If I shoot outside like Neon, I might be able to interact with my fans” (laughs).


Interviewer: What is your impression of Kamen Rider Naago, the character you transform into?

めちゃめちゃ可愛いですね! ゴールドが効いたデザインで、変身後もセレブらしさが感じられます。 最初にデザインを見たときは、後の展開を知らなかったので、なんで頭にヘッドフォンがついているのかが不思議だったんですよ。でもビートフォームになったので「コレか!」と納得しました。ナーゴは見た目だけじゃなく、(宮澤) 雪さんが演じる仕草も可愛いんです。現場でお会いしたときに「こんなに可愛く演じてくれてありがとうございます」と言ったら、雪さん自身も「こんなに可愛さに全振りしたライダーも珍しいから、演じていて楽しいよ」と仰っていました。雪さんの演技もすごく振り切った感じなので、私もついていけるようアフレコでは3トーンくらい上げてやっています。

Yuna: It's so cute! The gold-toned design gives it a celebrity look, even after the transformation. When I first saw the design, I didn't know what would happen later, so I was wondering why she had headphones on her head. But when Beat Form appeared, I understood, “This is it!”. Naago is cute not only in appearance, but also in her gestures, as played by Miyazawa Yuki-san. When I met her on set, I said, “Thank you for acting so cutely,” and Yuki-san said, “It's rare to see a Rider who is so totally devoted to cuteness, so it's fun to play her”. Yuki-san's performance is very energetic, so I try to keep up with her by raising my voice about three tones during dubbing.


Interviewer: I know this was your first experience with dubbing. Did you have any difficulties?

小さい頃にやった「ごっこ遊び」のおかげか、それほど苦戦しませんでした。 子供の頃に「一人劇場」というか、自分の中で物語を作ってプリキュアとかになりきってしゃべったりしていたんです (笑)。でも、普段は使わない 「ウッ」とか「ハッ!」みたいな戦うときの声は、レパートリーが少ないので、もっと勉強したいです。

Yuna: I didn't struggle too much, probably because of the "pretend" games I played when I was little. When I was a child, I used to make up my own "one-man theater" stories and pretend to be a PreCure or something (laughs). However, I didn't usually use "guh!" or "hah!", so I would like to learn more about fighting voices, because I don't have much of a repertoire.


Interviewer: How did you decide on the transformation pose?

私はアクション監督の藤田 (慧) さんや雪さんと話し合って決めました。みんなで案を出した中で、私は「にゃん」のポーズを入れたいとリクエストしました。

Yuna: I decided on it after discussing it with the action director, Fujita Satoshi-san and Yuki-san. We all came up with ideas, and I requested to include a "nyan" pose.


Interviewer: It's a cute transformation pose that has become a hot topic among fans.

祢音ちゃんの変身シーンは1人だけ「へ~んしん!」って、みんなと合わせていないんです (笑)。放送後にSNSをみると「変身シーンが可愛い」と言ってくれている方が多くて嬉しかったです。でも今後、緊迫したシーンがあったら、その時もあの変身ポーズをするのかは疑問ですね (笑)。

Yuna: Neon-chan's transformation scene was out of sync with everyone else's, she was the only one who said, “Heeenshin!” (laughs). After the broadcast, I was happy to see that many people on social media said the transformation scene was cute. But I wonder if I will do that transformation pose again in the future when there are more tense scenes (laughs).


Interviewer: What are your impressions of Yuui Ryoko as the mother, Irumi, and Kasahara Shinji as the father, Kosei?

最初にお母さん役が遊井さんだと聞いた時は、以前に怖い役を演じられていたイメージが強くて、本当に怖い方かと思っていたんですよ。最初に共演する時は緊張して (APの) 瀧島 (南美)さんに「台詞間違えたら怒られますよね?」と聞いてしまったり。でも、実際の遊井さんは役と真逆で、すごく優しいんです。ギャグセンスも高くて、いつも現場の雰囲気を明るくしてくださいます。面白くて優しくて、スタイルが良くて綺麗で、欠点がない方です!

Yuna: When I first heard that Yuui-san was playing the role of the mother, I had a strong image of her having played scary roles before, and I thought she was a really scary person. When we first started working together, I was so nervous that I asked (assistant producer) Minami-san, “Will she get angry if I make a mistake in the dialogue?” But in real life, Yuui-san is the complete opposite of her role; she is very kind. She has a great sense of humor and always lightens up the atmosphere on the set. She is funny, kind, stylish, beautiful, and flawless!


Interviewer: How did you film the scene where she slaps you?


Yuna: When I read the script, I thought I was really going to be hit, but in reality, we just made it look like I was hit. I fall down in accordance with Yuui-san's hand movements, but even at such times, Yuui-san makes it easy for me to act.


Interviewer: What kind of conversation did you have with Kasahara-san?

クールな印象だったので、そんなにお話をしたことはないのですが、たくさんお部屋のあるハウススタジオで撮影した時、笠原さんは一番奥の部屋に「俺はここで待機してるから」と一人で入って行かれたんです。その後、私やメイクさんたちが別の部屋にいると「なんか寂しい....」と入って来られて。クールな印象だったので、可愛らしい一面を見られてホッとしました (笑)。

Yuna: He seemed cool, so we never talked that much, but when we were shooting at a house studio with many rooms, Kasahara-san went into the innermost room by himself, saying, “I'll be waiting here”. Later, when the makeup artist and I were in another room, he came in saying, “I feel lonely…” I was relieved to see his cute side because he seemed so cool (laugh).


Interviewer: The two bodyguards chasing after Neon are also impressive.


Yuna: Ben and John are cute and I love them too. Geats has a lot of serious scenes, so I think it would be nice if you could laugh out loud in the scenes between Ben and John or Keiwa and his sister.


Interviewer: What are some of the most memorable scenes that have been broadcast so far?

初めて祢音ちゃんがメインだった4話です。その話で祢音ちゃんのバックボーンや家の事情が語られて、ただ明るいだけのインフルエンサーじゃないことがわかりました。意を固めてバトルに挑む姿勢など、いろいろな祢音ちゃんが見られるのも4話なんです。涙を流すシーンは、自分でも納得がいくお芝居ができたと思っていたら、撮影後に杉原 (輝昭) 監督から「思っていた以上のお芝居をしてくれてありがとう!」と言っていただけました。涙が出るほど嬉しかったので、4話はすごく思い出深いです。

Yuna: It’s episode 4 where Neon-chan was the main character for the first time. In that episode, Neon-chan's backstory and family situation were explained, and we learned that she is not just a cheerful influencer. Episode 4 is also the one where we get to see a lot more of Neon-chan, such as her determination and her attitude toward battles. In the scene where I shed tears, I thought that I was able to act in a way that I was satisfied with, but after filming, Director Sugihara said, “Thank you for acting better than I expected!”. I was so happy that I cried, so episode 4 is very memorable to me.


Interviewer: Hoshino-san, do you want Neon to become the Desire God?


Yuna: Since she wishes so strongly for "genuine love", I definitely hope she will become the Desire God and make her wish come true. But if they just become a smiling family, on the other hand, you might think, “The original mother was better”. Her mother is a scary person, but if her daughter was kidnapped in the past, I can understand why she would be tough on her. That's how strong her love is.

—現在公開中の『仮面ライダーギーツ×リバイス MOVIEバトルロワイヤル』の撮影現場はいかがでしたか?

Interviewer: How was it on the set of Kamen Rider Geats x Revice Movie Battle Royale, which is currently in theaters?

映画の現場では、ずっと『リバイス』のさくらちゃんと一緒でした。間近で (井本) 彩花さんのお芝居を見て「前後のシーンを考えてお芝居をする」ことなどが勉強になりました。以前の私にはできなかったことを吸収できたと思います。

Yuna: On the set of the movie, I was always with Sakura-chan from Revice. Watching Ayaka-san perform up close, I learned how to “think about the scene before and after performing”. I think I was able to absorb things that I couldn't do before.


Interviewer: What are the highlights of Neon in the movie?

さくらちゃんとクレープを食べる場面があるのですが、その場面が可愛いくて注目です。わざとやったわけではないんですけど、二人とも口元にクリームが付いちゃって (笑)。祢音ちゃんらしさが全開になっているので、ファンの皆さんはぜひ祢音ワールドを見に来てください!

Yuna: There is a scene where Sakura-chan and I eat crepes, and the scene is so cute that it deserves attention. I didn't do it on purpose, but both of us got cream on our lips (laughs). Neon-chan's personality is on full display in this scene, so please come and see Neon's world!


Interviewer: Finally, do you have a message for the fans of Geats?


Yuna: It is a work with a highly volatile worldview, with Kamen Riders appearing and leaving one after another. The viewers may wonder what will happen now that Girori is gone, but there is no telling what will happen in the future. Please continue to watch and enjoy!