Interview 3 (Yanagi Yurina) from Kamen Rider Para-DX with Poppy Official Mook ~ SELECT ▶ HEARTS ~
Yaotome Saiko, a guest character in "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Trilogy Another Ending," is a key figure in the trilogy. In particular, what did Yanagi Yurina have to deal with when playing the role of the brilliant female doctor who is closely involved with Parad, Poppy Pipopapo, and Dan Kuroto?
A "human" named Yaotome Saiko
The agency I belong to has many predecessors who were active in the Kamen Rider series and Super Sentai series, so when I made my debut, I auditioned for the role, but... I didn't have much luck. But this time, I was chosen to appear in all three of the "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid" V-Cinema movies, and I was filled with joy, thinking, "I'm going to be able to follow the path my seniors have taken!"
私が演じさせていただいたのは、八乙女紗衣子という女医。テレビ本編の1年間で組み上げられてきた登場人物の関係や設定が綴密で複雑であるだけに、ストーリーが濃厚で、台本を読み終えた時は「これは難しそう (悩)!」と途方に暮れてしまいました。本編を拝見したんですが、世界観の深さに驚かされまして。これを子どものうちから理解できたらすごい!と感心してしまったほど。
I played the role of a female doctor named Yaotome Saiko. The story is rich because the relationships and settings of the characters that have been built up over the year of the TV series are dense and complex. When I finished reading the script, I was at a loss, thinking "This is going to be difficult!". I watched the film and was amazed at the depth of the worldview. It would be amazing if children could understand this! I was so impressed.
まずはキャラクターの関係性を総ざらいし、専門用語を覚えることからスタートしました。ドクター役自体が初挑戦だったため、テクニカルな単語にも苦戦しましたが、なんといっても難題は、「バグスター」や「ゲムデウス」といった「エグゼイド」特有のカタカナ用語。イントネーションを勘違いしていた単語も多くて、毎回ドキドキしながら口にしていました。今まで出演した作品のなかで、一番セリフを覚えるのに時間がかかったかもしれません (苦笑)。
The first thing I did was to review the relationships between the characters and learn the technical terms. Since it was my first time playing the role of a doctor, I struggled with the technical words, but the most difficult part was the katakana terms unique to "Ex-Aid" such as "Bugster" and "Gemdeus". There were many words that I misunderstood the intonation of, so I was nervous every time I said them. It probably took me the longest time to memorize the lines out of all the movies I've appeared in (laughs).
But, of course, I was also excited to play the role. I was wearing the white coat that I had always dreamed of and had long hair for the first time since my debut. I was so happy to be able to be a different person, and I was so excited after the costume, hair and makeup were decided. Once the shooting started, just by wearing that costume, I was able to turn into Saiko.
八乙女紗衣子の中には"白紗衣子"と"黒紗衣子"がいて、白の時は白衣にベジュ系の服を着てメガネをかけますが、黒の時は黒いミニスカートに寒色系の服を合わせて、メガネは外します。ふたつの顔を演じ分けるうえでは、このメガネが非常に役に立ちました。メガネは鈴村監督のご趣味なのか (笑)、外すタイミングや外し方にとてもこだわっていらっしゃったんですよ。紗衣子がメガネを外す時は、本性を現す環間。注目してご覧ください。
Inside Yaotome Saiko, there's "White Saiko" and "Black Saiko". When she's white, she wears a white coat and beige clothes and glasses, but when she's black, she wears a black miniskirt and cold-colored clothes and takes off her glasses. The glasses were very useful for me to play the two different faces. Perhaps it was Director Suzumura's fetish (laughs), but he was very particular about when and how to take off the glasses. When Saiko takes off her glasses, she reveals her true nature. Please pay attention to it.
もうひとつの特徴にピンヒールがありますが、あれは衣裳合わせの日に私から提案させていただきました。自衣xミニ丈タイトスカートx黒いピンヒールって、カッコいいじゃないですか。実際は…現場に入って誤算が生じましたけど(笑)。私のクランクインは「パラドクスwithポッピー」でパラドをビンタするシーンでしたが、現場が芝生の上だったこともあって、とにかく歩きにくくて! 体の重みで芝生に埋まるんですよ。立っているだけで沈んでいくので、カメラに映らない時はなるべく板の上に立つようにしていました。何度か「ちゃんと歩いてね!」とNGが出ましたが、歩きたくても歩けないんです。ピンヒールには最後まで悩まされました (泣)。
Another feature of the outfit is the stiletto heels, which I suggested on the day of the costume fitting. I thought it would be cool to wear my own costume, a mini-length tight skirt, and black stiletto heels. In reality...there was a miscalculation when I arrived on the scene (laughs). My first shooting was the scene where I slapped Parad in "Para-DX with Poppy," but the scene was on grass, so it was hard to walk! The weight of my body would bury me in the grass. I would sink just standing there, so I tried to stand on the board as much as possible when I wasn't on camera. I was told several times, "Walk properly!" but I couldn't walk even if I wanted to. I was troubled by the heels until the end (crying).
Still, creating the visual personality was a fun process, but as I created the character, I felt sad. This is because Saiko's heart was filled with hatred and revenge against bugsters and game disease. And as she desperately studied medicine and poured her heart and soul into her research to use regenerative medicine for some deluded purpose, she ended up choosing a path that was not the right one… Saiko plays the role of a kind and dependable adult woman, but in reality, she is a girl who has not fully matured and cannot control her negative emotions. There is a part of her that is masterful, but there is also a part where her feelings don't keep up with her talent and her career, and she can't keep a balance.
Saiko's misfortune was that she met Dan Kuroto when she was struggling to carve out her own path in regenerative medicine while enduring loneliness. She sympathized with Kuroto's beliefs and his feelings for his parents (Dan Masamune and Dan Sakurako), which led her in the wrong direction. The hope she finally grasped is actually despair, and the beliefs that supported Saiko crumble away. I couldn't help but feel sad for Saiko's way of life. On the other hand, the more she loses her way, the more the warmth of everyone around her stands out. Everyone's feelings towards Saiko in "Genm VS Lazer" were very heart-warming.
Saiko and Kuroto
What I focused on when playing Saiko was how to show her duality between black and white. I paid particular attention to the way she changes, and to the quality of her voice when she loses her temper and turns black. I thought Saiko's name came from the word "psychopath," so I discussed with Director Suzumura how to create the impression of insanity and how to balance it.
クランクインから難関でしたけどねお! 芝居でビンタをするのは初めてでしたし、甲斐くんに何度も痛い思いをさせないように、NGを出すわけにもいきません。一発で決めるためには、ビンタに至るまでの感情を必死で湧き上がらせなくてはなりませんでした。結局、OKが出た後もアングルを替えて撮る必要があったので、一発ではすまなかったんですけど (苦笑)。
It was a challenge from the start, though! It was my first time slapping someone in a play, and I didn't want to get a No Good so Kai-kun wouldn't have to feel pain again and again. In order to wrap the scene in one shot, I had to desperately try to bring up the emotions leading up to the slap. In the end, I had to change the angle of the shot even after I got the OK, so I didn't get off with just one shot (laughs).
大我を除くほぼ全員と関わる紗衣子ですが、彼女にはもうひとつ設定がありまして。それは、全員に色気を武器に迫ること (笑)。食事に誘うことをロ実に飛彩を口説こうとしたり、貴利矢のあごに触れたり、ポッピーの口にサクランボをねじ込み……と、いろいろやらせていただきました。鈴村監督の指導がベースにありましたが、パラドに触れるシーンだけは別で。あれは受け身を演じるはずの甲斐くんが「こういう感じじゃないですか?」と指の動きを教えてくれたんですよ。
Saiko is involved with almost everyone except for Taiga, but she has one more setting. That is, she uses her sex appeal as a weapon to press everyone (laughs). She tried to seduce Hiiro by asking him out to dinner, touched Kiriya's chin, screwed a cherry into Poppy's mouth, and so on… she did various things. It was all based on Director Suzumura's guidance, except for the scene where she touches Parad. Kai-kun, who was supposed to play the passive role, said, "Isn't it supposed to be like this?" He showed me how to move my fingers.
甲斐くんは撮影当時19歳だったのに…年上として、ちょっとした衝撃でした (笑)。そしてメインキャラクターひとりひとりと絡むなかで特に注意深く演じた相手が、貴利矢です。最初は同じ聖都大学附属病院の医師として対応していましたが、カンのいい貴利矢は紗衣子の真実に迫っていくので、「この人にはバレているかもしれない」という気持ちをもって演じていきました。
Kai-kun was 19 years old at the time of filming... As an older person, I was a bit shocked (laughs). And while I was involved with each of the main characters, the person I treated especially carefully was Kiriya. At first, I dealt with him as a doctor from the same hospital, but since the intuitive Kiriya was getting closer to the truth about Saiko, I treated him with the feeling that he might know the truth.
「ゲンムVSレーザー」の台本をいただいたのは、「ブレイブ&スナイプ」と「パラドクスwithポッピー」を撮り終えた後だったので、結末にビックリしてしまって。絶望した紗衣子はこんなふうになっていくのか…と。しかも最初は眼中にないと思っていた貴利矢が関わってくるので、今後このふたりはどんな関係になるんだろう? と思わされたり(笑)。どんなに驚きの展開だったとしてもキャラクターの整合性は保たなければなりませんから、最後まで"紗衣子らしく"を心がけました。彼女のラストシーンはうまくできるか、ドキドキだったんですけど… (笑)。
I received the script for "Genm VS Laser" after I had finished filming "Brave & Snipe" and "Para-DX with Poppy", so I was surprised by the ending. I was wondering how Saiko, who was in a state of despair, would turn out... Moreover, since Kiriya, who I thought was out of her league at first, became involved, I wondered what kind of relationship they would have in the future. No matter how surprising the turn of events, I had to maintain the integrity of the character, so I tried to be "Saiko-like" until the end. I was nervous about whether I could pull off her last scene, but... (laughs).
3作通して一番苦労したのは、黎斗との結みです。出達いのエピソードまでは描かれていなかったので、紗衣子はどこまで彼のワールドに慣れているのか、どのテンションで対応すればいいのかを、早い段階で鈴村監督に相談しました。現場では、岩永さんのお芝居に驚きっぱなしだったんですけどね。本番中に急に奇声を発するお芝居をするので、どんな反応を見せればいいのかわからなくて (笑)! 鈴村監督からは「いつものことだから気にしないで」と言われたものの、衝撃を隠すことができず…。
The most difficult part for me throughout the three films was the connection with Kuroto. Since their first encounter was not depicted, I consulted with Director Suzumura early on to find out how far Saiko was accustomed to his world and what tension she could handle. On set, I was constantly surprised by Iwanaga-san's acting. He would suddenly make strange noises during the performance, and I didn't know how to react (laughs)! Director Suzumura told me "Don't worry about it, it happens all the time", but I couldn't hide my shock...
笑ったり驚いたりして、NGを出してしまったこともありました (笑)。さらに驚いたのは、完成映像で黎斗を見た時でしたが。あれほど強烈な印象の彼が、とても深いキャラクターに見えたんです。おもしろくて、実はわかりやすくて、そして憎めない。奇怪な部分を前面に出しつつも、傷を負った一面が見え隠れしていたので、素敵なお芝居だと思いました。
Sometimes I laughed and was surprised so much I got a No Good (laughs). What surprised me even more was when I saw Kuroto in the finished video. He had such a strong impression, but he seemed to be a very deep character. He is interesting, easy to understand, and hard to hate. I thought it was a wonderful play because it brought out the bizarre side of him, but also revealed his wounded side.
The scenes featuring Saiko and Kuroto in "Para-DX with Poppy" are interesting in terms of both content and art. They don't have many opportunities to talk to each other. However, the game of whether they have the same interests or not is going on at the very edge of the line that both adults and children can enjoy, and Parad and Poppy's lines, which can be called the foundation of the story, are released one after another. At first glance, the lines may seem over the top, but they resonate with adults as well. The exchange of lives between humans and bugsters is the reason for this development, and I was drawn into the story as I performed it.
In "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid"
I was very nervous about stepping into the world of the story that the cast and staff of "Ex-Aid" had been working on for a year with all their hearts and souls. As I was creating the role, I sometimes found it difficult, as I was thinking that I didn't want to destroy that world and that I wanted to add something good to it. However, once I got on set, I was able to get into Saiko's character very easily. Even though I had to create the character from scratch, Director Suzumura consulted with me for each scene, and I felt a great sense of security knowing that the foundation of the film was already in place. Also, as I felt when watching the video, there was a sense of fun and playfulness sprinkled throughout.
たとえばポッピーの着せ替えシーン! 台本には書かれていないお芝居がたくさんあるんです。「ポッピーの衣裳を見た紗衣子のリアクションを撮ります」と言われた時は「どういうこと」と焦ったものの、ポッピーにノせられてちょっと楽しんでいる紗衣子には人間味が垣間見られると思うので、注目していただけるとうれしいです。医療を描く深刻なストーリーのなかで、そういった遊びがあると親近感がわいて、世界観に入り込みやすくなりますものね。難しい医療用語が多い役だけに、ホッと一息つけるシーンに関われてよかったです。
For example, Poppy's dress-up scene! There are many actions that weren't written in the script. When I was told, "We're going to film Saiko's reaction when she sees Poppy's costume," I panicked and wondered what to do, but I think you'll get a glimpse of Saiko's humanity as she's having a little fun with Poppy, so I hope you'll pay attention. In a serious story about medical treatment, such playfulness makes it easier to feel close to the character and get into the worldview. I'm glad that I was able to be involved in a scene where I could take a breather from the many difficult medical terms used in the role.
ひとつ心残りなのは、ラヴリカと縁がなかったこと。紗衣子とラヴリカを絡ませたら絶対におもしろかったはずなのに (笑)! 誰かがツッコミを入れてくれないと収拾がつかないくらい、危険なやりとりが見られると思うので…未公開映像や告知動画で演じてみたかったです (笑)。
One thing I regret is that there was no connection with Lovelica. It would have definitely been interesting to have Saiko and Lovelica interact (laughs)! I'm sure there would've been some dangerous exchanges that we wouldn't be able to contain without someone giving us a tsukkomi... I wish I could have played it in an unreleased video or in an announcement video (laughs).
私は特撮作品が初体験だったので、CGが加わった映像もたっぷり楽しませていただきました。現場で見ていたスーツアクターさんのアクションは迫力満点でしたが、そこにCGや音が加わるとさらにバワーアップするんですね自分が関わったシーンも臨場感たっぷりに仕上がっていました。「パラドクスwithポッピー」の爆発シーンで、みんなは退避していたんですが、私は一緒に映る必要があったので、すぐ近くで爆発しているなか、耳栓をして立っていたんですよ。怖くて心臓がバクバク鳴っていましたが、貴重な体験でした。ほとんどのシーンで「え、こうなるの!?」「えええ!!」と驚きの声をあげっぱなしになりながら、完成映像を見ていたんです (笑)。
This was my first experience with special effects, so I was able to enjoy a lot of images with the addition of CG. The action of the suit actors that I saw on set was very impressive, but when CG and sound are added to it, it becomes even more powerful.
キャストの皆さんとはすぐに仲よくなれました。輪が出来上がっているイメージがありましたし、紗衣子のキャラクター的にも皆さんの中に入っていくのは難しいのかなと思っていたんですけど、そんな心配は無用でした。みんなが激辛スナックを食べるのに盛り上がっていた時があったんですが、輪の外で微笑ましく見守っていた私にも「食べてないでしょ?」とスナックが回ってきて… (笑)。岩永さんのお誕生日もみんなと一緒にケーキを食べて、お祝いできました。「エグゼイド」ファミリーに入れたかな、とうれしかったです。
I was able to get along with the cast members right away. I had an image of a tight-knit circle, and I thought it would be difficult for Saiko's character to fit in with everyone, but I didn't have to worry about that. There was a time when everyone was getting excited about eating hot snacks, and I was smiling outside the circle, and someone asked me, "You haven't eaten, have you?" and handed me a snack (laughs). We also celebrated Iwanaga-san's birthday by eating a cake together. I was so happy to be a part of the "Ex-Aid" family.
そんなあたたかい現場で、多くの方に愛されてきた「エグゼイド」の新鮮なスパイスになりたいと思いながら、八乙女紗衣子を演じさせていただきました。謎をもって登場するキャラクターでもありますから、興味をもっていただけたら本望です。何よりこのVシネマで描かれた三つの人間ドラマは、感動あり、お色気あり(笑) の濃い内容になっていると思います。大人が見てもハッとさせられるような想いや言葉がたくさん詰まっているので、それを愛け取っていただき、たくさん暖収してください。
I played the role of Yaotome Saiko in such a warm environment, hoping to be a fresh spice to the "Ex-Aid" that has been loved by many people. She is also a character with an aura of mystery, so I really hope that people will be interested in her. Above all, I believe that the three human dramas depicted in this V-Cinemas are rich with emotion and sexiness (laughs). Even if you are an adult, there are many thoughts and words in this film that will make you laugh, so I hope you will love it and warm up to it.